Monday, September 3, 2007

The Twenty million Dollar man

I had an email from Nadia last week who asked the point of the video about the man talking about children's TV. I'm wondering if anyone else missed it. I'm adding it again below so if you missed it you have another chance to check it out.

The Video moved me to tears. The reason? When someone really loves what they do, their earnestness and honesty overcomes all communication obstacles. The whole world loves a genuine person because most of our communication time in this world seems to be taken up in deciphering the 'real' message behind what people seem to say.

This man was being given
one chance to plead the case for funding choldtren's TV in the USA in an era when 'Tricky Dicky' Nixon was taking the knife to anything he saw as 'unproductive'. (Shades of our present government?) This man didn't use graphs, Powerpoints, statistics or hyperbole. he didn't engage in marketing semantics, and he didn't ven use big words that impress.

He just spoke drect from his heart to the hearts of the senators facing him.

He KNEW that what he did was shaping the kids of America.
He KNEW that the standard coartoon fare of US TV was giving aviolent template for kids.
He KNEW that this was the moment that would make or break the next decade of quality free to air kids' TV program funding, yet he simply spoke from his certainty, at the pace he always used - child-friendly - to a bunch of politicians whose job it was to reduce spending.

And in six minutes of what I call true communication, he not only saved the day for his beloved mission, he received the OK for twenty million dollars in funding.

Perhaps it moved me so much because I am often cast in the position of 'salesman' by the people who call about our alkalizing programs and products, and I admire anyone with the bravery to simply stand in and speak their truth, coming from a place of such certainty that they have dispensed with every subtle sales tactic that may be used to artificially 'inflate' your message. They are the true warrors of words!

Here's the video again:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing display of love, compassion and courage ... If only there were more like him around !