Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fitness for Wrinklies

You know, we often forget that if we don't USE our body, all those supplements and gizmos will be pretty darn useless, especially as we age. I've come to love my daily yoga after meditation, and our walk around Cape Byron is a total blessing. But I also know that when I'm too busy to maintain my regimen, I can almost feel the pull of the Earth on my body; Come home! come home!

And I see how everything slows down. That's called - I believe - AGEING.

Here's a minimum exercise regimen as suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine in cooperation with the American Heart Association.

1. Aerobic activity.
On a 10 point scale where sitting is 0 and all-out maximal effort is 10, you need to do a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week moderate intensity activity, or a minimum 20 mins a day 3 days a week.

2. Muscle Maintaining and Strengthening
You should perform some form of strength training a minimum 2 days a week. There should be 8 to 10 exercises using major muscle groups (my yoga!) It also says you should use weights that allow about 10-15 reps per exercise, and I use 5kg dumbells

3. Flexibility
You are also encouraged to do at least ten minutes flex and stretch 2 days a week, addressing major muscles. I love to do situps, the Surya namaskar (Salute to the Sun) pelvic twists and leg stretches.

Want more detail? Go here

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