Monday, November 5, 2007

To Meat on Meat or not to Meet. (Subtitled 'BeataMeatEater')

Just to throw a little more animal fat on the fire of the vegetarian / carnivore debate we've been witnessing here over the last few months, now the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research say excess body fat and red meat are linked to an increased risk of common cancers and should be avoided, said.

About 40 percent of all cancers are linked to food, lack of exercise, and body weight, the organizations said in a 571-page report released yesterday. A panel
of 21 researchers who compiled the report said it was the most comprehensive evaluation ever of evidence linking personal habits to cancer risk.

"Part of the purpose of the report was to show
that prevention of cancer by means of food, nutrition, and associated factors is as feasible and crucial as prevention of coronary heart disease," the researchers wrote. "The evidence that high body fatness and also physical inactivity are causes of a number of cancers, including common cancers, is particularly strong." This isn't one of the here today gone tomorrow reports. Hundreds of specialists evaluated more than 7,000 studies over five years to compile the report.

Panelists found "convincing evidence" that carrying extra weight, particularly around the waist, may lead to cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, colon, kidney, and uterus, as well as postmenopausal breast cancer.

The panelists recommended keeping extra weight off, exercising at least 30 minutes a day, and limiting consumption of alcohol and high-fat foods, such as burgers, french fries, milk shakes, pastries, and sugary drinks. The guidelines also apply to cancer survivors, the report said. Researchers said men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks a day, and women one. Red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, which are linked to colorectal cancer, should be replaced with poultry, fish, and eggs. Processed meats that include bacon and lunchmeat should also be avoided, researchers said.

Naturally, release of the report spurred a few objections. The causes of cancer are "extremely complex and involve factors like genetics, the environment, lifestyle, and a host of other issues," said Randy Huffman, vice president of scientific affairs at the Washington-based American Meat Institute, in a statement.

Ian: I Wonder if this guy worked for the tobacco industry before this job?


Anonymous said...

This guy is crazy! after seeing this, I may become a vegetarian!

Anonymous said...

so meat is murder for both animals and us humans who eat them....sweet

see, its wonderful cycle...

a tasty...wonderful cycle

*eats steak* whats funny is that i am in better shape than most of the vegetarians i know because i actually workout

Peter Brummel said...

the first picture doesn't come up for me... i only eat fish, mammals share one too many aspects with human beings like caring for young and avoidance of pain and suffering.

Anonymous said...

Read this though, looks interesting: "After reviewing the current scientific evidence and exploring the many arguments, it is irrefutably substantiated that fish are capable of experiencing pain." Besides, some fish do care for their young! :)


"The question is not 'Can they reason?' nor 'Can they speak?' but 'Can they suffer?'"
~Jeremy Bentham

Cellguy said...

Meat is yummy!! We are carnivorous by nature. Don't suppress your base instincts. Eat a cow!!!