Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hubby, Get on the Program!

One of our Alkalarians called up yesterday talking about her husband's resistance to getting healthy. She decided to give him an ultimatum:

"If you aren't going to alkalize, just go outside now and start digging your hole right now!"

How a Spring Should Be

Here's a report on the very old Saratoga Springs in the US. It's a good read, because it shows that the effects of drinking the alkaline spring water are very similar to the effects our clients report on ION LIFE water, particularly reduction of digestive problems, hangover cure and in one chap's case in the report, longevity. I notice it also has the same effect on the bladder as our water!
Here's the report.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Eat for Free, Give freely.

What a wonderful concept. This cafe prepares food and then serves it free. It's Seva Cafe. Seva means service in Hindi.
(4 Minute video)

Soy Debate... now from the 'other side'.

Daniel Reid wrote regarding the soy interview we published last week, from Roger of Vegetarian Magazine.

"I must say, I think the interview with that guy about soy is, as you sometimes put it, a pile of "bollocks." He must be on the payroll of the soy cartels.
Here's where you'll find correct info on soy: soyonlineservice.co.nz

In Asia, traditionally, soy was fermented for up to two years to remove the toxic sludge. It's not done that way any more, not even by the organic soy product industry.

And I've seen the toothpick-size p____s of boys raised on soy formula, and the t_s on ten year old girls raised on same."

Me? I'm keeping out of this debate.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Not-To-Be-Missed website. World Clock

This one is amazing! Compare the rate of computer production ot world population, forest loss and bicycle production. What an incredible time to live! To get a real feel for it, take my tip and click the 'NOW' button!
See it here, and thanks to Clive!

More on the Soy debate

Following my comment last week about being confused about soy because of the varying advice in scientific reports, Alkalarian Mark Berriman of the Vegetarian Society sent me an article based on an interview he had with world leader in soy research, Professor Kenneth Setchell. I had a read and it really did clear things up.
Here it is (.doc)

The Real Threat to Americans - and Australians!

I often wonder at the way our minds work.

It's almost a universal truth that people spend more money on their health in the last two years of their life than they do in the whole of the rest of their life. Today my lovely sister Beverley goes to hospital to have part of her lung removed after years of smoking. She's intelligent, reads heaps and is a trained nurse, so brains aren't the issue here. And she is not an example; she is a symbol of all of us who do the same in so many ways; alcohol, fat, burgers, even stress!

So here's the thing that really gets to me; when people actually KNOW that certain behaviours are life threatening, it seems they are happy to continue them as long as they don't get immediate death. Is it change they fear?
This page portrays this skewed concept in exquisite detail.
Here's the page.

Now here's one GM Product I can't help but agree with.

I sometimes wonder what it would be like being the parent of a child with peanut allergy. We all witnessed the sad, sad story of the parenrs of a young boy who was 'dared' to eat peauts at school and died of anaphylactic shock. Now we have ALLERGY FREE PEANUTS!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


No, it's not a holdup.

Trapped in front of your desk all day? Here's a site that gives you yoga exercises you can do at your desk. (Videos)
Click here

Get Away from me, cat! GET AWAY!!!!

This cat curls up next to you when you are about to die. Some pet!
See this amazing story here.

Mercury still in your teeth? You need to see this video.

If you don't believe what this video says about mercury in your teeth then it's probably already done its work on you. If you do, and you do want to reduce your own levels, you may be very interested in the fact that our foot patches have been shown to remove it. And... we have a special on them at the moment of three packs of 20 footpatches for $130 instead of $160!
Order here

Grapefruit: Love Lost and Regained

Last week I reported on a study saying grapefruit may cause cancer. I have to say that this is a weird, weird world. Now here's a report saying EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!

More to Add to the Soy debate

Hot on the heels of the study that found soya extracts may be carcinogenic, comes a report that says that soy assist prostate cancer sufferers! I give up. I have no idea!
..But surely a little soy milk in my dandelion tea isn't going to kill me? Please agree...

Check it here

Parasites, Parasites Everywhere.

One less than welcome feedback from my Live Blood Analysis last week was that parasites were showing up in my blood. Not really suprising, considering you can catch parasites by someone passing you a pen, or taking a barefoot walk in the grass. So I'll be undertaking a VitaKlenz herbal antiparasite cleanse as of now, with a VitaKlenz Recharge afterwards to restore all the good bacteria in my gut.

So many people seek answers to lack of energy in yet another supplement or therapy, but the simple truth is that mostof us have parasites. So with spring around the corner, it's the right time for a detox, (so say the Traditional chinese medicine men) and I've decided to help you.

The VitaKlenz herbal antiparasite blend, (a really, really good product!) uses traditional herbs from Asia, Europe India and America. Even though we sell it here, we get 9 out of 10 purchasers residing in the US, searching for it on the net and asking us to send it over. It's one of those products taht sells by word of mouth; the best recommendation you can have!

This week only, my special to help you out is:
30-day VitaKlenz Program. Normally $49.95
VitaKlenz 'Recharge' Probiotic superfood with beneficial lactobacillus cultures. Normally:49.95
Usual total: $99.90, This week: $79.95. You save $20.
Plus!! I'll add a special gift from Earth Skinfoods with your order.
Be quick. Stocks limited.
Go to more info.
Go to order page for this special.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Another Objection to add to the Pile

I have to give credit where credit is due. This week's sales technique by our opposition is that alkaline water has 'too much feminine' energy and therefore not as good as neutral water. Ya gotta laugh.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Raw is Powerful

ION LIFE water drinker, surfer and raw food chefs Anand and partner Runi of Raw Power are holding a weekend of raw food 'cooking' in Byron Bay on September the 9th.
Anand usually gets me to come along and introduce people to the conept of acid/alkaline balance, and it's always wonderful to see the shining faces of people getting empowered to take over their own health and get off the merrygoround of the food propaganda we've grown up with.

If you're not able to make it to Byron, they have another weekend in Melbourne on the 9th of September. If that's not enough for you, they have a 4-day live-in retreat in Healesville, Vic beginning the 28th of September. It helps to book, and their site is here.

The real price of a kilo of Beef.

A kilogram of beef accounts for more greenhouse emissions and other pollution than driving for 3 hours while leaving all the lights on at home.

...so what would peak hour at McDonalds equal?

Eat Your Greens, Dude!

When I was a kid I was forced to eat Brussels sprouts by my Dad. He did the 'Popeye' thing, but combined with my dear old Mum's predisposition for pressure cooking the bejabbers out of all of our vegies, it wasn't hard to mount a strong defence against my 'daily greens'.

Telling kids they will be big and strong may work awhile, but kids know what they like. Today, the need for green is more clear. Low intake of greens is now proven to be the cause of 19% of gastrointestinal cancers worldwide, 31% of coronary heart disease, and 11% of strokes.

Now reserachers and child psychologists seem to have collaborated because the recommended strategy now is to give kids a small amounts rather than whole serves. A new UK program called Food Dudes exploits 3 human foibles. Apparently exposing people to small amounts of an unfamiliar food increases their fondness for it. Kids also love to copy older kids, and they love reward, so the program gives taste stickers or badges and kide get to watch videos of superheroes eating greens. (Not Popeye, I guess!)

But guess where they found this technique? Fast food marketers have used it for years, creating a culture where kids must have the 'right' food in their luch boxes.

I wish I had been a Food Dude when I was a kid. Frankly, my Dad's default strategy of grabbing me and forcing it down my throat wasn't all that science-based.

Luckily, we have so many ways to alkalize today, and I have actually come to love greens. Cassie and I have a breakfast now of organic virgin coco oil stirfried greens with two oragnic free range eggs stirred in. Yum!

Another Happy Alkalarian

David Mitchell contacted us this week and was happy to let us know about the effects of his conversion to alkaline ION LIFE water:
"I suffered from heartburn and reflux for years. Soon after getting a water alkalizer and becoming more alkaline... all my symptoms disappeared and never came back!"

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

A $75000 drink

Jock Doubleday, director of the California non-profit corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., has offered $75,000 to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additives.

The additives would be the same as those contained in the vaccines recommended for a 6-year-old according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and the dose would be body-weight calibrated. It would include, but not be limited to:

  • Thimerosal (a mercury derivative)
  • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  • Phenol (a disinfectant dye)
  • Aluminum
  • Benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant)
  • Formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant)
On August 1, 2007, if no one has taken the challenge, the offer will be increased to $90,000 and will increase at a rate of $5,000 per month until someone accepts.

Is your toothpaste wrecking your teeth?

For 25 years, Dr. Neal Nealis, D.D.S., has encouraged his patients to brush their teeth. But since February, he's advising some to go toothpaste-free.

"The overwhelming reaction I get is that they're skeptical, they're shocked," Nealis said.

Heide Hirschtick hasn't used regular toothpaste for four months now. It was an adjustment at first.

"You're brought up thinking it goes hand in hand," Hirschtick said. "You have your toothbrush and your toothpaste."

Nealis re-thought his position on toothpaste because of a study, presented at the American Dental Assocation meeting last fall. It calls toothpaste abuse the second major cause of abrasion wear, behind tooth grinding.

Dr. Thomas Abrahamsen of Mansfield, Ohio, says it gives teeth a worn, sandblasted appearance. It often happens when patients dislike the color of their teeth, and think the more, and harder they brush, the whiter they will become.

But actually, teeth become darker. Nealis says all toothpaste contains abrasive particles that can sand off portions of the teeth. Over time, enamel becomes thinner. He sees this damage in nearly 20 percent of his patients.

See the report here

Give the Man a Hand! Update on Prosthetic hand.

From the Land of Leprechauns

Magrith receives my HealtheMail and is setting up her own ION LIFE alkaline water bottling plant in Ireland. She's sending us wonderful emails all about the trials and tribulations, joys and rewards of setting up her Irish alkaline water supply.

"We are motoring on! We had a before and after Water Analysis done for the minerals and TDS & pH of the water. It was good to see the results, the proof is in the pudding they say, nothing better than to have before and after results, as this proves the unit is changing the water. In fact I will send a copy over if you like! I would love to know the exact properties of the water. Also, Why the water companies here all have the mineral, pH and TDS on the bottles.... get this, they actually say the TDS is taken at 180C where our lab has told us that the temp of the water cannot be taken that hi, they need to take it at 18-19C -

Do the makers of Mineral Water do anything to the water?? ie sterilise it or treat it, because the bottled water market here stinks, the water is foul! We have been doing taste tests - with all the known brands, on mineral water - Vittel, Volvic, Perrier, Evian, Tipperary, on still and spring waters - The Coke brand - Deep River Rock - and Irelands largest Ballygowan. The sad part is not one of the known or no name brands held a candle to the taste of our Jupiter water.

We have named the water "inishOH!" - inish is Irish for ISLAND and OH, is self explanatory! We have had a logo designed and are getting ready for take off! The company is formed, factory is underway, we have the equipment on order to bottle the water, we have the cooler units and bottles and are getting the brochures and web site etc up an running."

Good for you, Magreth!

Talk About Dedication! This guy is taking it to the world!

John Ossipinsky has a vision to educate people about pH and believes a person’s acid-alkaline balance is probably the most important aspect of overall health. To prove his point he is offering free testing and education for Wickenburg’s residents.

Here's the article about John, who is taking it to the streets, following his own health change after restoring his alkaline balance. John's book cover is displayed at left.

“I was feeling horrible, was 40 pounds overweight, and suffered from pain, stiffness, and digestive ailments. 30 days after bringing my body into balance I had lost 20 pounds and felt great.”

A Picture worth a thousand emails on Iraq.

Given that the US fires 250,000 bullets to kill one 'insurgent', I think this pic is pretty relevant. Check it here.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

An Alkaline family story

I received this lovely story from Dr. Young today. It's the story of a whole family's experience of alkalizing - from a VERY young age!

A Couple of Cheapies

One Geomed Air Ionizer hardly used $1500 usually $3150 Email here
One Jupiter Science Masterpiece 3 yrs old $500 Email here

and if you're not so quick...
One Jupiter Science Masterpiece 3 yrs old $800 Email here

Feel Like a Hug?

Here's your Hug.

Live Blood Analytics: MY blood!

We had a visit from Heather King, Live Blood Microscopist this week. She lugged her 'scope' in the door with her and set it up in the office here. When I had my blood tested I was over the moon. Strong white blood cells, very little acid crystals and yeast; one of the best Heather has seen. It's one thing to get a quantitative test from a laboratory. It's quite another to see really alive blood - your blood - moving on a slide, alive and vital. (note: the pic here is NOT my blood. See how it is clumped together and has crystals?) Heather is booked up until November and no wonder! She trained with Dr. Robert O. Young, and until Phil Burton began, was the only one of this competency level in Australia.

Heather came across live blood analysis during her fight with breast cancer. She ordered Dr. Young's book "Sick and Tired" and said '
As I turned the pages, lights just kept coming on in my brain. This was me he was talking about!' From there, she investigated further and finally took the plunge by enrolling in Dr Young's Microscopy course.

I regard Dr Young's live blood analysis work as the most amazing window on past and present health and I learned a great deal from our time with Heather. I also see this as a great career opportunity and welcome inquiries about the course, which -naturally - is based on our shared philosophy that disease is caused by acidity.

To actually see acid crystals in the blood... now that's so much more than all the studies you'll ever read!

Heather is in Launceston but makes occasional forays to the big country. Her phone number is 03 63318228
. Tell her I told you about her and perhaps she can schedule you in. Of course Phil Burton in Victoria is also trained by Dr Young and his phone number is 0438 879 852

Coco-Lossal Coco People

Thanks to all the readers who responded to my idea of becoming the local Coco-Nutty person. Others have asked me how it works.

It's quite simple: we have the best coconut oil in the world with the highest tested antioxidant levels in an independent test, BUT organic virgin coconut oil is heavy, making it expensive to send all across Australia. further, because we only use glass bottles, single bottle packaging is time and material consuming.

I should also tell you that Cassie and I absolutely love this oil. We only use olive oil on salads now; everything else is coconut oil because of its amazing antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant affects. This cold morning even reminded me of a rather skinny customer who told me this is the first winter he's been able to keep warm. When you know how coconut oil works in the body, converting immediately to energy rather than - like other oils - having to be broken down by bile before it is available, it becomes pretty obvious why he feels so alive.
Others are reporting greatly improved thyroid function, greatly lowered cholesterol, weight loss.. the list goes on!

Back to the Coco-nutty idea: I want my readers to share in this great gift, and I've worked out that if you order a case of 1-litre bottles or 4-litre pails it's far cheaper per bottle AND in freight so you can either pass on the savings to your best friends or make some money yourself and get yours for free. You can also sell it to the local health food shop and Deli - a regular income stream.

Here's why things cost so much in health foods; We sell the coco oil to a distributor. The distributor sells it to the health food store. The health food store sells it to you at a minimum 60% markup. This 3-level markup system is tough to break through but I'd love to see coconutty people all over Australia sharing and helping thousands of Aussies to break the processed oils habit.

Here's the link to download a .pdf version of our "Untold truth' Coco Book.
Here's the info you need on the products including pricing.
Here's the order form.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Emoto Images

Readers are asking me about who really does have the 'real thing' with the amazing images of crystalline water seen in the press, video and on websites.

There are a number of companies with Dr Emoto's pictures associated with their product. In our discussion with Dr Emoto's staff at Hado International, Dr Emoto's Institute, we were told that there are many examples of his images being used without authority or tests having taken place. I have talked to many people who have bought water units because they believed that the unit created the crystals like Dr Emoto creates, but never realised that the truth may not be quite as advertised.

If you are in doubt, email Dr Emoto's Australian representative, Lawrence Ellyard here and ask him yourself. If you'd like to see the images of water from an ION LIFE Water alkalizer, click here.

Holy Water?

Lalita, one of our alkalizer specialists had a call from Larry, one of our Perth clients. Larry was very excited because he had just been watching a Christian video that showed that the water buried deep in the polar ice caps has identical structure to alkaline ionized water.
Why am I not surprised?

Grapefruit: Love Lost

I love the occasional grapefruit. I even remember a Grapefruit diet. And now two great loves of my life seem in irreconcilable conflict. It appears, according to this report, that a grapefruit a day may precipitate breast cancer!

And Now For Something Completely Different

Nothing to do with our usual subjects; just an amazing website design!

The cancer Cure the World 'Forgot'.

"At first Dr. Coley was also uncertain about the diagnosis. But as the girl’s condition rapidly deteriorated– with the lump becoming larger, more painful, and associated with the loss of sensation in some of the surrounding skin– the awful truth became apparent. She had a sarcoma, a type of cancer that affects bone and connective tissue in the body. Unfortunately, 19th century medicine offered very few treatment options."

Read on for a look at an unexplored avenue of cancer treatment. Very Interesting!

Can Organic Farming Feed The World?

We've always accepted the arguments of scale and economy when considering a return to more natural farming methods, but was this necessarily correct? This article challenges the dominant paradigm.

And especially with regard to this article about the hazards of GMO!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Soft drinks makers settle over hard stuff in drinks.

PepsiCo and several other soft drink manufacturers have agreed to a settlement in a lawsuit brought against the companies alleging their products contained cancer-causing benzene.

The companies said they have agreed to reformulate - or have already reformulated - the drinks to make sure the ingredients they contain will not form benzene. The companies also agreed to give consumers a replacement for any products that were made before the reformulation date.

The class action suit was brought in the US and demanded that the beverage makers
remove the drinks from store shelves, reformulate their products, and offer refunds to customers.

The settlement involves PepsiCo, Sunny Delight Beverages Co., Rockstar Inc., Polar Beverages Inc. and Shasta Beverages Inc., according to Forbes magazine.

Coca-Cola, which was originally part of the suit, settled in May and offered replacement drinks, and reformulated the affected products.

The suit alleged that PepsiCo's Diet Wild Cherry drink had benzene levels nearly four times the maximum level of five parts per billion set by the Environmental Protection Agency for benzene in drinking water.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Community Bans Smoking and Guess What?

Five months after a community in Italy banned smoking in public indoor places, it recorded an 11% drop in hospital admissions for acute heart attacks among people under age 60.
Well, well, well!

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Wonders of Modern Medicine

What happens if you live in China and are run over by a truck so severely that you lose everything from the waist down? A hundred years ago, not much. Today, thanks to some amazing medical ground-breakers, there is hope. This man can 'walk' again!
Doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing found out about Mr Peng's plight late last year and devised a plan to get him up walking again.

They came up with an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it.

He has been taking his first steps around the centre with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame.

Mr Peng, who has to learn how to walk again, is said to be delighted with the device.

Chocoholics Awake and Shout Hallelujah!

The news that a study has found that chocolate assists in reducing high blood pressure must be great relief for Chocoholics.
30 calories of dark chocolate a day was found to reduce systolic BP by 3 points and diastolic BP 2 points. Yes, it ain't much, but hey, we know what good news this could be for a real Chocoholic.

Sadly, it didn't work with milk chocolate, Caramello, Old Gold or Freddo Frogs.

Help yourself to free coconut oil

I had a great response from my post last week about sharing our amazing health-supporting Tropical Traditions Virgin Organic Coconut Oil with your friends. If you missed it, there's still time to talk to the team here about becoming the local coco-lady or man.

Want to help your workmates? Download my book on Coco Oil, or get a copy for free with your own coco oil, and pass it around at work. Then all you need to do is order by the carton, supply your friends, and you'll make enough for your own coco habit.

Email us if this lights your fire.

A fat tax to save lives?

It was inevitable; a U.K. academic think tank tasked to combat obesity came up with the figure of 3000 lives per year saved if a 'fat tax' was imposed throgh GST, but you guessed it; industry scoffed at the idea.
Here's the article.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Milk.. or is it?

What a week of bad news about water!

Frankie from Sydney recently asked us about chlorine and chloramines.

Chloramines are another way of introducing chlorine to a water supply. By combining chlorine and ammonia costs are slashed when compared to straight chlorine disinfection and it is promited as having no nasty effects like chlorine. Now I read a report that the high acidity of chlorine is leaching ever-greater amounts of lead and copper from water pipes, dumping this toxic load into the first glass of water you drink in the morning.
Here's the report.

We have prefilters for chlorine, plus prefilters that remove or neutralise heavy metals like copper and lead.

Fluoride: servant or killer?

We've all heard the arguments for - and against -fluoride in our drinking water. Now I find a report on the damage to health worldwide caused by excessive fluoride use.
More here

Hair of the dog

It's quite some time since I talked about the magnetic dog and cat collars some of my readers purchased. They are quite amazing. Old dogs and cats suddenly get a new lease of life and scamper off to bark at the dog next door (dogs, not cats!) when the day before they spent sleeping because that was the best way to handle their arthritis.

It's strange: we left some of these collars at the local vets, but none sold. I was amazed; people bring their beloved pets along to relieve their ageing symptoms, pay the vet $70 and then buy $40 worth of pills pills to toss down Towser's throat, (and do it again in six months' time) but won't invest in a collar that guarantees to relieve the pet or your money back. I don't understand.

If you are interested, measure your dog or cat's neck and email us. They cost $70.

Wrigglers and Pollution

A US study of healthy men has shown no consistent relationship between exposure to trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in drinking water and several markers of sperm quality. However, the study did observe a weak relationship between decreasing sperm concentration and increasing exposure to total organic halides. Many studies of DBPs and reproductive outcomes have been conducted in women, however this is only the second published study to examine DBP exposure and reproductive health in men. The first study in men reported that high levels of ingestion exposure to DBPs in tap water were associated with decreases in sperm motility.

Ian: For those of you who don't know, we are talking about water pollutants common in chlorinated water.

On the same subject (and the same pollutants) here's a sobering article on swimming pool water. And here's a quote from it:
"Human exposure studies have found that THms may be present in the blood, plasma and exhaled breath of swimmers and even non-swimmers in the indoor pool setting."

Add to Digg

ION LIFE Spreads its Wings

David Forsyth, our distributor in the USA is going from strength to strength, but hasn't lost his vision of service. He has established a new arm of ION LIFE called Water4Health, dedicated to bringing the benefits of alkaline water to the world, with the support of some quite visionary professionals. Here's his Water4Health page, and here is a page describing the amazing people sharing our vision.

Service; the secret to happiness.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Did You Know?

China makes 70 percent of the world's penicillin, 50 percent of its aspirin and 35 percent of its acetaminophen (often sold under the brand name Tylenol®), as well as the bulk of vitamins A, B12, C and E.

.. and from the same source..

BEIJING — An investigation by The Beijing Times reported today that about half of the bottled water coolers here may be using bottled tap water or bogus water, a July 10 Associated Press story in International Herald Tribune said.

The cooler bottles may have been filled with either tap water or purified water from small producers, and then sealed with bogus “quality standards” labels.

A China food safety watchdog agency said it will probe the report. (Ian: Yeah, right!)

According to the story, officials shut down a bottled water station, confiscating safety seals and labels which bore the names of local brands.

The watchdog agency insisted that the falsely certified water represented only a small portion of water consumed from coolers by 10 million Chinese daily.

Ian: makes you just shake your head and feel grateful for being Australian.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Supergreens and Core Greens

Dehydrated alkaline wheat grass, barley grass and alkaline-creating vegetables is a wonderful way to alkalize, and until recently we recommended Dr Robert O. Young's Innnerlight Supergreens. They were a great formula created by one of the world's best alkaline specialists. Sadly, This product is no longer available in Australia because even though it was approved by the TGA, our AQIS - the Quarantine Service decided it might pollute our paddocks if someone was to chuck a tub of it out the window of their car.

Luckily, we heard from another Dr. Young exponent and live blood analyst, Heather King, way down in Tassie. Heather has a thriving practice and also lectures on the subject. Like me, she has great respect for Dr. Young's work, so when Heather recommended a substitute to the Supergreens, I took notice. "I can see the effect in my blood analysis results." she said.

The new product is called Core Greens. It's actually better tasting that Supergreens and a little less in price.

If you have a very busy life that precludes the time (or fridge space!) needed to 'eat green', this is an excellent way to alkalize. My suggestion is to buy one, see how you do with it, and then if you want to keep going, we can offer you a better price on an auto-order monthly shipment.
Ingredients are:

Wheat Grass,

Kamut Whole Leaf Powder,

Oat Sprout Powder,

Barley Grass,

Lemon Grass,

Avocado Fruit Powder,

Cucumber Powder, Okra Powder,

Celery Seed Powder,

Parsley Leaves,

Spinach Powder,

Kale Powder,

Broccoli Powder,

Cabbage Powder,

Tomato Fruit Powder,

Watercress Leaves,

Wintergreen Leaves Powder,

Peppermint Leaves,

Rosemary Leaves,

Sage Leaves,

Spearmint Leaves & Flowers,

Thyme Leaves.

See the web page here
Order here
Or talk to the team about becoming a distributor for this great product and getting your own at wholesale.

Dandelion Delight

At five past five yesterday I was just about to close down when Nick rang.

Nick is a happy water alkalizer user, and, like so many of my clients, he has begun investigating how he may change the way he eats in relation to acid-producing foods.

Nick asked me about the acid or alkaline result of Dandelion coffee.

Frankly, it isn't easy to find these sorts of figures that are reliable, especially at 5:05 on a cold winter evening. So the next morning I told Cassie about Nick's request, and
within minutes she had this site for me, demonstrating that not only is Dandelion coffee a wonderful alkaline source, but a wonderful digestive aid.
Check it out here

And if you have the time, spend awhile there. One of her links is this one, with a very enlightening table that compares common grains for calcium content. The page is all about Amaranth, a relatively unknown grain that absolutely takes the prize for calcium content! It could even explain the fundamental reason that Asian people start to grow bigger bones when they eat western food. Rice is a poor supplier of this essential body support mineral. Not only is Amaranth high in calcium; it's also high in Lysine, an amino acid that assists in calcium absorption! Amaranth has the highest calcium AND the highest Lysine of any of our fundamental grains sources!

Hmm. wonder if it makes good porridge...?

While we're beating around the coffee issue I also had an email from Dan who was a little indignant at my statement some time ago that coffee may be a big acidifier. He said (in a lot more words) surely not! Sorry Dan, it is. In fact if you want to drop around I've got a device in the shed I imported from the USA that takes 80% of the acid out of coffee. Unfortunately you use about twice the coffee grounds and it doesn't have that sought after nasty strong taste we have all come to associate with pleasure but which is actually only a companion to the caffeine high. The device is called the Toddy (see pic) and you can read about it here.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Solving the BIG problems of the world

Given $50 billion to spend, which would you solve first, AIDS or global warming? Danish political scientist Bjorn Lomborg put this question to economists and students around the world, and the answers they came up with may surprise you. Ranking our toughest problems not on any moral scale but simply by how effectively they can be solved, Lomborg and his colleagues demand we take a fresh look at doing good.

Grab and pen and paper and see how YOU do!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Organic Comes Through at last!

There's been so much debate about the value of organic food over the last decade that the value of organics over chemically sustained food has never truly been proven. Now a report in New Scientist described a definitive study that proved beyond doubt that organic tomatoes have higher antioxidant count than chem-tomatoes.

I'm glad. Every Thursday morning at the Byron Farmers' market, there is a stall with lovely ladies with low cut dresses bending over bright red tomatoes, capsicums and deep purple aubergines. The tomatoes are so red it's difficult for me to move on to Fran and pete's little stall where I pay more for Tiny Toms that just ain't so red.

But now I know the Truth and 'I'm A Believer" oh yes I am!
And hey, you've seen one cleavage, you've seen 'em all.

Lost Bone Density

I received an anonymous comment on this Blog this week. It read:

"Hi, Ian, my chiropractor suggested limiting the intake of pH10 alkaline water to every other day as my wife's bone density has dropped by 10% in 12 months. Does this make sense to you as Phil Burton says he drinking 4L of alkaline water every day?

Phil Burton, by the way, is the Live Blood Microscopist featured last week. Phil loves ION LIFE water because he sees the results in his work every day.

However, to the comment:

No, Anonymous, it makes no sense at all. I can't for the life of me see how increasing your alkaline update, supporting your depleted alkaline buffers and taking the load off your bones and teeth as the body's emergency calcium source could possibly reduce bone density. In fact I would have thought the opposite would have been mthe obvious conclusion.

I have to make a comment here. We hear lots of flak against Doctors. "Doctors push chemicals", "Doctors are pawns of the Pharmeceutical companies.." you know the lines. But in my position of hearing a great amount of feedback from patients of both medicos and alternative therapists, I have to say that there are at least as many wobbly outcomes from alternative practitioners.

I must add that I have enormous respect for some doctors and the same for some alternative therapists, but the tendency to give an answer when one is not qualified to do so, seems a very common occurrence. My take on it is that such practitioners are still acting out their insecurities and have a need for their patients/clients to admire/respect/trust them, so they unknowingly step out of their specialisation (and integrity) and make comments that they actually have no data or training on so they can keep up the illusion of a therapist/patient relationship.

Hey, Jupiter Science water is still just water! It's super-hydrating, it's loaded with oxygen ions, it's an powerful antioxidant and it has had all the acid toxins removed. So you tell me; how could water like that reduce bone density?

Ask your chiropractor for the scientific paper he used to reference his advice.

By the way, as many of you know, one competitor gsubscribes to this Blog and tries everything he can to put us out of business.
When we used a Rolls Royce Silver Lady symbol he sent it to BMW, the owners of Rolls Royce and we got a registered demandfrom a Sydney firm of barristers to remove their symbol.
When we mentioned that Anthony Robbins loves alkaline water we got a call from his lawyers telling us we couldn't use his ame.
When we ran a raffle and forgot to get a licence we got a call from the Gaming Commission.

Funny stuff. So watch and learn; you'll probably hear that alkaline water causes loss of bone density on a website in the very near future. Ya gotta laugh!

The Power of a Smile on Your Dial.

As most of you know, Cassie and I walk around Cape Byron most mornings before work.

It's an interesting experience on many levels. this morning, people from around the world were gathered at the far easterly point watching a whale pass close in on its way north. but every morning it's interesting when we play the 'Good morning' or 'Smile' game.

We have this strange idea, you see, that you get what you put out. And as we walk past total strangers from all corners of the earth, we realised that each time we pass, there is the possibility of a whole new moment, never to be repeated; a blank slate if you like.

We also noticed that most people don't smile or greet you, and we wanted to know how many we could get a smile or a greeting out of if we initiated the action. Well, not surprisingly, the sight of two tall strangers (us) coming at you with what you might
perceive as grim faces sure didn't create many happy moments. But when we purposefully smile and/or greet people, we get a whole lot more happy moments, and the following moments are sweeter too. Of course, there are subtleties of the momentary exchange; the tone of the 'Good Morning' may vary from demanding to gentle and the reaction varies accordingly.

This morning we had almost finished our walk. We were walking along Clarkes' Beach towards our car park. The tide was way out, the sand was broad and hard, and the dawn sun was creating a lovely golden effect on the people we approached. We smiled for all we were worth, but got no response. 'Hmm.." I said to Cassie. "I'm really putting out here and yet I'm getting nothing back in smiles. What about you?" Cassie was similarly confused. "I wonder what I've got going on that these people are picking up on?" I said. My mind was already in turmoil and my happy state was lost deep in a murky pool of navel gazing.

Suddenly it hit me. I turned around. The sun was directly in my eyes. With my sunglasses, I could only see the outline of people travelling in the same direction as us, with the sun directly behind them. it looked like a beach of dark shapes advancing on me. No wonder no-one smiled. they couldn't even see our faces!

The mind is indeed a powerful tool. Like fire; a good servant and a helluva master.

'Sicko' Commentary

Michele Zimmerman wrote to me this week about my review of Michael Moore''s ' new doco flick, 'Sicko'.

"Yes I agree, a great documentary not to be missed by thinking adults. And to see that Australia is right down there (32nd) near America (37th) on the WHO ranking of health care systems in the world, with France having the best system. If the current Aussie government continues to stay in power and further disintegrate the health system, we don't have to descend much further down the list to equate with the appalling inhumanity and greed of the American 'health' system!"

Ian: I am told on good authority that michael moore is quite happy if you download a copy of this movie...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Reduce Colon Cancer risk by 45%

Drinking a healthy amount of ordinary filtered water has been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%. Drinking lots of water can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Sure beats Chemo!

Reality Check of the Week. What William Kankwamba did to get electricity.

Take a look at William's site and think deeply next time you 'flick' a switch.

Obesity, Obesity; what some people think up?

It's simple, right? To lose weight, stop eating. Yeah, right. Now an Italian professor has come up with a gel you eat that fills you up WITHOUT eating.
Professor Luigi Ambrosio, lead researcher on the study at Italy's National Research Council, realised when they developed the hydrogel it may have a similar effect to gastric banding - a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach.

The tiny pill is powdery when dry but when swallowed with a glass of water turns to a jelly-like ball in the stomach.

It is made from an organic compound called cellulose and can be flushed out by the body.

The pill, which has yet to be named, is being tested in a further 90 overweight volunteers who will be monitored to see how much weight they lose and if there are any adverse effects.

"One of our researchers tried the pill - he took it at about 11am and was still full at six in the evening.

"It's like eating a bowl of spaghetti."

A better Wheelchair is like a better matchbox. They just keep on coming.

This prototype wheelchair won the Autodesk Student Design Contest. What's so amazing about it, I hear you ask?

Look closely. Only two wheels! It uses a gyroscope under the user that keeps the user vertical, even though it is standing on only two wheels!

Yet More for the travelling Pee-er.

Check this site out.
The text below is the official Google transaltion of the site's German;
Each man knows it: Situations, in which one would give everything for a toilet. roadbag® this problem eases once and for all.

Whether in the back-up or on the festival, with the camping or in the sport airplane - roadbag®, the bag WC for men, facilitates you, where you also are.

roadbag® is handily, surely, hygenically and comfortable.

The secret of roadbag® is the superabsorber: This special granulates in the interior bag connects itself with the urine to a firm gel. Thus no drop can run out, become unpleasant smells reliably prevented.

For clean hands after urination roadbag® a refresher pad is attached to everyone. A completely clean thing.

How it works
Into roadbag inserted interior bags contains a superabsorber (chemical: Polymer crystals). This binds rapidly up to 700 ml urine and consolidates it to a firm gel - without skin contact, hygenically and odorless. Nothing runs out. The ideal

The average urine quantity amounts to however only 300 to 500 ml. Thus roadbag® - the bag WC for men - was up to to each pressure.

After urination roadbag® with the adhesive strip lock and in the remainder garbage dispose - finished.

Please while driving to tax do not use! Children should use roadbag® only under supervision. Absorbers do not swallow. Drying store.

Ian: Love the bit at the end. Swallow???

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Bottled water 'An Obsession'.

Author Charles Fishman writes, “A chilled plastic bottle of water in the convenience-store cooler is the perfect symbol of this moment in American commerce and culture. It acknowledges our demand for instant gratification, our vanity, our token concern for health.”

He continues, “But when a whole industry grows up around supplying us with something we don’t need — when a whole industry is built on the packaging and the presentation — it’s worth asking how that happened, and what the impact is. And if you do ask, if you trace both the water and the business back to where they came from, you find a story more complicated, more bemusing, and ultimately more sobering than the bottles we tote everywhere suggest.”

According to a poll on Fast Company.Com, the magazine’s Web site, most poll respondents at press time said they drink bottled water because “it’s mobile and convenient to use.”

The article wraps up asking the reader to think before purchasing their next bottle of water, with Fishman questioning whether the value of a bottle of water equals “the impact I’m about to leave behind.”

Stress and Obesity

Surprise, surprise! The latest news on the 'box' is that scientists have found a lnk between stress and obesity. In classic Big Pharma style, they have isolated an enzyme that seems to cause it and are now looking for a chmical response that people can take and not get fat.

Now tell I'm stupid.. but haven't they missed something? They are saying that we should be able to take a pill to stop stress causing obesity... but they are quite happy we remain stressed!!!??

Crop Circles

Here's another amazing pic of the latest crop circle in the UK.
When I saw it on the net I discussed it with Peter, our sales manager. Pete revealed that years ago he'd been a skydiver in the same area and related his own experience.

He had made the last jump of the day, and as he floated earthwards, looked down and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Up early, Pete took the first jump of the day. As his parachute unfurled, he looked earthward again. WOW! There it was, 50 metres from the clubhouse, about 60 metres in diameter!
As soon as he and his fellow skydivers landed, they all ran into the corn field to check it out.
"There was no way it could have been manmade." said Pete. "It was just too precise."