Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is There a Problem with Restructured Water?

Every now and then I get a call from a potential client asking about the side effects of drinking restructured ionized water. I've instructed my alkaline specialists to always ask clients where they heard about the perceived problem and it's almost always from one competitor.

So let's look at water for a moment.
We've all been taught that water is H2O, right?


That still water glass you're looking at is a seething mass of molecular permutations of two elements; Hydrogen and Oxygen. These include; H, O, H2O, HO, and OH-.

Even though your water looks still, it's actually undergoing billions of exchanges of ions all the time. Since I began writing, the glass of water by my computer has experienced 8,567,421 molecular changes! How do I know? I counted them!

So whether you drink tap water, ditch water or alkaline water, you still get all these permutations of oxygen and hydrogen. it's just that when you drink ionized water, you get more of the good one; OH-.

I posted a new article about this water a couple of weeks ago and many people downloaded and commented on it, so here it is again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.