Helen Flouch began with her own ION LIFE water alkalizer last year. She dropped in to spend some time with us this week. She revealed her own Alkalarian secrets while she was here:
1. Irons get a buildup of alkaline scale as they are used. Helen tops up her iron with acid water from her Jupiter Alphion and now there’s not a trace of scale on her iron.
2. Helen’s huge fish tank was originally filled up with tap water. Every six months she lost around 20% of her Guppies. Since using ionized water to top up, her Guppies actually swim up in welcome each times she tops up, and – aquarium lovers, eat your heart out – her aquarium has NO algae growing on the glass!
I received this story from Stan, our Ion Life Canadian counterpart.. it's one of those stories I love to begin my day with!
“I wish I had the time to share with you in writing what I did in words with you on the phone the other day about the exciting and the at first “unbelievable” benefits I have experience. from ionized water and especially from the Jupiter ‘Melody” water ionizer.
I have never had anything affect me in such a dramatic and positive way!! Let me tell you, this is now my life’s mission! Not because I am acting on some sort of faith that it will help me in the “future” but because it has helped me NOW! I have suffered from horrible allergies resulting from “nasal polyps” (So I was told), and had to be on steroids to reduce the inflammation and congestion.
Within about a year after that I developed “high blood pressure” as a result of the steroids, so I was told and as you can imagine I had to have one drug to fix one thing then another for a problem for that etc. etc!! Talk about great marketing if you’re a “drug manufacturer”!!
Bottom Line!! I have virtually no more allergies, and what I mean by that is I can BREATHE!! Without the medication!! (No waking up in the morning hacking and spiting phlegm). My Blood pressure is NORMAL!! I forgot to mention my diagnosis of “chronic arthritis” last year in my lower back in which I became a fan of “pain killers” (try running a business in that constant state) 99% GONE!!
My daughter who is 7 years of age never drinks water, now she will insist on “Alkalized water”, it is a must for her water bottle when going to school. (Our home has experienced less frequencies of the “bug” which is generally passed on from one student to another in schools) My wife who was placed on a manic depressant prescription a few years ago but due to no insurance we stop getting it, she is experiencing elevated moods!
I can go on with the experiences related to me and my friends who I have shared this water with but I must get back to work, because now, my life’s mission is to tell others everyday, ALL DAY!! Thank you so much!! Sincerely, Glen Lyles, Orlando Florida
Take a look at this picture. It comes from a device called a Aquilion CT, just approved for use in the USA. The amazing thing is that it gives 3D images of any designated organ. What amazing times we live in!
Below you will find a link for a video that was posted to "You Tube" yesterday of Dr. Robert O. Young explaining his discovery, in 1994, of a unique marker for diabetes that shows up on the red blood cells.
This marker or characteristic of white spots or targets on the red blood cells are unique to those persons who have one or all of the following symptoms and is an indicator of a pre-diabetic or diabetic condition:
1) high blood sugars 2) low blood sugars 3) anemic conditions 4) light headedness and dizziness 5) cold hands and cold feet 6) numbness or lack of feeling in the extremities 6) muddled thinking and forgetfulness 7) yeast infections 8) sugar cravings, and 9) low energy
Dr. Young explains that red blood cells with white spots, dots or targets are fermenting or ripening cells that are breaking down and releasing their sugars into the bloodstream. This is one of the major causes of an increase of blood sugar that leads to diabetes.
Dr. Young says, "just like a ripening banana with all of its diabetic black spots becoming sweeter and sweeter we can now see the same ripening or spoiling of the body cells as noted by their white spots."
"This discovery will help us better understand why blood sugars increase on a diet that is low in sugar, or when blood sugars are normal at night before going to bed and then higher in the morning when awakening for no apparent reason. This phenomenon is known as the "Dawn Phenomenon. We now know the cause of the "Dawn Phenomenon."
Dr. Young further state, "with this discovery we can then prevent and even reverse the condition and/or conditions of Type I and Type II diabetes by making the necessary changes in the internal environment that is causing the fermentation of the body cells - even the red blood cells."
To learn more about Dr. Young's research on diabetes read "The pH Miracle for Diabetes."
Ian: This guy is seriously making waves. His book sets out the discoveries of correlation of green alkaline diet with cessation of diabetes, complete with fully documented case studies.
A Massive 50% of British PC users with wi-fi say they use a neighbour's modem to download data.
..Which brings me the the point.. if I was stealing my neighbour's modem time and bandwidth.. what happens if he is stealing mine at the same time? Hmmm....
I have had quite few inquiries about my recent post on Wobenzym, a german product that claims to allay symptoms of Gluten intolerance. As most of my readers know, both Cassie and I are GI, and I have elected to be the test dummy with our first order of this enzyme.
It seems to be working. I can't lay claim to being a perfect lab rat because as GI sufferers know, once you adjust to a Gluten free diet we usually feel better anyway and don't wish to return to the pain. However, for the sake of my readers and with lashings of self sacrifice, I have subjected myself to some tests, like squaffing a luscious Hummingbird Cup Cake and having a Stella Artois beer at our son's birthday celebration, both with no effect.
The other side of Wobenzym that was reported was a reduction in Tinnitus, and sorry, that hasn't happened.
I've added this excellent article on the work of an Italian Dr Simoncini using alkaline bicarb. soda as a cancer remedy to the ION LIFE archives.. Here it is. He's in Australia at the moment lecturing. For more info go here.
Yes, Christmas is close, and at ION LIFE Australia they're making it easy for you to have an alkaline Christmas this year, neutralising all of the Christmas acidic treats!
I have quite a few people ask me about so-called ‘cold pressed’ coconut oil. It’s a clever marketing term that has been bandied about, but what does the heat of processing have to do with coconut oil? It may apply to olive oil, but does it apply to coconut oil?
Tropical Traditions founders Brian and Marianita Shilhavy were the first ones to export “Virgin Coconut Oil” from the Philippines in 2001, defining the term “Virgin Coconut Oil” on their websites since there was no industry-wide standard or agreed upon definition for such a label. Their definition has subsequently been used by most manufacturers and distributors of Virgin Coconut Oil.
Some groups have tried to improve upon this definition by including a “no heat” condition for processing Virgin Coconut Oil. But in 2005 Professor Vermont P. Dia of the University of the Philippines conducted a study with some of his graduate students to analyze various Virgin Coconut Oils produced using different methods, with all of them using little or no heat in the processing. Their results were published in December 2005, in The Philippine Agricultural Scientist, and these results became the standard for Virgin Coconut Oil quality in the Philippines. In 2006 Tropical Traditions had Professor Dia and his students test their Virgin Coconut Oil which is made using the traditional method and includes low levels of heat at the end of the process. It was not among the samples tested in the Philippines in 2005, since Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil was marketed exclusively in the United States. They discovered that Tropical Traditions’ Virgin Coconut Oil tested much higher in polyphenols, an antioxidant, than any of the low-heat or no-heat samples they had tested previously, sometimes testing with antioxidant levels that were twice as high! (Read Professor Dia’s statement here) This is further proof that low-tech traditional methods are not inferior to modern mass-produced machine methods emphasizing no heat. We suspect that some low-level heat is necessary to remove any existing enzymes or bacteria from the oil that can compromise the integrity of pure unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil.
To understand the “heat” issue in making Virgin Coconut Oil, go here:
While almost all Virgin Coconut Oils sold in Australia are mass-produced, Tropical Traditions still produces their Virgin Coconut Oil by hand in small batches by family micro enterprises. Most of them have been producing Virgin Coconut oil for over 6 years. They have learned what it takes to produce the highest quality oil, such as how to hand pick the best coconuts from each harvest.
Their most recent discovery in 2007 came when certain groups in rural areas had problems with water sources. Water is needed to make the coconut milk from which the oil is extracted. Using true Filipino ingenuity, they started collecting and using the pure nutritious coconut water from inside the organic coconuts instead. They noticed that the water separated from the oil much quicker, that less heat was needed at the end, and that less filtering was needed also. The end result was a higher quality and better tasting Virgin Coconut Oil. Independent laboratory analysis shows that this new method produces even higher levels of antioxidants than first tested in 2006 by Professor Dia!
So we now require all of our Virgin Coconut Oil producers to use the pure coconut water from their coconuts instead of boiled or purified tap water. This enhanced Virgin Coconut Oil with the highest levels of antioxidants is the same one we supply here in Australia.
While you can, before you forget, download this talk by Dr Robert O. Young and set aside an hour to really listen.
As you probably know, I'm a great fan of the good works Dr. Young does in the area of acid/alkaline balance research. I've read his books, listened to his talks, but I've never heard a better talk than this about my favourite health strategy.
Do yourself a big favour and download it here. It's in mp3 format.
We're having real problems keeping up with demand for the new Delphi Water Alkalizer. This means that if you have planned to get one for Christmas you'd better make the move. Because we are still in short supply we have decided that our Australian clients still have the same deal we offered with our first shipment. Click here to talk to us about it if you're an Aussie. Order via IONWAYS USA if you're on that side of the Pacific to be specific.
"As an M.D., I feel compelled to point out that there can be health problems from drinking too much water (hyponatremia or 'water poisoning', worsening of congestive heart failure, etc.). Although I agree with drinking water in place of soda, juice, etc., for the lower caloric content, there simply is NO truth to the myth that you need 6-8 glasses of water per day. Moderation is key..."
The placenta uses a cloaking device similar to that used by parasites to avoid detection by the mother’s immune system. Scientists looking to develop a diagnostic test for pre-eclampsia, a major and potentially fatal cause of foetal and maternal illness, made the amazing discovery which could have far reaching implications.
The team, based at the University of Reading, believe their findings will revolutionise our understanding of the placenta and research into recurrent miscarriages and pre-eclampsia. It is also hoped this method of avoiding immune rejection could be mimicked and used in other areas such as arthritis or even stem cell therapy.
I've had some great email responses to my post about how to get cancer, including:
"Hey Ian! That's not fair! You make everyone who's had cancer look like a beer swilling, fried chip guzzling couch potato! I've had my BC scare and it was all the more difficult to reconcile because I've always been a healthy (organic wherever possible) eater, fit and outdoorsy with no chemical vices like alcohol or cigarettes.
Sure many of the people with whom I shared Oncologist's waiting rooms fitted your criteria, but many didn't. I think the message is that the factors influencing our susceptibility for cancer are so embedded in our agricultural, food processing and storage (and career employment) systems that it's very hard to avoid!
Cleaning up my act post-cancer has been a full time job and NOT conducive to regular employment, family responsibility or financial security! Give us a break!"
I hear you, my friend, I hear you! In fact even though the points I used came from New Scientist and were therefore scientifically valid in relation to the massive amounts of research into prehistory of cancer victims, the fact remains that we are all living to the best of our ability in a cancerous world with more toxins than we could possibly imagine! So we see all too often stories like yours.
In a past incarnation (age 24) I was a hang glider designer and maker.
I often wonder about my practice of using a grinding wheel to shape PVC battens for the sails. My innocent young body was enveloped in a cloud of the stuff! Sure, like you, I've lived cleanly for many years but the thought is still there. I guess for me it's now a matter of keeping my immunity levels as high as Iam capable, becasue the facts are (if I care to read the statistics) 2 out of 3 mern of my age will die of the nasty disease. Living clean is what we can all do, notwithstanding our sins of innocence.
It seems the most cancer-creating item in most households is the TV remote.
Why? Because it causes the most cancer-friendly conditions possible.
According to the new report from the American institute for Cancer Research, labelled Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer, the two major predeterminants for cancer are weight gain and activity level.
So the TV remote is one hell of a cancermaker!
The report says that whether you eat steak or fish for dinner is small chips when compared to the risk of fat or inactivity.
We've had the lead coated toy alert or Chinese goods, the GBH-dissolving beads from China, the contaminated foods from China, but who'd have thought that the humble flip-flop footwear (thongs to you Aussies) was dangerous? Take a look at this.
.. and when you have, have a think about this:
China makes 70 percent of the world's penicillin, 50 percent of its aspirin and 35 percent of its acetaminophen (often sold under the brand name Tylenol®), as well as the bulk of vitamins A, B12, C and E.
Peter is our star Alkaline Balance consultant. He's been with us for years now and is a dyed in the wool Alkalarian. This is what Pete tells everyone he meets, everyone who calls us up... even his bank manager.
Household cleaning sprays and air fresheners may well be to blame for the high rates of asthma across Europe and Australia for that matter!.
Use of the sprays on a regular basis increased the risk of developing the disease by between 30 to 50 per cent, a study of 3,500 people in 10 European countries including the UK has found. Even occasional use as little as once a week increased the risk. Air fresheners, furniture sprays and glass cleaners were found to have the strongest effect. Liquid cleaners and polishes had no effect.
The findings come from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, one of the world's largest studies of lung disease. They are published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Previous research has shown that professional cleaners have increased rates of asthma but it is the first time that domestic cleaning has also been shown to create a risk.
If this worries you, take a look at our new air filter and ionizer. Not only does it filter and freshen the air, it actually electrocutes viruses!
HONG KONG — Two scenes for the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight, which involved Batman jumping into Victoria Harbour, have been cut after officials deemed the harbour too polluted.
Woops! I gave you the incorrect address to order Lawrence Ellyard's new book 'The Spirit Of Water'. Here's the correct one. It would make a great Christmas gift.
With apologies to New Scientist, I've created an eleven-point list for ensuring you can get cancer. Here it is. Feel free to print it out and put it one your double fridge.
1. Make sure you have a Body Mass Index over 23 and work hard to increase this as you age. Don't let the media hype about 'thin' seduce you!
2. Keep physical activity at a reasonable level; definitely no more than 30 minutes per day. Make friends with your couch. Only walk when you can't drive, call email or roll. And be careful your mouse and remote control hand muxcles aren't over developed.
3. Don't waste time eating raw or green food. Get your energy through high sugar and energy-loaded fast food.
4. Let the beasts of the world support you. Eat at least 500g of meat a week. Processed meats are just great.
5. If you are a man, make sure a refreshing alcoholic beverage is always nearby. It may be hard, but women should strive to drink at least two standard drinks a day, men, four.
6. Live a nature-supporting lifestyle. Fruit and vegetable are rabbit and insect food. Save them by abstaining from eating any of their natural fodder. Even more important, if you must eat vegetables or fruit, leave the organic stuff for the animals. Make sure your vegies are safely protected with an all round insecticide, miticide fungicide, herbicide and biocide. Good for your in-cides.
7. Ensure all of your food is safe by insisting on a good chemical preservative. And make sure it's salty We came from the sea, didn't we?
8. Keep up to date with all of ther latest dietary supplements. You never know what you're missing if you don't try them all. A full cupboard is a healthy cupboard.
9. If you're a mum, be a thoroughly modern one and DO NOT BREASTFEED.
10. Keep lean and mean by avoiding water. If you must drink water, make sure it's in coffee. Do NOT drink alkaline water whatever you do. There are no double blind studies on its benefits and it's not sold by a pharmaceutical company so how can it be any good - even if the Japanese have used it for fifty years? (What would they know anyway?)
11. If you've survived Cancer, and found the experience enjoyable, change nothing! Your name is already up in lights on the Big C scoreboard!
Just to throw a little more animal fat on the fire of the vegetarian / carnivore debate we've been witnessing here over the last few months, now the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research say excess body fat and red meat are linked to an increased risk of common cancers and should be avoided, said.
About 40 percent of all cancers are linked to food, lack of exercise, and body weight, the organizations said in a 571-page report released yesterday. A panel of 21 researchers who compiled the report said it was the most comprehensive evaluation ever of evidence linking personal habits to cancer risk.
"Part of the purpose of the report was to show that prevention of cancer by means of food, nutrition, and associated factors is as feasible and crucial as prevention of coronary heart disease," the researchers wrote. "The evidence that high body fatness and also physical inactivity are causes of a number of cancers, including common cancers, is particularly strong." This isn't one of the here today gone tomorrow reports. Hundreds of specialists evaluated more than 7,000 studies over five years to compile the report. Panelists found "convincing evidence" that carrying extra weight, particularly around the waist, may lead to cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, colon, kidney, and uterus, as well as postmenopausal breast cancer. The panelists recommended keeping extra weight off, exercising at least 30 minutes a day, and limiting consumption of alcohol and high-fat foods, such as burgers, french fries, milk shakes, pastries, and sugary drinks. The guidelines also apply to cancer survivors, the report said. Researchers said men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks a day, and women one. Red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, which are linked to colorectal cancer, should be replaced with poultry, fish, and eggs. Processed meats that include bacon and lunchmeat should also be avoided, researchers said. Naturally, release of the report spurred a few objections. The causes of cancer are "extremely complex and involve factors like genetics, the environment, lifestyle, and a host of other issues," said Randy Huffman, vice president of scientific affairs at the Washington-based American Meat Institute, in a statement. Ian: I Wonder if this guy worked for the tobacco industry before this job?
GENEVA — In January The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking to launch a multi-nation study of the possibility that hard water (typically, water containing calcium and/or magnesium) offers protection against human cardiovascular disease.
After a WHO-organized scientific conference and expert working group met in Baltimore, MD, in April 2006, the working group concluded that there was some evidence suggesting that water hardness, especially magnesium concentrations, may have a beneficial health effect. But it notes in the recent statement that the evidence reviewed in Baltimore “was not considered to be definitive.” Since then, WHO has decided that better-designed epidemiological studies are needed on the issue to draw firm conclusions that can be the basis of international public health policy.
WHO is inviting various nations to commence studies using as a guide the protocol used in an earlier study by the University of East Anglia of mortality among customers of public water supplies in the United Kingdom. WHO says it will not fund the new studies, but it will pool the data in an attempt to arrive at conclusions.
I well remember the hours and hours of pleasure I recieved from my parent's gift of a 'toy' microscope. I also remember vividly the images of fly's wings, dog fur and various spiders. It opened my eyes to the weornderful world of microcosmia.
So it's wonderful to hear of the non-profit group in India called Jodo Gyan who actually give these wooden based microscopes to Indian school kids for free. "Indian children are not getting to experience all the joy and wonder of science because there is too much emphasis on the memorization and repetition of concepts," says Usha Menon, a government researcher who founded Jodo Gyan in 1999. "Hundreds of thousands of children are learning without understanding anything." Priced at 150 rupees (roughly $4), the microscope is just one of the educational tools created by Jodo Gyan, literally translated as 'linking knowledge'.
...This exhibit of the amazing efforts of WW1 surgeons on the faces of army casualties is disturbing.. but it's also a tribute to what surgeons were able to achieve given their very limited range of technical support of those early days.
Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte announced here on October 29 that he will contribute US$105 million to his newly founded ONE DROP Foundation over the next 25 years to fund projects to rebuild water wells and provide drinking water in poor countries.
STACY, MN — The tap water here is high in chlorine and is sickening families’ pets, an October 31 story in The Post Review said. Resident Ken Cummings, who has spent about $385 on water filters over the past three years, was told to stop giving his family’s pet rabbit tap water after it became ill. When he started giving it bottled water, it regained health. Cummings said he goes through a lot of filters because they deteriorate. The same thing happened to Mayor John Daher’s dog. His veterinarian told him not to give his dog city water. The city’s rusty water, a result of chlorine reacting with iron, was discussed at an October 30 city council meeting. A resident in attendance said that when she fills her bathtub the water is brown and has been for 23 years.
Ian: Hey, you think that's bad? Today's announcement that 50% of Sydney's water supply is useless due to toxic algal bloom begs the question; Which fifty percent?
Abul Hussam, an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Virginia’s George Mason University who invented an arsenic-removing, point-of-use home water filter, has been named one of TIME Magazine’s Heroes of the Environment for 2007.
TIME’s senior environmental writer Bryan Walsh wrote that Hussam was selected because he was among “those ready with solutions.”
According to TIME, the water treatment device is “a deceptively simple device to address the problem” of arsenic in drinking water.
Hussam, who hails from Bangladesh, has first-hand experience with groundwater contaminated with dangerous levels of arsenic. Through research, he created an “affordable, effective and environmentally sustainable way to make water arsenic-free,” TIME reported.
His SONO filter, which won him the Grainger Challenge Gold Award from The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in February, works by having a top bucket — filled with coarse river sand and a composite iron matrix — filter coarse particles and inorganic arsenic. A second bucket — holding more coarse sand and wood charcoal — then removes organics. Finally the water is filtered again through fine river sand and wet brick chips.
“People tell me how their symptoms of arsenic poisoning have been eased or even reversed with use of the SONO filter,” Hussam said in his TIME profile. “I even hear that women now prefer to wash their hair with filtered water as it makes it softer.”
Ian: I love inventions like this; for years I've been dismayed about the knowledge that even the centuries-old trusted deep wells all across India and Bangla Desh are poisoning people.