Friday, February 27, 2009
Esophageal reflux and magnets

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mike Adams, Health Ranger and Coco Oil

Mike Adams, a.k.a. The Health Ranger has published a great article on why we should all switch to coconut oil. And having read that you may be interested in our latest sale on four litre pails of Tropical traditions Coco oil. We've slashed the normal retail price on them so jump to it here
I need your help

I'm working on the label for our new product - a combination of magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium salts you can use as a condiment or to alkalize drinks. We're stuck for a line to convey its use to people seeing the product for the first time, so I'm asking for your input.
If you have a good idea, please reply below but also give me a contact point and if I use your (8-word max) explanation, and you're an Aussie, you will be the first to receive one of our new 'Alkaline Booster' - free! - with your winning line on the label.
ION LIFE Makes Fox News

It's difficult not to get excited about the letters and emails I get from people who are long term users of our wonderful water, giving details of actual "amazing" (that word again) health effects. (not benefits, note) We have a filing cabinet stuffed with the stories we've received over the years and these days the majority of our new clients come recommended by a present user.
So I am not scared to show a 'negative' video about our water, as screened by Fox news in the US. I have come to expect articles like this because yes, it is hard to believe that what we say our water does is really so. It's much easier to get an 'expert' to debunk it and maintain the fear we all live under. So here's the latest video offering from mainstream media on ION LIFE water.
See it here
(And just to be clear; ION LIFE water does NOT, NOT, NOT do strange things to moustaches!)
And if you still have doubt whether the body can get out of balance here's another article
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Raw Foodies Alert

She is my regular stop at her stall at the Byron Farmer's market where her Coconut Dream gets me every time!
What to Bring: Apron, Bowl, spoon and cup
If you have a spiraliser or sushi mat please bring it along, and four takeaway containers for yummy afters.
It costs $68. Call Dianne on PH: 0422022308 or email her at: horton.dianne@gmail..com
During the afternoon I'll also talk on alkaline balance.
You lucky little alkalarians, you!
Alkaline Rules the Press

Last weekend our Sydney Morning Herald had an article on three people following three radically different diets.
The first one was a fitness instructor who only ate raw meat.
The second was a woman who had been eating only fruit for years and looked like she'd blow away if someone opened a window.
The third was a Chinese Traditional medicine therapist who made the most sense by a country mile.
Dr Qi Chen, 50, but looking thirty, discussed his and his family's diet. He eats up to 70% rice, with more vegetables and less meat - about half the meat ordinary Chinese eat.
For breakfast, he eats Congee - rice porridge mixed with green barley and sweet potato. He encourages his son to eat one egg a day for the brain, the memory and thr lipids (fats)
Like Cassie and I, he's not a dairy fan at all. 'Once children grow up, no more milk. Too much growth hormone in it. If adults have too much growth hormone, can be prone to cancer".
He's also like me in that he doesn't try to drink lots of water, because he believes that drinking too much water makes the kidneys work too hard. He won't drink tap water. and if he does, he leaves it out overnight for the gaseous chlorine to dissipate. I only drink about a litre and a half a day because my ION LIFE water is so hydrating, my body tells me it's had enough with less.
"We don't drink mineral water. Australian mineral water is too acid. You have to check the pH level. if over 7, this water good. Lower then seven should be avoided. It can cause stone in the body - kidney stone, gallstone."
His basic dietary philosophy revolves around keeping the body in an alkaline rather than an acid state. He believes that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment, and that normal cells mutate because of an excessively acidic inner terrain. "Too much free radical. That make our DNA mutate. Alkalized blood makes our DNA more stable."
When we began to talk about alkaline balance eight years ago they thought I was nuts. How things change!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Health Care Rationing
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Alkalizing by Default
It appears that Americans are taking up better diet choices for the simple reason that they can't afford the rubbish they (and we Australians) usually scoff (pardon my skeptical bent) The graph above from the Wall Street Journal is very clear; less money may actually mean better health!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fluoride in Queensland and the World.

While on the subject, we've been adding more useful information to our new site all about fluoride here. I think you'll find it interesting.
Questions are coming in from clients tempted to buy cheap reverse osmosis systems. We have also had reports in from people who made the big mistake of buying these 'Chinese cheapies'. The problem is that the only way to test whether a system is actually taking out Fluoride is an expensive laboratory test, but we are seeing people being seriously duped by sellers of these units. From what they've told us, we can see the darn things aren't even removing ordinary minerals!
It's easy to cheat in selling an RO. By using cheap pre filters, you can reduce the cost of the whole system. Unfortunately the main purpose of good prefilters is to extend the life of the sensitive and fragile membrane in the heart of the system that actually does the fine filtration. It's also the most expensive part, so you'll be up for big money in keeping your RO going because your cheapie prefilters haven't protected the membrane.
So be careful. You gets what you pays for. And if you wnat to take a look at a really good system, go here.
And Another preloved Alkakizer

"ION LIFE Alphion for sale. Purchased Nov 08. Love it, but I wanting to upgrade to under sink Delphi. AU$1695.00 ONO. Includes one new Biostone Ultra replacement filter. Contact Kay 07 4151 5336 or 0407 155128"
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dr Simoncini Speaks
Dr Tullio Simoncini is a medical doctor and surgeon specializing in oncology, diabetology and metabolic disorders. He is also a Doctor of Philosophy. An humanitarian, he is opposed to any kind of intellectual conformity, which he sees as often based on suppositions without foundation or, worse, on lies and falsehoods. Dr Simoncini regularly attends medical conferences and does interviews to explain what's wrong with conventional cancer theories and treatments, to present his fungal theory of cancer and to describe case studies involving patients healed with sodium bicarbonate, a powerful antifungal. Dr. Simoncini is the author of, Cancer is a Fungus: A revolution in the therapy of tumours.
For more information on Dr Simoncini's theory, therapy, and case studies, and to view interviews and testimonials, visit his website here. or take a look at a video of him.
Office Plants: A necessity?

I have lost count of the computers at ION LIFE HQ now.. and then there are the faxes, the printers, the scanners.. and of course the Cappucino machine!
Check it out here
My favourite; The Peace Lily
Mr Tree and the Koala

I just have to share this pic sent to me this morning.
The fire fighter's name is Mr Tree. The report reads:
"Mr Tree said he was surprised by the reaction to the photograph, which was snapped by a fellow CFA volunteer on a mobile phone.
He said he was in the middle of backburning at Mirboo North when he saw the stricken koala.
"I could see she had sore feet and was in trouble, so I pulled over the fire truck. She just plonked herself down, as if to say 'I'm beat'," he said.
"I offered her a drink and she drank three bottles.
"The most amazing part was when she grabbed my hand. I will never forget that."
Mr Tree and his brigade then received an emergency call-out to save a house, but minutes later Sam was picked up by wildlife carers.
She is one of 22 koalas, 14 ringtail possums, several wallabies and eastern grey kangaroos that have been handed into Gippsland carers. "
And now here's a video link to the story
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Bargain for a Smart Buyer

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Love and Money

Lynda Rysenbry is a friend of mine who conducts courses based on NVC: Non Violent Communication. Here's the text of an email she sent me today.
"I was at the beach last night and we were discussing money and love. It must be in the air...
Today I see Dr Matthew Bambling of the Queensland University of Technology says couples are in for a rough time "facing job insecurity, redundancy, worries about making ends meet". He says "...in such tough times, good communication within couples is critical".
Last year a family law solicitor shared with me that many of the people she assists to separate, often also have pretty poor financial picture. I have been there myself. Love and money simultaneously disintegrating. Here is what I learned:
Whatever you can't discuss fully and happily live with, will eat away at the relationship. You get to choose whether it happens quietly or loudly. If you can't face a topic together effectively, you are exposed in two ways. You're exposed to making a botch of this area of your lives and the health of your relationship is exposed.
Of course this is not limited to the topic of money, it can be any shared topic. Parenting can be another tough one for couples.
Money just happens to pervade many aspects of life and is probably one of the most common core triggers for insecurity, fear of abandonment, rejection, failure ~ all those shadows in the recesses of our minds.
I am absolutely not suggesting compromising for the sake of peace. Because that carries its own price. Real peace, intimacy and an expansion of each of you AND the relationship comes naturally from a total and complete hearing of each other and reaching an understanding that is free of thoughts like "whatever ... I'll go with what she says" "Well, its not my problem. You're the one in charge of the money/ kids/ holiday plans". "You'd better be right, that's all I can say".
All of those are examples of abandoning yourself!
Letting someone elses' reality prevail over your own might seem easy, but it can dull you down and leave you feeling resentful.
Abandoning yourself like this is a toxic seed, ripe for damaging the relationship. Don't do it!!
You can talk things through and be who you are, in a way that builds and deepens your love and connectedness. Speak up and listen deeply. The drama is not about the money. Its about the struggle for recognition, love, security... Acknowledge this gently and respectfully. Then the topic will be much easier!
You each hold an equally valid piece of the puzzle. You'll know when you have reached a true understanding by the feeling in your body.
Developing this capacity, is like water to a plant. You - your relationships - your finances - your children, need you to be able to be really honest, really loving and really effective in reaching decisions together."
If you like what she says, she has a new workshop coming soon titled Speaking peace. Here's a flyer for it. I recommend her work to anyone with 'issues' like this.
And here's her site.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Fluoride Facts

I've also written a short 'frequently asked questions' for people confused about the practical aspects of installing an RO system. you'll find it here
Ohio Town Citizens go on unplanned Acid trip

Forty pounds of the acid were added to Bellaire's water Sunday after a supplier shipped the wrong chemical and the filtration system crew mistook the containers for fluoride. The error was discovered Monday morning when workers noticed fluoride levels were lower than normal.
"Unfortunately, the drums are all the same size and the same color," water department superintendent Kirk Baker said.
The chemical drums were labeled, however, said Janet Barth, an official with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Baker said crews opened fire hydrants and drained the system to clean it.
"All I can say is it was an unfortunate accident and it won't happen again," he said.
Ian: not on his watch, anyway! But serously: if a guy can just 'mistake' a drum of highly toxic chemicals in a municipal water supply plant.. is there still an reason not to have a reasonable to excellent water filtration system?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Give me my five minutes of Fame

I just posted this to Digg.com and would love it if you could take a moment to Digg it.
Here it is; my theory of why we get tired.
Just click on the Digg button below then 'Digg' it!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Yes, but does an alkaline diet REALLY support bone growth?

The study found that increasing the alkali content of the diet, the opposite effect and strengthens bone health.
‘Heredity, diet, and other lifestyle factors contribute to the problem of bone loss and fractures,’ said lead author Dr Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts University. ‘When it comes to dietary concerns regarding bone health, calcium and vitamin D have received the most attention, but there is increasing evidence that the acid/base balance of the diet is also important.’
Average older adults consume diets that, when metabolised, add acid to the body. With aging, we become less able to excrete the acid. One way the body may counteract the acid from our diets is through bone resorption, a process by which bones are broken down to release minerals such as calcium, phosphates, and alkaline (basic) salts into the blood. Unfortunately, increased bone resorption leads to declines in bone mass and increases in fracture risk.
‘When fruits and vegetables are metabolised they add bicarbonate, an alkaline compound, to the body,’ said Dr. Dawson Hughes. ‘Our study found that bicarbonate had a favourable effect on bone resorption and calcium excretion. This suggests that increasing the alkali content of the diet may attenuate bone loss in healthy older adults.’
In this study, 171 men and women aged 50 and older were randomised to receive placebo or doses of either: potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium chloride for 3 months. ‘We demonstrated that adding alkali in pill form reduced bone resorption and reduced the losses of calcium in the urine over a 3-month period,’ said Dr. Dawson-Hughes. ‘This intervention warrants further investigation as a safe and well tolerated supplement to reduce bone loss and fracture risk in older men and women.
Further, for all our potassium supplementing clients, it was found that potassium DID lower Calcium Excretion and Bone Resorption in Older Men and Women.
See the abstract here
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Free Alkaline Defence Course. yes, really, FREE!

Well, I don't just ramble. When I get the chance I actually sit down and organise my thoughts into a communicable form, and the last time I did this was... ah.. let me see...
Just kidding. What I'm trying to say is that I want to thank you for being here and giving you a link to my FREE Alkaline Defence Course that many thousands of people have already read and enjoyed. It's a distillation of eight years study of acid/alkaline balance and it is arranged in twelve easy to digest lessons sent to you at weekly intervals. It covers the philosophy, the physiology, the effeects and the availbale strategies for combating this (so far) unrecognised health plague.
If you'd like to receive it, be my guest! Click here
Pass the Grapes Agnes!

However there may be an even better reason for me to gorge on the fruit of the vine. It appears that consuming grapes and berries may actually reverse aging!
Scientists at the Agricultural Research Service a been studying the effects on rats of a diet high in berries and grapes. They found that Pterostilbene, an ingredient common to both fruits, reversed measurable negative effects of aging on brain function and behavioral performance.
Learn more and pass the strawberries, Agnes! I've finished the grapes.
..and while we are on the subject, an apple to please Agnes, because now apple juice has been identified as a possible anti-Alzheimers' strategy.

Dr. Shea commented that "These findings provide further evidence linking nutritional and genetic risk factors for age-related neuro-degeneration and suggest that regular consumption of apple juice can not only help to keep one's mind functioning at its best, but may also be able to delay key aspects of Alzheimer's disease and augment therapeutic approaches."