Monday, June 25, 2007

Climate Change water health

I had a client ask me yesterday what I felt about water filters in relation to climate change and reduced water supply. I had to think about it for awhile because it appears to me that our future planetary health is now, more than ever before, related to water.

Further, it also appears that our future water usage will depend on technology that makes the most use of water.

I've never really looked at water as something that can be 'improved', yet here was a perfect example of the future right under our noses in the Jupiter Water Alkalizer.

As you know, you have a choice of fuels to put into your car depending on what you need. Similarly, you have a choice of oils to give your engine what it specifically needs. So the idea of the Jupiter actually creating two water supplies, each better for their specific purpose than ordinary water, is technologically and ethically superior to ordinary water. Why?

Look at it this way; if you drink a litre of water to hydrate, detox and alkalize, it makes sense that a specifically designed water would work better. For one thing, it wouldn't have acids in it. For another, it'd be much more efficient at infiltrating the tissues. And if it was more oxygenated and a powerful antioxidant, then all the better! We would need less water and achieve more.

That's our alkaline water. What about our acid water?

In my last week's HealtheMail I talked about ORP, or the potential to oxidize a substance the water comes into contact with. The is exactly what the by-product acid water does! Its increased oxidizing potential makes it a great wound healer, insect bite soother, skin and hair cleanser.. plus a chemical-residue-free way of killing bacteria in the home.

What do we do now? We use a chemical to kill bacteria, then we use ordinary H2O to wash off the chemical. We are climate change unfriendly in two ways; 1) too much chemical use and 2) too much water use!

So what I realised is that the ION LIFE Jupiter water alkalizer is as climate-change friendly as can be. It is using old, proven technology to provide us with new technologically adept ways to supercharge our water use and therefore reduce it.

All we need do now is devise a way of running it without power.

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