"Hi, Ian, my chiropractor suggested limiting the intake of pH10 alkaline water to every other day as my wife's bone density has dropped by 10% in 12 months. Does this make sense to you as Phil Burton says he drinking 4L of alkaline water every day?
Phil Burton, by the way, is the Live Blood Microscopist featured last week. Phil loves ION LIFE water because he sees the results in his work every day.
However, to the comment:
No, Anonymous, it makes no sense at all. I can't for the life of me see how increasing your alkaline update, supporting your depleted alkaline buffers and taking the load off your bones and teeth as the body's emergency calcium source could possibly reduce bone density. In fact I would have thought the opposite would have been mthe obvious conclusion.
I have to make a comment here. We hear lots of flak against Doctors. "Doctors push chemicals", "Doctors are pawns of the Pharmeceutical companies.." you know the lines. But in my position of hearing a great amount of feedback from patients of both medicos and alternative therapists, I have to say that there are at least as many wobbly outcomes from alternative practitioners.
I must add that I have enormous respect for some doctors and the same for some alternative therapists, but the tendency to give an answer when one is not qualified to do so, seems a very common occurrence. My take on it is that such practitioners are still acting out their insecurities and have a need for their patients/clients to admire/respect/trust them, so they unknowingly step out of their specialisation (and integrity) and make comments that they actually have no data or training on so they can keep up the illusion of a therapist/patient relationship.
Hey, Jupiter Science water is still just water! It's super-hydrating, it's loaded with oxygen ions, it's an powerful antioxidant and it has had all the acid toxins removed. So you tell me; how could water like that reduce bone density?
Ask your chiropractor for the scientific paper he used to reference his advice.
By the way, as many of you know, one competitor gsubscribes to this Blog and tries everything he can to put us out of business.
When we used a Rolls Royce Silver Lady symbol he sent it to BMW, the owners of Rolls Royce and we got a registered demandfrom a Sydney firm of barristers to remove their symbol.
When we mentioned that Anthony Robbins loves alkaline water we got a call from his lawyers telling us we couldn't use his ame.
When we ran a raffle and forgot to get a licence we got a call from the Gaming Commission.
Funny stuff. So watch and learn; you'll probably hear that alkaline water causes loss of bone density on a website in the very near future. Ya gotta laugh!
The comment on bone density, well any doctor will tell you as you age particularly women, you can lose bone density, can be lack of excercise,lack of eating foods containing calcium and particularly magnesium that the body can use to assimilate into the areas requiring calcium. Also that some bodies are not as good as other at assimilating the calcium to the places it is needed.
Another is as women age the hormones go haywire when approaching/in/after menoapause.Lack of Progesterone in the body can cause bone density to drop.I am not a professional but especially it is always better to improve your hormones by getting natural products from a Natural Hormone Therapist also adding extra supplements to the diet to improve bone density is the way to go. No I have to agree with Ian I am on PH 10 and because of my backgound of hormone shifts I get natural hormone replacement. This lady should look at other things her body may be suffering like hormonal if she is worried about bone density, go get a saliva test or bone density test!! the Chiropractor should keep on Chiropracting unless he has a diploma in Homeopathy/Naturopathy/Herbology "Rock on Alkaline water"
I am a chiropractor and was absolutely appalled that a collegue would offer that advice. They should know that low pH causes the body to dump minerals like calcium and magnesium into the system, ultimately contributing to osteopenia. I hope it was just a misunderstanding or otherwise the lady should find another chiropractor
I also cannot see how bone density is lost through the use of alkaline water. In fact, high acid levels increase the likelihood of uric acid which in turn can lead to calcification, both precursors to osteo arthritis and osteoporosis. Like the two previous comments, bone density has more to do with lack of magnesium, poor assimilation of calcium and lack of exercise.
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