Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dumb Product of the Week

About once a week I get notification of a new bottled water brand. In fact it seems there are so many brands now that it's only a matter of time before we give up getting tap water and buy it all in plastic.

This weeks' idiot venture into the market is from an ex world bank tyro who discovered a 'pristine spring' in a tropical rainforest in the middle of Brazil. He's constructing a huge plant to output 45000 trendy looking PET plastic bottles (see pic) a week.

Reacting to the bleeding obvious comments by environmentalists that the rainforest probably needs it more that city water drinkers, he responded; "I think it's up to the people to decide."

Translating marketspeak to humanspeak, I guess that would read, "Go to hell environmentalists. It's my money and I choose whether a rainforest has any value beyond immediate money potential."

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