Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Springtime is Detox time

I had a call from Ken this week, the guy who supplies me with VitaKlenz Herbal Anti Parasite formula. He was telling me of an HIV orphanage in Tanzania - 400 kids, all with AIDS. The South African Doctor who supported the orphanage gave all the kids Vitaklenz for the inevitable parasites they have in those countries.

The result was... shall we say.. far more amazing than he ever imagined, leading to a whole series of events that showed the very dark side of drug companies' tactics when there are no rules to stop them. Suffice to say it was NOT because the VitaKlenz didn't work!

Springtime is, according to Traditional Chinese medicine, the best time to detoxify, and I heartily recommend VitaKlenz. We get orders for it from all over the world, even though we have never advertised it in the US, but we continue to receive orders from there simply from word of mouth.

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