Friday, April 25, 2008

Who'd Be A Teacher In L.A?

A report received this morning:

LOS ANGELES — Water from one drinking fountain at a San Fernando Valley elementary school, which is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District, has tested positive for high levels of lead, according to an April 23 Daily News article. David Brewer III, school district superintendent, said in a news conference that he is holding staff accountable for this latest drinking water safety infraction. Brewer said at a news conference that school staff at the Woodlake Elementary School responsible for flushing water fountains and keeping logs will be held accountable for their negligence.

Ian: So.. the poor teachers are going to have to go out and find a whole-school water filtration system and install it.. while they get on teaching? And the Head says they are 'negligent' if they don't? This headmaster has commitment issues! Hopefully he'll soon become David Brewer the third last! (What is it with people with names like that?)

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