Thursday, August 2, 2007

Detailed Directions. You guess what it is for!

The sterilization and disinfecting effect is superior.

With the general germ army of water inside from the fresh fish gadfly which it gets up the rain which is septicemia parasitic and to sterilize effectively disinfect to the hour when it is short five germs. Also the general germ army back which is included in six of the cold noodle or noodles backs sterilizes and is positively disinfected test result of the korean chemical examination research worker who is a national official recognition agency is giving proof the thing.

With the remaining agricultural chemical which is attaching in the vegetable fruit tableware type it disjoints the characteristic material only and to remove. Namely, it reacts with the poisonous chemical material and with the co2 and the o2 which are a harmless material it changes. According to the result which it tests from the laboratory with the captain the multi branch remaining agricultural chemical of the carbaryl back the ozone the result which it controls it gave proof the removal ratio which is positive.


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