Thursday, August 30, 2007
Stories we cannot tell
One of our distributors rang and talked about a client of his who, he said, had severe diabetes, to the point of lower limb degeneration. Steve, our distributor, also makes a bulk alkaline water processor and he passed on this story. The man told Steve said his legs were numb, his toenails were black and his skin condition, bad. A friend of his suggested he change his water supply... and he said he started feeling better. Like many men, he thought he was fixed - so stopped drinking the water.
Guess what? He said his symptoms worsened. He changed his water back to the recommended one.
His symptoms got better - and better - and better. He began using the water on his diseased skin and according to my friend, watched as it also got better.
He had made an appointment to see his doctor to check on the results of a second blood test. being a 'bloke', he hadn't bothered calling to get the results of his first one, so when he arrived at the surgery the receptionist said she had a message from the doctor that when he arrived he simply must see him. The message had been in her file since his last visit but they hadn't been able to contact him
I should say that by this time, according to my friend, his legs had lost their extreme diabetes symptoms, his toenails had begun to regrow clear, and his skin felt alive once more
The doctor called him in.
"If I hadn't seen your second test I would have been telling you that we'd either have to amputate or worse. I am amazed. Your second test is totally different. What did you do? I have to know!"
Isn't it an amazing story? It's so like this one on YouTube, which, I stress, we make no claim to in product.
So again, No, I am NOT saying the man used our product. Got it?
If you are contemplating a change in your health regimen similar to this we recommend you ask your doctor first. That's the law.
Chinese herbal expert agrees

Fusion Health has grown from a sideline to a mainline, and you'll see his display in almost all good health food stores.
Paul dropped in to pick up a replacement filter cartridge for his Melody Alkalizer that he's had for ages. "I just don't drink ordinary water any more." said Paul. It's just the energy of my ION LIFE water that I love!"
Fusion hasjust released thei new kidney tonic - which is a pity because I just spent hundreds of dollars gettinga lesser version from a Chinese hebalist. I brew it up every morning and night and it tasted horrible and stinks, so an encapsulated version with higher proven potency is a definite yes-yes for me. Paul says that most men over 40 have low kidney chi, just as most women have low liver chi, and Cassie can vouch for his Fusion Liver Tonic. When I get rid of my huge box of herbs I'll be right onto his kidney tonic.
It's not that there is anything wrong with me; it's just that - as Paul says - we blokes start to lose it and it can appear as many symptoms including in my case, a weakness of the lungs.
Here's Paul's website
Dr Emoto and Those Pictures

In our discussions with Dr. Emoto's Institute manager, he made it clear that Dr Emoto is indeed upset that some people are advertising that their water systems create his unique crystal form, but he does not wish to attract the karma involved with legal action.
The simple truth is that some sellers just use his crystals becasue they know they can get away with it. Other use the images becasue a previous model may have been tested, but the present benchtop model, with formlaic change in their filter ingredients, has not. remember, advertising is a game. It's all about how far the advertiser needs to - and is legally able to - go without recrimination to sell their product. Finally, it always comes down to an ethical stand that needs to be taken by the advertsier.
If you are still not convinced about who really does give you Emoto water, I suggest you contact Lawremce Ellyard, the Australia representative or Dr Emoto's Hado Institute. Lawrence is a great guy and very committed to Dr Emoto's vision. He has also just published a new book on the science behind the crystals which I found fascinating. Lawrence's email is here.
Tradeup Time in Water Alkalizers

For the next month only, I'm willing to look at trading up to the latest whizz-bang Jupiter Science Water Alphion or Melody Alkalizer. If you have an old one - (after all, we've been going since Y2K!) give us a call or email us. Also, if you've bought any other system that well... hasn't fulfilled its promises for you... we're willing to talk trade-up.
Email my team here
or call 1800-ANTIOX
Not a good time to be Baptised
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Coming soon to a kitchen near you

Processor underink, faucet on top.
9 levels of pH
All displays in faucet
Feathertouch controls on top of faucet
Separate acid and alkaline output
Easiest undersink installation
All the usual quality Jupiter Science design features
No, you can't have it yet. We have a shipment of 50 arriving in about 8 weeks. Pre-Orders accepted. They are going fast - and supply is limited.
Be quick. Email Peter here
Download a brochure here (.pdf)
Poor ol' Pommies; what just ten minutes of sun could do for them!

Vitamin D, which helps protect against the cancers, is created in the body when it is exposed to sunshine.
The researchers believe vitamin D deficiency may be to blame for 600,000 cancer cases worldwide each year, particularly in northern European countries where sun exposure levels are relatively low.
The study - which comes amid the wettest summer since records began - recommends ten or 15 minutes a day in the sun to maximise vitamin D levels.
There is mounting evidence that vitamin D could play a vital role in helping prevent disease, with the sun helping top up natural levels more effectively than diet.
Ian: Poor, poor old Poms! We ahve newly employed a lovely Scot, Angela, and she's decided ona future in Byron bay. No wonder.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It's not just Pollies who fiddle Wikipedia

However the data he put up bears comment. He is saying that although alkaline ionized water has some antioxidant effect, it isn't really alkaline. Over the years he's tried on many claims including 'it's too alkaline', it isn't really alkaline', 'alkaline isn't natural' and 'natural alkalinity is better'.
However, back to the item.
Few people have had the opportunity to delve into what pH is all about. The common concept of acid and alkalinity is of a liquid with either lots of acid or lots of alkaline minerals in it. This is not what pH is all about. pH is about what it says it is about; 'pH - per hydrogene, the French term for the amount of hydrogen ions (positive or negative) in a liquid.
It follows that if a liquid has more negative hydrogen ions in it than positive, it will be seen as alkaline, and vice versa. The minerals that give it those hydrogen ions are irrelevant; it is the hydrogen ions that matter, and this is reflected in the reading you'll get from litmus paper or a pH Meter. Your meter isn't saying it has 'x' amount of calcium or magnesium or sulphur. It's saying you have a liquid with a number of hydrogen ions that reflect the clour or reading it is giving you. Do you see what I'm saying? Forget the chemicals. Think Hydrogen.
So saying that something isn't really alkaline because it doesn't have lots of alkaline minerals in it is to miss the point. The real power and benefit of pH is the ability to deliver loads of the right sort of hydrogen ions (atoms) to you.
The difference in effect of a positively charged hydrogen ion and a negatively charged one are huge; a positive hydrogen ion, such as you get with our acid water, has the ability to oxidize, or break down things it comes into contact with. That's why we use acid water for killing bacteria, for cleaning, and for skin and hair support. That's why the huge and famous Tokyo Fish Market uses acid water to clean up after every days' trading; it's a wonderful way of cleaning up all the fish goo without chemicals.
Negatively charged hydrogen, on the other hand, is 'reducing', meaning it donates its energy to anything it comes into contact with. If it, for instance, comes into contact with a positively charged oxygen ion (also known as a free radical) it (and one more) donates itself and unites with the oxygen ion to re-create ordinary water. (H2O)
That's how an antioxidant works!
Can you see why it isn't how much chemical in a liquid that's important in assessing its pH?
Can you see how exquisite a method this is; to create a powerful alkaline oxygen laden antioxidant out of ordinary water?
Finally, this theory is easily measurable with a $200 ORP (oxidation/Reduction Potential) meter, because the electrical potential of a liquid is affected by the amount of hydrogen ions it has. Tap water is about +150mv, meaning it robs us of net energy.
Our Wiki competitor's water filter reduces it a bit, but we've never been able to get their water filter lower than +50mv, meaning that although it is better, it just means it oxidizes less than tap water.
We've seen our ionizers give -800mv readings, meaning almost ten times better antioxidant ability in every glass. We don't always get it because it depends on the water source, but generally you'll get a reading of -300+, making it around six times more effective than our angry friend.
I guess that's the reason he had to alter WikiPedia. If your story doesn't fit science, call in the spin doctors!
Sydney Water Alert
Saturday, August 25, 2007
A Six Minute Message that got Twenty Million Dollars.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
How to catch a Junkie; LOTS of Junkies!
Researchers have figured out how to give an entire community a drug test using just a teaspoon of wastewater from a city's sewer plant.
The test wouldn't be used to finger any single person as a drug user. But it would help federal law enforcement and other agencies track the spread of dangerous drugs, like methamphetamines, across the country.
Oregon State University scientists tested 10 unnamed American cities for remnants of drugs, both legal and illegal, from wastewater streams. They were able to show that they could get a good snapshot of what people are taking.
"It's a community urinalysis," said Caleb Banta-Green, a University of Washington drug abuse researcher who was part of the Oregon State team. The scientists presented their results Tuesday at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.
One of the early results of the new study showed big differences in methamphetamine use city to city. One urban area with a gambling industry had meth levels more than five times higher than other cities. Yet methamphetamine levels were virtually nonexistent in some smaller Midwestern locales, said Jennifer Field, the lead researcher and a professor of environmental toxicology at Oregon State.
Cities in the experiment ranged from 17,000 to 600,000 in population, but Field declined to identify them, saying that could harm her relationship with the sewage plant operators.
She plans to start a survey for drugs in the wastewater of at least 40 Oregon communities.
The science behind the testing is simple. Nearly every drug - legal and illicit - that people take leaves the body. That waste goes into toilets and then into wastewater treatment plants.
"Wastewater facilities are wonderful places to understand what humans consume and excrete," Field said.
In the study presented Tuesday, one teaspoon of untreated sewage water from each of the cities was tested for 15 different drugs. Field said researchers can't calculate how many people in a town are using drugs.
She said that one fairly affluent community scored low for illicit drugs except for cocaine. Cocaine and ecstasy tended to peak on weekends and drop on weekdays, she said, while methamphetamine and prescription drugs were steady throughout the week.
More here
Dr Young on Heart Disease

"Do YOU know what sets off a heart attack or stroke?
The answer is a four letter word -
Heart attacks, strokes, and cardiac arrests seem like they come out of the blue, but they do not.The y usually appear after cholesterol-rich acidic plaque has festered in the arteries that nourish the heart and brain.
So what makes one happen at a particular time?
A trigger, reports the July 2007 issue of the "Harvard Heart Letter."Imp ortant triggers include:
Waking from sleep.
Before you wake up, your body trickles acidic stress hormones into the bloodstream. This helps you get up, but also slightly stresses the heart. That, along with dehydration that occurs overnight and the overnight fade in protection from acidic heart medicines, may explain why heart attacks are most common in the morning.
Heavy physical exertion is highly acidic.
Shoveling snow, running, and other strenuous activities can be acidic triggers. But don't be afraid to exercise -- exertion is much less likely to cause trouble in people who exercise and are living and eating alkaline regularly.
Anger is a highly acidic emotion.
A bout of anger can increase the chances of having a heart attack up to 14-fold during the following two hours.
Outfections of acidity.
Pneumonia, flu, and other outfections can be potent acidic triggers for heart attacks and strokes.
An acidic meal of meat, alcohol and dairy will tenderize and weaken the heart and lead to a cardiac arrest. Just like Heinz 57 steak sauce tenderizes a steak so acid from meat (especially chicken and pork), alcohol, and the lactic acid from dairy products will tenderize and weaken your heart setting you up for a heart attack or cardiac arrest.
Other triggers include sexual activity (if not alkaline), overeating (highly acidic), severe hot or cold weather, air pollution, natural disasters, drug use (always acidic), grief, lack of sleep and cholesterol lowering drugs.
Of course, most people with heart disease (or an acidic heart) get out of bed in the morning, shovel snow, make love, get angry, and suffer through the cleansing effects of the flu just fine.
Still, knowing what sets off heart attacks, strokes, or cardiac arrests can help you avoid triggers or blunt their power, says the "Harvard Heart Letter."
Your insurance policy for preventing a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest is very simply - get off the acidic foods, drinks and emotions and start alkalizing your body with the pH Miracle Living Plan."
~ Dr Robert O. Young
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Getting Your Own 'ION' Business happening

It's a network system and has the backing of my US distributor, David Forsyth, Managing Director of ION LIFE USA. If you feel the urge to help people and c0-create out an ethical living, it might be a great idea to sign on and get in on the ground floor of this new system.
Click here to learn more and sign on (US only)
Better late than never...
Of course, as he pointed out, he had known that for quite some time, but he had left a few points unresolved in his mind about how ION LIFE water compares to other waters. I'm guessing that these unresolved points kept him from seeing us sooner, but the visit to the Doc prompted him to come and see me.
Hey, John! You're no different to most men. we are all - me included - terrified of health changes and so we - generally speaking - do nothing until we get a health scare.
Anyway, John, welcome to the Alkalarians! I toast you!
I also had a call from Sonia, a big hearted lady with a son with intellectual diability and severe reactions to certain foods. She - as have so many parents of autistic kids - educated herself, read the books, listened to the lectures - and come to her own conclusion that alkalizing is the best fundamental support she can offer herself and her son, and so she has recently made the investment in her own Alphion Water Alkalizer.
Sonia has many people in her life, and one lady visitors was immediately drawn to her Alkalizer occupying pride of place on the kitchen bench.
"What IS that?" she asked excitedly. It turns out that this lady is a medical professional who actually lectures her patients about the benefits of alkalizing yet had never seen a water alkalizer before.
People still need to know about alkalizing and every time I talk to anyone about it I feel good because I know it's my gift to myself; to be able to gift others with the knowledge. I love it!
Coming back to Mark's reasons not to alkalize earlier- If you have issues about, or reasons you think are still valid not to begin alkalizing in some form or other, be it food, supplemements, drops or water.. talk to one of our alkalizing specialists!
Get over it!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fiji Water... Social comment from 'Fast Company 'magazine

The movement against plastic bottled water grows apace, especially in the US and UK.
I just read a wonderful article in fast Company mag about the problems of the bottled water industry, and here's only one of many facts it gave:
(Fron the US)
"We pitch into landfills 38 Billion plastic water bottles a year- in excess of $1 Billion worth of plastic."
I don't know about you, but I can't even imagine that sort of amount. What does a pile of 38 Billion bottles look like?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Polycarbonate Bottles Query
I regularly read Ian's blog. I was wondering if he might have an opinion on the following article. Regards Shannon
The article Shannon refers to is all about plastic bottles. You've probably wondered about what effect plastic bottles have on us, and indeed, the standard water bottle is a very bad choice for multiple use. In hot days on the back of a truck they leach carcinigens into the water.
Polycarbonate also got a bad rap when a science lab reported breakdown of polycarbonate bottles when cleaned with strong detergent in their lab.
When we looked at the article it worried us too, especially give the fact that we'd just released our new polycarb sports bottle for carrying alkaline water. But on investigation of the report, we could see the mistake they'd made. They used strong chemical cleaner to wash the bottles every time they used them.
So the rules are simple;
1. DON'T put polycarb bottles in the dishwasher or even in with the rest of the washup.
2. If you must cleanse them, use the correct polycarb detergent. It's available from Tasman Chemicals and it's called Blue Chip.
Both Cassie and I carry our bottles everywhere including to work. Mine sits less than six inches away from my typing fingers right now.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wow! Now alkaline ionized water to wash your clothes!
An environmentally-friendly washing machine that cleans clothes without detergent will be launched next year.
| ![]() |
The WasH20 passes an electric current through the water used in the cycle to create acid and alkaline atoms that take over the role of washing powder, liquid or tablets.
Researchers at the Chinese company Haier claim their invention is greener and cleans around 25 per cent more effectively than current models.
Petroleum-based chemicals in traditional washing detergents pass via sewers into rivers and seas.
They do not completely degrade, causing pollutants to build up and damaging the natural habitats of many animal and plant species.
It is due to be in the shops in France in November, and then in the UK - priced around £500 - early next year.
It works by electrolysing water before the wash cycle begins so that by the time it comes into contact with clothes it contains OH- and H+ ions - electrically charged atoms that have lost electrons.
Gilles Montrichard of Haier France said: "The electrolysis process causes a separation of the water into OH- ions and H+ ions.
"The OH- ions remove the dirt. The H+ ions acts like bleach. They acidify the water, sterilising the clothes."
Alkaline OH- ions will penetrate the clothing more effectively than ordinary water and that H+ ions will sterilise the material - killing off bacteria.
Ian: In a Sunday paper reporting on this new use for ionized water, a chemist was quoted as skeptical because he 'couldn't understand how water could be changed this way." Take a look around, Mr Chemist. The same process is now in use in water ionizers, air ionizers and now washing machines. Get ready for the detergent free dishwasher!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Yes, I DO have a vested interest, but It's still a good idea!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
What a great Morning!

Then down to our weekly farmer's market for our eight bunches of Tatsoi, and our other green goods, including lots of 'God's Butter'; ripe avocados!
Peter, the Avocado farmer tells us he scoops a ripe avocado into the blender, adds a little organic cocoa and some honey and blends. "it's the best fudge you've ever tasted! he said.
Down the way, a new stall had set up selling the most amazing looking cup cakes. I walked over, pretending to be deeply hurt, and said "I'm mortally wonded by your magnificent display!" "Oh, Why?" asked the lady proprietor. "Because they look so good, I want them, but I'm gluten intolerant!" "Oh, no," she replied, "this one is gluten free."
There it sat; a picture from cupcake heaven, with a thick layer of creamy icing and even a little edible flower. We bought two... and if I can ever get her to disclose her recipe, you 10,000 readers will have it. Deee Lishuss!
And then she said something that hit me like ... well...
She said, "Thank you for supporting me. I really appreciate it."
Isn't that what local business is all about? And since when did you get something as heartfelt as that from your local Wollies?
Gina, Cassie's sister called in for lunch today. She's a dedicated Alkalarian too and recently joined us in giving up coffee totally. Her comments were interesting. She said that she isn't reacting to things that would have easily triggered her while on coffee. She has become mellower, and was able to see that coffee was indeed an emotional addiction that kept her in a lesser state of peace.
Many newcomers to this HealtheMail seem to think that alkalizing is what they have always done; take a few pills, a supplement, buy their own alkalizer, but after seven years I can say it's so much more. Like Gina's 'coffee awakening', alkalizing is an ever-deepening process of purification and revitalisation. I know, I know, you've heard all the words before, but this is a real thing. We get cleaner, we get smarter, we get deeper, we get more sensitive and we get happier. We seem to be able to watch the world go past with less emotional trauma.
Alkalizing isn't just a health remedy, nor is it just a strategy. it's a way of life, it's riding a wave of change towards new consciousnes levels!
Video of the week.. perhaps the year!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A New V______?
Dr. Cinzia Marchese of Rome’s Policlinico Umberto I hospital, giving details of the operations on Wednesday, told Reuters a 28-year-old woman who underwent the first such operation a year ago now has a healthy vagina.
“She has got married and is living a normal life,” said Marchese, whose study has been published in the journal Human Reproduction.
Natural Dandruff Cure

She has been helping her daughter to overcome persistent dandruff. She added ground fenugreek seeds to our Tropical Traditions coco oil, heated it up and applied it to her daughter's hair, massaged it in and wrapped her head in a towel for 1/2 an hour to keep it warm. (I assume she strained it before use) Voila! Dandruff Free!
I must admit I love controlling dandruff with the acid water from my Alkalizer, but it's great to know there is another way for people without one.
How Lucky We Are In Australia!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Can a Treadmill Heal Brain Damage. It seems so!

The combined results demonstrate there are distinct brain modules responsible for right/forward, right/backward, left/forward and left/backward walking.
Please tell me; who thought of that! I want to personally congratulate them!
Here's the report... and you might like to check the videos there.
Caffeine again and again....
Neurology magazine reports that caffeine had no protective function for the men (even though they got to really love their morning strong black) Benefits for women, however, increased with age. They had 30 percent less memory decline at age 65, rising to 70 percent over the age of 80.
Ian: Right. I'm instructing Cassie to start drinking coffee again the day she reaches 65!
Green Tea and Colon Cancer revisited

Now we hear that green tea stops small tumours in their tracks, but has no effect on developed ones.
Moral: Drink green tea NOW!
Here's the report
Monday, August 13, 2007
And now for Cats. Acid or Alkaline?

"Thank you for your news letter I really enjoy it and learn a lot from it. Do you have any information on what kind of water cats should drink?"
Fleur, my vet tells me cats have an acidic constitution. My cat likes water from the base of my shower after I get out, and the occasional acrobatic drink from the toilet bowl. He does not like our alkaline water!
Does this help?
Friday, August 10, 2007
Flora on your skin? Repeat after me. Acid outside, Alkaline inside.

But is this how we should do it? Is it really best for our skin?
Our skin has a naturally acid mantle, and so washing it off with alkaline soap is.. well... dumb. The purpose of the acid mantle is to create an environment in which flora flourish. The purpose of the flora (friendly bacteria) is to eat incoming nasty bacteria. Take a look at the back of your hand. It's a battle royal down there!

We have been brainwashed into thinking that constant washing is good. The body has been protecting itself for thousands of years and it makes sense to support its proven methods of germ control rather than eliminate them on a daily basis in the shower.
When we really 'click' that we should be alkaline balanced within and acid balanced on the outside, we begin to see the marvel of the body's master plan, including using acidic sweat as a way of maintaining our precious acid mantle skin defence system.
The New Scientist article refers to a claim by a shampoo that it supplies friendly flora. Here's what they said:
My new shower gel proclaims: "New! Stimulates skin flora." Is there any benefit in this?
It sounds like advertising hype to me. Your "normal" flora don't need any extra nutrition if your skin is in a generally healthy condition. Each distinct zone of healthy skin has its own stable, dominant flora and meddling with it is risky.
The ideal flora for each zone form an even, adherent coating of a particular combination of strains that perform all sorts of different functions, such as tuning your personal and family varieties of body odour. It also crowds out or repels rival strains that might threaten your health. Over large areas of skin your normal beneficial flora form what amounts to a protective non-stick coating.
Growing too vigorously does no good because overcrowding might cause them either to harm your skin or flake off, leaving footholds for alien pathogens. Furthermore, in microbial ecology one of the most important competitive weapons is the denial of food to rivals. Leukocytes in pus, for example, inhibit germs partly by absorbing iron, and therefore denying it to invasive bacteria and fungi. If your shower gel supplies excess nutrients to your skin, that surplus might fuel an alien invasion."
New Scientist article here
Angela's Angelic Brocco Salad

"I love reading your articles in your healthemail and I thought your readers may like this recipe for broccoli salad. I know kids find it hard to eat but they may like it this way.
5 cups chopped broccoli
1/2 cup sultanas
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1 cup toasted sunflower seeds
3 tblspns vinegar
2 tblspns mayo
mix it altogether and eat, YUMMY
Regards Angela"
Ian: Thank you so much, Angela! One point: is the brocco steamed, or raw? Cassie and I are committed to a green revolution in the kitchen and we're consuming vast quantities of 'Doc Brocc' and Tatsoi (Chinese Greens). We'll be definitely giving this one a tryout!
Shi Tzus Ain't Dumb Alkaline Story
Over the years I've become used to hearing stories about dogs and their alkaline water preferences, to the point where I advise people in doubt to put down two bowls of water; one tap water and one alkaline water and see what the dog chooses.
After Barry's story last week of his Great Dane saved by alkaline water, Margie from Ireland sent me this email.
"Hi Ian,
I adopted my Shih Tzu, Miescha as a puppy, straight from the nest. I have only ever given her Alkaline water in her woof bowl. Recently we were on a trip for a few days from home, with the last of our water supply gone, I gave her ordinary "clean" tap water, thinking that she was be thirsty enough to drink anything. How wrong I was, Miescha would not drink the tap water... she turned her nose up at it, walked away and waited till we got home. When we got home I gave her the usual Jupiter Alkaline water, and she drained the whole bowl, normally a full days supply. I have since tested her to see if it was a one off situation, but she will not drink tap water. I thought that I was the picky one in this family, but now I have been outdone by my pooch! She is more like a human than most humans, but she has proven to me that there is no substitute for quality.... and maybe dogs have a more respect for their body than most humans!"
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Be a Friend to a Friend: my way of saying thanks for sticking around.

Yep, Free. Nada.
So anyone you know that you think may benefit from the wonderful ways we have of changing their acidosis levels and getting them back to life... email them, tell them to go here to sign up!
Signup Here
- Ian
Natural Nicotine Approach

At bedtime, every night before retiring, drink a medium glass of orange juice with 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar. The cream of tartar apparently helps flush out the nicotine from your system while the orange juice replaces Vitamin C. Do this for 30 days and chances are your cravings will minimize. It's more natural and cheaper than the "patch" or prescribed medications.
Dr Janet Starr-Hull has this to say about the idea:
"The benefit of the cream of tartar in the cessation of smoking appears to be, 1) the replacement of potassium that smoking robs from the cardiovascular system, and 2) balancing body pH, which typically becomes too acidic when toxins from cigarettes are present.
Each cigarette you smoke robs your body of about 25 milligrams of vitamin C. Orange juice, NOT from concentrate, helps replace this much-needed vitamin C. Actually, all toxins demand extra vitamin C to remove the toxic load found in your cells. When toxins are elevated, more vitamin C is needed to maintain health during Detox."
Does it work? I don't know but it sounds a good alternative, especially because the routine sets up a habit change!The Colour Orange may be nice BUT...
How lucky we are in Australia!
Monday, August 6, 2007
The cost of Acidosis

Here's an amazing story about the cost of acidosis from Dr Young, alkaline balance pioneer and Jupiter water drinker.
And here's a special deal for some lucky reader out there... along with a story.
The deal:
One only Jupiter Alphion Water alkalizer new price AU$1795, this one? Save $200!.
The story:
This Alkalizer was returned by a new client after a confusing phone call. As my present clients know, you can get a higher alkaline pH just by touching a button on the Alphion. This client rang and told us that the Alphion worked very well on the first three settings, but on the highest one, they received a lower pH. They had used the standard liquid reagent pH test supplied with the kit, and instead of a more intense purple (indicating higher pH), they received a blue colour, indicating less pH.
Well... we told them to send it back, and sent them a new system. And sure enough, when we got it back and tested it, the same thing happened. We were mystified. The Alphion is so dependable.
We decided to re-test the Alphion with our electronic pH meter. Guess what? The high setting that seemed to be faulty, read perfectly; the highest pH setting gave the highest pH.
So come on, you techno sleuths! What was happening?
The Alphion was working so well that it went beyond the capability of the reagent liquid. When it was used for higher pH than it was capable of reacting to, it gave a lower colour reading. The Alphion was working so well it surpassed the ability of the test kit! When we tested it with the electronic system, it read perfectly!
Another day, another problem.... One mountain scaled, so many more to be seen from the summit!
Put your name on this one:
Click here
Doc Broc Roolz!

Now I see why!
Eating more than one serving of broccoli and cauliflower a week may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 45 per cent, says a new study.
Epidemiological and animal studies have shown that diets high in cruciferous vegetables result in less instances of certain cancers, especially lung, colon, breast and ovarian cancer, while the new study suggests the veggies may also benefit prostates.
Writing in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers from Canada and the US report that an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a 40 per cent reduction in prostate cancer risk, with broccoli and cauliflower singled out as offering most protection.
"High intake of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower, may be associated with reduced risk of aggressive prostate cancer," wrote lead author Victoria Kirsh from Cancer Care Ontario.
This week's Doomsday Moment: Water in the future

The Real Culprits; Sugar and its partner, yeast
He has supported his partner in her weight loss efforts and found an angel naturopath who told her to get off yeast and stop feeding what's left with sugar.
No fruit.
No wine.
No chocolate
No bananas.
No carrots!
And guess what? The pounds fell away. I've long been fascinated by the connection between yeast, sugar and alkalinity. These three subjects seem to me to hold the secret of not just weight loss but abundant health. I've been supported in my theory by my reading of Robert O. Young because he advises keeping away from all fungus and choosing alkaline foods and water.
Yeast, of course, either in the form of blood fungii or candida, lives on sugar. Lower the yeast first and you have a chance of lowering the sugar intake because there's ten million less mouths to feed. Alkalize and you'll begin to return your sugar-sweeet, fungal cavity you call your body back to the healthy, clean and functional machine it was designed to be.
Trevor's wife also used a herbal supplement to assist in getting rid of the yeast, and he's promised to send me details of the product to pass on.
The way yeast craves sugar is, to my mind, so like an addiction that this report coming in this week makes sense. Rats fed sugar and cocaine picked sugar.
Here's the report.
Coffee: That most controversial of drugs/godsends.

Together, the studies included 2,260 people with liver cancer and nearly 240,000 people without liver cancer. Participants lived in Greece, Italy, or Japan.
Participants reported their coffee-drinking habits. The data show that coffee drinkers were 41 percent less likely to have been diagnosed with liver cancer than people who don't drink coffee. For every daily cup of coffee people drank, their odds of having been diagnosed with liver cancer dropped by 23 percent, compared with people who never drink coffee.
People who drank a lot of coffee were 55 percent less likely to have been diagnosed with liver cancer than those who didn't drink any coffee.
Here's the Report
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Quote of the day: Do it Anyway

He also advises, "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain."
I guess he felt pretty strongly about it.
I wonder; what would I do if I wasn't afraid of the outcome?
Friday, August 3, 2007
Deep Fried Chips. Is there a place for them in a healthy diet?
"Ian, just deep fried some potato wedges in Tropical Traditions Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and we think they are sensational!!!!!"
Me too, Andrew. I never thought I'd own a deep fryer but our little Sunbeam unit full of coco oil works a treat!
Want to learn more? Download my free book 'Untold Truth About Coconut Oil' A great read, if I say so myself.
Download here (.pdf)
Brat camp; the underlying cause.

Anyone watching 'Brat Camp' on the ABC? Take a group of terribl e English teens, put them out in the wilds of Arizona (or somewhere similar) on a ranch manned by Cowboys and watch the transformations occur. It's into its third week and some of the kids are really changing, but other have a long, long way to go. Is it all related to how 'delinquent' they want to remain, or is there more?
It was Cassie who picked the 'other' problem. The food they are still being fed on the ranch is totally acidic. It might be capable of creating energy for them to work, but no wonder they are moody, angry and on a roller coaster of emotions! Where are the GREENS in their diet? It's not just the ranch. I'm betting that some of the kids have an equally noxious diet at home in Merrie England.
What a story! Alkaline dog reclaims life!

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Jet Fuel in your water, Antibiotics in your Lettuce.

Now I read that the antibiotics fed to cattle and pigs are coming through their manure and into our lettuces, when used as a fertilizer. At this stage it's a US report only, but it's hard to believe that similar use of similarly 'laced' manure isn't happening on a daily basis right here.
A study funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, evaluated whether food crops accumulate antibiotics from soil covered with antibiotic-containing manure. Corn, lettuce and potatoes were grown in a greenhouse setting on soil that contained pig manure with a commonly used veterinary antibiotic added.
Antibiotics were found in all three crops, in both their leaves and tissue. The antibiotics also transferred to the potato tubers, suggesting that root crops like carrots, radishes and potatoes may be particularly at risk of antibiotic accumulation.
Though the researchers said the effects of consuming plants that contain antibiotics are “largely unknown,” it’s thought that the contamination could cause allergic reactions or the development of antimicrobial resistance (which renders antibiotics ineffective).
The findings certainly have implications for organic farmers, who often use manure as their main source of fertilizer.
Source: Journal of Environmental Quality July/August 2007, 36:1224-1230
Detailed Directions. You guess what it is for!
With the general germ army of water inside from the fresh fish gadfly which it gets up the rain which is septicemia parasitic and to sterilize effectively disinfect to the hour when it is short five germs. Also the general germ army back which is included in six of the cold noodle or noodles backs sterilizes and is positively disinfected test result of the korean chemical examination research worker who is a national official recognition agency is giving proof the thing.
With the remaining agricultural chemical which is attaching in the vegetable fruit tableware type it disjoints the characteristic material only and to remove. Namely, it reacts with the poisonous chemical material and with the co2 and the o2 which are a harmless material it changes. According to the result which it tests from the laboratory with the captain the multi branch remaining agricultural chemical of the carbaryl back the ozone the result which it controls it gave proof the removal ratio which is positive.
Are We Treating the Cacncer but Killing the Patient?
So this article by Dr George Giorgiou is an important one for anyone trying to work out how to strategize their life around the story given us by established medicine.
Read it here
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
One Only Special This week

If you'd like to save money on a water alkalizer, here's your chance. We had a client return a Jupiter Melody this week with slow water flow. We gave him a new one and checked it out; there was a kinked hose inside! So it's as new, but we'll give it to you with a savings of $300 or a free Fresh Air car and Home Air Ionizer. But be quick.
Email me here
While we're on the subject I'll give you the lowdown on our new ad campaign. We're asking people to join you here - and receive my HealtheMail as you do, and if they do, they'll be in the running for a free prize; a new alphion Water Alkalizer! We're not organised yet, but I'll let you know. So if you have friends whom you think may enjoy my words of wisdom, pass on this link and they may be able to win the mighty Alphion.
Ama-a-a-zing Videos of how we work.
Looking at the Health Consumer's mind
The information these journals give me are often very useful. look at this chart that tells you the most unpopular ingredients in a health food shopper's mind. It's an interesting one because it's rather like a 'top ten'. Once upon a time it was fat, then it was saturated fats, and cholesterol.
Now it's trans fats. Take a look and see where you align with the mass consciousness!