Thursday, August 16, 2007

What a great Morning!

Meditating this morning was almost halted by the cacaphony of bird celebrations outside our window. Birds of all types singing their timy hearts out is something hard not to lift the spirit!

Then down to our weekly farmer's market for our eight bunches of Tatsoi, and our other green goods, including lots of 'God's Butter'; ripe avocados!

Peter, the Avocado farmer tells us he scoops a ripe avocado into the blender, adds a little organic cocoa and some honey and blends. "it's the best fudge you've ever tasted! he said.

Down the way, a new stall had set up selling the most amazing looking cup cakes. I walked over, pretending to be deeply hurt, and said "I'm mortally wonded by your magnificent display!" "Oh, Why?" asked the lady proprietor. "Because they look so good, I want them, but I'm gluten intolerant!" "Oh, no," she replied, "this one is gluten free."

There it sat; a picture from cupcake heaven, with a thick layer of creamy icing and even a little edible flower. We bought two... and if I can ever get her to disclose her recipe, you 10,000 readers will have it. Deee Lishuss!

And then she said something that hit me like ... well...

She said,
"Thank you for supporting me. I really appreciate it."

Isn't that what local business is all about? And since when did you get something as heartfelt as that from your local Wollies?

Gina, Cassie's sister called in for lunch today. She's a dedicated Alkalarian too and recently joined us in giving up coffee totally. Her comments were interesting. She said that she isn't reacting to things that would have easily triggered her while on coffee. She has become mellower, and was able to see that coffee was indeed an emotional addiction that kept her in a lesser state of peace.

Many newcomers to this HealtheMail seem to think that alkalizing is what they have always done; take a few pills, a supplement, buy their own alkalizer, but after seven years I can say it's so much more. Like Gina's 'coffee awakening', alkalizing is an ever-deepening process of purification and revitalisation. I know, I know, you've heard all the words before, but this is a real thing. We get cleaner, we get smarter, we get deeper, we get more sensitive and we get happier. We seem to be able to watch the world go past with less emotional trauma.

Alkalizing isn't just a health remedy, nor is it just a strategy. it's a way of life, it's riding a wave of change towards new consciousnes levels!

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