Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sanctuary Detox and Learn

A couple of years ago Cassie and I spent an amazing ten days fasting at the Sanctuary on Kho Phan Gan, Thailand. It was amazing not just because of the fasting and its health benefits, but also because it was a lovely, lovely place where we did (almost) nothing. Now fellow Alkalarian Daniel Reid, author of The Tao of Detox, is conducting a retreat at the Sanctuary.

If you'd care to gift yourself or your loved one, download the .pdf details here

1 comment:

Donno said...

HI Ian
I am in beginning the process of trying to alkalize myself. I am 43 yo. and I have had leaky gut , yeast infections , athletes foot, etc. I got the water alkalizer arriving at my place soon. Recently i have noticed a couple of molds on my skin started to flake and then bleed. would this be a consequence of reducing the acid intake in my diet. I have not seen this happen before, and was wondering if skin moulds are actually a way for the body to store acid, like fat is. they look an awful lot like mushrooms on the skin, making me think they may be a form of fungus, hence the name 'skin molds'. I have read on the that you can get rid of molds by keeping a gauze on them that has baking soda and caster oil soaked on it. this means that the molds may be harbouring deposits of acid, which the bicarb is neutralizing, and then the mold falls off, though the amazing function self healing.

what are your thoughts on what skin moulds are, as i am slowling getting covered in them ?

sydney, aust