Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wobenzym and Gluten Intolerance

I have had quite few inquiries about my recent post on Wobenzym, a german product that claims to allay symptoms of Gluten intolerance. As most of my readers know, both Cassie and I are GI, and I have elected to be the test dummy with our first order of this enzyme.

It seems to be working. I can't lay claim to being a perfect lab rat because as GI sufferers know, once you adjust to a Gluten free diet we usually feel better anyway and don't wish to return to the pain. However, for the sake of my readers and with lashings of self sacrifice, I have subjected myself to some tests, like squaffing a luscious Hummingbird Cup Cake and having a Stella Artois beer at our son's birthday celebration, both with no effect.

The other side of Wobenzym that was reported was a reduction in Tinnitus, and sorry, that hasn't happened.

Here's the Wobenzym site

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