Monday, September 17, 2007

The Power of ION

Few people understand what an ION is. Basically, it's an atom with either a positive or negative charge of electricity. Fewer people have any idea of why ions are important. After all, what has atoms got to do with life, right?

As we drove back from the Gold Coast on Friday Night I noticed a huge billboard with a pic of a Kiwi footballer and the title 'ION POWER. My interest piqued, noted the website on the ad and guess what? Now a whole football team is wearing negative ion-emitting jerseys!

They've done the lab tests and have found that the negative ions, excited by sweat, have given players up to 2% better performance.

When you look at 2% it doesn't see a lot, but when you think about the competition also chasing an extra percent of performance, they obviously reckon it's worth it.

Of course we've been well aware of the performance enhancing properties of negative ions and that's what our business is really all about. Alkalizing in any form increases your internal negative ion count, air ionizers allow you to ingest negative ions, water alkalizers give you half a glass of negative ions to every glass you pour, and our foot patches use Tourmaline to emit negative ions.

I just wish we could find someone willing to step up and test our water on a whiole team. There's a grand final awaiting soemone with that extra two percent!

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