Friday, August 3, 2007

What a story! Alkaline dog reclaims life!

I just have to share this amazing story with you.
Barry, one of our clients, rang this morning. He's totally convinced about the value of alkalizing, but didn't think he's learn an even bigger lesson about it from his Great Dane.
When the vet told him his beloved 'woofer' was bound for happy cat-hunting heaven in a very short time due to cancer, and that it might happen any day, Barry decided that anything he might do for his faithful companion couldn't hurt at this late stage.
So Barry decided to use Alkaline drops. The dog was a big drinker of water anyway, so Barry just added the drops to his water.
Yes, you guessed it. The Great Dane is greater than ever. He's up, he's around, and Barry is a total convert to the Alkalarian living principle.

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