Thursday, September 20, 2007

Time for a laugh

Today's paper reports that a meteorite fell near a village in Peru. As it struck, it united with minerals in the ground, causing some nasty off-gassing which affected some 600 villagers who came to have a peek at the hole in the ground. Of course, they got upset. But here's the bit I found funny.

"It was reported that the villagers are afraid that other space objects could fall."

I couldn't help but think of 600 people walking around looking up for more space objects. Perhaps it will cause a genetic effect and their kids will be born looking upwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian,

No need to post this but the "funny" bit in the meteor story was a little "off" as it ridicules uneducated poor folk. I'm sure you don't mean to but to me, that's how it sounds like.

I love your dedication to educate, update and amuse us, though. Thanks!