Monday, April 14, 2008

Aspartame... Again.

I'm not going to add to the massive opposing data against Aspartame. There's plenty out there already about this artificial sweetener.

However this data just crosses my desk about how it works to KEEP US HUNGRY.

Imagine; a sweetener that replaces sugar - that makes us fat - that also makes us hungry - that makes us FAT!

"Aspartame has been shown in laboratory studies to create changes in insulin levels called a "cephalic phase insulin response." A cephalic response is a digestive reaction triggered in the brain by the taste, smell, sight or thought of any food. Your entire digestive system, from your mouth to your colon, can be affected by these messages. Changes in cephalic phase responses such as salivation, gastric acid production and liver metabolism can alter normal appetite.

Additionally, studies prove that you stay hungry on a sugar-free, chemical diet because:

  1. aspartame penetrates the brain
  2. this penetration suppresses serotonin
  3. then you crave carbohydrates

Michael G. Tordoff, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, University of California at Davis, has published several studies showing that artificial sweeteners can:

  1. increase hunger, short-term food intake, and cravings
  2. affect blood sugar levels, which can be especially dangerous to people with diabetes or epilepsy
  3. cause fluid retention
  4. increase cellulite
  5. contribute to weight gain"
Er.. wouldn't it be simpler to eat natural foods? just a thought... Ian

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