Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chinese Herbs For Menstrual Cramps

It's as official as a study can get; a huge number of women studied for efficacy of various forms of therapy for menstrual cramps, and yes, Chinese Herbs far exceeds all others in efficacy.

Of course the article here points out that the problem we have with Chinese herbs 'off the shelf' or from a local practitioner is that it's now common for them to be contaminated with heavy metals - so you may be getting more than you bargained for.

I recommend Fusion Health Chinese Herbal Remedies because the guys there have gone to the trouble to source clean herbs and have them approved by the TGA. They have an excellent range of products and a naturopath online who can assist.

By the way, this isn't a plug; I make nothing out of this; I just think their products are great and their ethics shine through their business.

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