Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A serious article about a Cancer Pioneer

This rather long video is only going to be viewed if you are seriously wanting to learn about this doctor's alternative cancer treatment.
Here's the article introducing it.

Next time you think about a Big Mac...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weight Loss program using alkaline ionized water?

Amazing. This lady has taken alkaline ionized water and created  awhole new way of weight loss. The video shows a weight loss result of 19" in an hour.
Check it here

Friday, June 3, 2011

New York, New York! You are doing it right!

New York has seen red on the use of food stamps used to buy soda drinks, but there will be quite a tough reaction from the kids on the street who actually believe sodas are good for you. I suppose you could look at it as discriminatory, but there's a mountain of evidence that links lower socio-economics with poor food choices. 
Here's the news

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something I really never thought about.

The question of whether decapitation or anaesthesia is the better way to dispose of excess laboratory rats has, frankly, never entered my mind. How grateful I am that there are people out there who would do this sort of thinking for me.
See the study

Cassie reports on MY prostate!

This is a copy of a report Cassie uploaded to Bee's candida site. As my readers know, we are both on Bee's lo-2-no carb diet and have been for some time.

The load on a partner of a man with any sort of prostate problem, even benign hyperplasia like mine is big. They never know when we might go on to cancer, and the actual daily problem of bladder control can be frankly, a pain in the lower abdominal region.

"My husband, 64 years, has been on this program for 12 months.

He has an enlarged prostate and a large kidney. About 6 months ago he had exploratory surgery because he was getting a pain in his kidney on urination. After surgery he urologist told him his enlarged kidney was 'congenital' and nothing could be done.

It was suggested that he had surgery on his prostate to help his urine stream and reduce frequency. The surgery basically bores out the insides of the prostate - which often leads to impotence. And after all that he would need more surgery in a few years time anyway.

Although the kidney pain is still there, his frequent urination and small stream from the enlarged prostate has hugely improved. He was getting up in the night up to 4 times. He is now only getting up once and sometimes not at all. During the day it was difficult going out as he would need to use a toilet very frequently. This is now not a problem.

I believe this has happened because his hormonal system has balanced out on this program.

I would like to mention also that he used to get a very bad back ache, which was crippling and would last for days. I took him off gluten several years ago and the bad back aches went away. But if he binges on gluten (which he has just done as we have been in France with the bread!) he experiences the back pain again.

He also says he has a fabulous sense of loving his food and eating less on this program."

Cassie Bond.

Ian: am I the lucky guy or what? I want to add that Cassie researched all of Bee's recommendations fully, and arrived at her own decisions based on her intensive study.

Get out of prostrate position and walk your prostate cancer away

Brisk walking - at a pace of three mph - may actually lower risk of disease progression and need for additional treatment. A study of 1,455 men who had localized prostate cancer was conducted from 2004 to 2009. Average age at diagnosis was 65. The study showed that men who walked three+ hours a week (hey, that's nothing!-Ian) at a brisk pace had a 57 percent lower risk of prostate cancer progression when compared to men who walked less or who walked more slowly. Participants reported their physical activity about 27 months after diagnosis to researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of California, San Francisco. The new analysis was published in the June 1st, 2011 issue of Cancer Research.

Seriously good, practical news for sufferers of prostate.

Some people say I'm crazy..

Washing all our vegetables in our lotus sanitizer may seem extreme to some. Because we buy the majority of our organic vegies at the local farmers' market, it's a 1/2 hr job weekly. And yes, I can't show people the effect, beyond a far better shelf life due to getting rid of bacteria on the surface of the vegies.. but when I see a report like this one from Europe then I am happy my lotus protects our family!

Hydrogen water on the brain is good for you

Another study I recently discovered found that consuming hydrogen-rich water may maintain proper brain function under conditions of physical stress. . You can read the complete scientific abstract below.

(Neuropsychopharmacology advance online publication 18 June 2008; doi: 10.1038/npp.2008.95)

Consumption of Molecular Hydrogen Prevents the Stress-Induced Impairments in Hippocampus-Dependent Learning Tasks during Chronic Physical Restraint in Mice

Kazufumi Nagata1, Naomi Nakashima-Kamimura1, Toshio Mikami2, Ikuroh Ohsawa1,3 and Shigeo Ohta1

1. Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan
2. Department of Health and Sports Science, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan
3. Center of Molecular Hydrogen Medicine, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Nippon Medical School, Kawasaki, Japan

Correspondence: Professor S Ohta, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Development and Aging Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, 1-396 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211-8533, Japan, Tel: +81 44 733 9267, Fax: +81 44 733 9268, E-mail: ohta@nms.ac.jp
Received 24 March 2008; Revised 19 May 2008; Accepted 23 May 2008; Published online 18 June 2008.

We have reported that hydrogen (H2) acts as an efficient antioxidant by gaseous rapid diffusion. When water saturated with hydrogen (hydrogen water) was placed into the stomach of a rat, hydrogen was detected at several M level in blood. 

Because hydrogen gas is unsuitable for continuous consumption, we investigated using mice whether drinking hydrogen water ad libitum, instead of inhaling hydrogen gas, prevents cognitive impairment by reducing oxidative stress.
Chronic physical restraint stress to mice enhanced levels of oxidative stress markers, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, in the brain, and impaired learning and memory, as judged by three different methods: passive avoidance learning, object recognition task, and the Morris water maze. 

Consumption of hydrogen water ad libitum throughout the whole period suppressed the increase in the oxidative stress markers and prevented cognitive impairment, as judged by all three methods, whereas hydrogen water did not improve cognitive ability when no stress was provided. Neural proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus was suppressed by restraint stress, as observed by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation and Ki-67 immunostaining, proliferation markers. The consumption of hydrogen water ameliorated the reduced proliferation although the mechanistic link between the hydrogen-dependent changes in neurogenesis and cognitive impairments remains unclear. Thus, continuous consumption of hydrogen water reduces oxidative stress in the brain, and prevents the stress-induced decline in learning and memory caused by chronic physical restraint. Hydrogen water may be applicable for preventive use in cognitive or other neuronal disorders.

Parkinson's and Hydrogen-rich water

Good news. Now there is a study that has uncovered evidence that hydrogen-rich water is beneficial for those with Parkinson's Disease. Please click the link below to view the full study report.

Read the Full Report


"It has been shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) acts as a therapeutic antioxidant and suppresses brain injury by buffering the effects of oxidative stress.

Chronic oxidative stress causes neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD). Here, we show that drinking H2-containing water significantly reduced the loss of dopaminergic neurons in PD model miceusing both acute and chronic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). The concentration dependency of H2 showed that H2 as low as 0.08 ppm had almost the same effect as saturated H2 water (1.5 ppm). MPTPinduced accumulation of cellular 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a marker of DNA damage, and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a marker of lipid peroxidation were significantly decreased in the nigro-striatal dopaminergic pathway in mice drinking H2-containing water, whereas production of superoxide (O2N2) detected by intravascular injection of dihydroethidium (DHE) was not reduced significantly. 

Our results indicated that low concentration of H2 in drinking water can reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Thus, drinking H2-containing water may be useful in daily life to prevent or minimize the risk of life stylerelated oxidative stress and neurodegeneration.