Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Six Years On Alkaline water

Yet more reports from a happy client - this time after six years on our water!

"When my wife and I were in our early fifty's we were already experiencing ageing symptoms (arthritis, aches and pains). We purchased a Jupiter Alkalizer - that was 6 years ago now. We feel great with very few health issues - very happy."

-Chris Mikus QLD

And another from Pat!

"I have been drinking alkaline water for 3 years now and in that time my skin has toned up to the point people have noticed my wrinkles have disappeared which makes me look younger than I am. It truly is the anti-ageing drink others claim it to be. xxxxx cell xxxxxxxxx has disappeared. I have more energy; my bowel motions are now regular with aching joints now a thing of the past."

Pat Cody, NSW

You'll notice the 'xxxxx' both here and on our website page of testimonials. We now have to adhere to TGA requirements of advertising which says - as we understand it - we must not mention serious disease, even if it is in the form of a story from a user. The result is lots of ''xx's and blackouts - so you need to use your imagination. No, it wasn't Leprosy, Beriberi or Bilharzia!

Want to know more? Email us here

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