Saturday, June 30, 2007
This makes my heart sing! People working for others around water.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Are You Interested in Helping Your Friends?
When she made her regular checkup with her local GP, she had her cholesterol checked. "What've you been up to?" said the Doc. "Your cholesterol level is normal!"
We're getting used to reports like this these days, but it's hard to convince people that something so tasty and nutritious can have such a great effect.
So we're looking at people who use - or want to use - our coco oil becoming local coco distributors. They can sell to their friends and even supply their local health food stores, and make enough to get their own for free or even make some cash. If you're interested, give Peter a call on or email him here.
To learn more about coco oil, go to my website and download Cassie and my Book for free "The Untold Truth About Coconut Oil'
Fitness and Health are the same game.

So many of us think that health can be achieved without fitness. It can - for a while - but remember; gravity sucks, and it will win in the end.
One example is the taking of calcium supplements; unless our bones are stressed regualrly and get the message to grow and strengthen, you may as well pour half that expensive coral calcium down the sink. Here's that fitness program I showed readers before. It's a great one.
Get it Here
Dr. Robert O. Young's Live Blood analysts in Australia

Phil has sent me a great piece on the way live blood analysis demonstrates the beneficial effect of alkaline water. Download it here. And if you'd like to pay him a visit, his address and phone number is in the article.
Water Like Fire

Sometimes I wonder if drinking alkaline water is akin to a 'fire in the belly' - I'm more energized and alive. That's why this pic appealed to me.
Green Tea and Colon Cancer

It affects around a million people worldwide - and is linked to poor eating habits, low levels of physical activity, and ageing populations.
A cohort of 70,000 Chinese women aged 40 to 70 years was followed for 6 years, during which time 256 cases of colorectal cancer were recorded. Baseline dietary habits were then correlated with cancer risk in order to identify potentially protective foods and beverages.
Regular consumption of green tea was associated with a 37% reduction in colorectal cancer risk. There was also a 'dose response' relationship in that the clearest benefits were seen in those who consumed the most tea and for the greatest number of years. While the study focused only on associations, it backs up other research pointing to the significant protective attributes of green tea polyphenols.
For more information, see
Yang G et al (2007) Prospective cohort study of green tea consumption and colorectal cancer risk in women. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, Vol 16, pg 1219-1223.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monster Ambulances

You'll be pleased to hear that Canada has brought a new form of ambulance into service; it caters for clients over FOUR HUNDRED KILOS!
Ian: Must be eyeing the US Market
Bemer mattress for sale

A few months ago we ordered a BEMER Electromagnetic Therapeutic mattress for appraisal.
It's pretty amazing technology and I have no doubts about its effectiveness for people who need it. It cost us about $4100.
Well we tried it but frankly.. maybe because we are healthy already, it really didn't have great effect on the two of us. So we're selling it for $3000. It is absolutely as new. Email Cassie after you check their site and see if its the mattress for you.
Dirty Nappies Exposed

Scientist have been studying baby's nappies contents for the last year and have made some important findings. By applying sophisticated genetic analysis to samples of a year's worth baby poop, Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have now developed a detailed picture of how these bacteria come and go in the intestinal tract during a child's first year of life.
Now you too can learn the deep and dirty details of the microfloral world of baby doo doo here

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
'Skinny Water'
P-Mate Revisited

Alkalarian guests who've been with HealtheMail awhile would remember the P-Mate, the device that allows women to pee standing up. Well, here's a link to a lady who road tested the device.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Climate Change water health
Further, it also appears that our future water usage will depend on technology that makes the most use of water.
I've never really looked at water as something that can be 'improved', yet here was a perfect example of the future right under our noses in the Jupiter Water Alkalizer.
As you know, you have a choice of fuels to put into your car depending on what you need. Similarly, you have a choice of oils to give your engine what it specifically needs. So the idea of the Jupiter actually creating two water supplies, each better for their specific purpose than ordinary water, is technologically and ethically superior to ordinary water. Why?
Look at it this way; if you drink a litre of water to hydrate, detox and alkalize, it makes sense that a specifically designed water would work better. For one thing, it wouldn't have acids in it. For another, it'd be much more efficient at infiltrating the tissues. And if it was more oxygenated and a powerful antioxidant, then all the better! We would need less water and achieve more.
That's our alkaline water. What about our acid water?
In my last week's HealtheMail I talked about ORP, or the potential to oxidize a substance the water comes into contact with. The is exactly what the by-product acid water does! Its increased oxidizing potential makes it a great wound healer, insect bite soother, skin and hair cleanser.. plus a chemical-residue-free way of killing bacteria in the home.
What do we do now? We use a chemical to kill bacteria, then we use ordinary H2O to wash off the chemical. We are climate change unfriendly in two ways; 1) too much chemical use and 2) too much water use!
So what I realised is that the ION LIFE Jupiter water alkalizer is as climate-change friendly as can be. It is using old, proven technology to provide us with new technologically adept ways to supercharge our water use and therefore reduce it.
All we need do now is devise a way of running it without power.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Going GREEN in your drinking habits

How many glasses of water does it take to grow, harvest, bottle and transport one glass of orange juice?
Why We Should Consume at least 2 litres or H2O a day
If you cry, you'll lose another millilitre.
You'll sweat anything from 1 to 3 litres a day.
Total = from 3.51 to 5.51 litres
How much do you drink?
Alkaline Water - Five years later and nothing much happening

We received a call from a Sydney client today with what first appeared to be a neutral result to drinking ION LIFE Water. It wasn't until we really looked at what he said that we realised how good his report was!
"Haven't noticed any dramatic changes in 5 years, but we were all well before that anyway.
We do all have more energy, and no-one in the family has been sick for 5 years"
So.. the whole family lived in Sydney and haven't been sick for five years? I'd call that RESULT!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
SICKO: A Movie not to be missed.

The movie takes a look at the corporations in the US that sell health insurance but do their level best to prevent paying for people when they actually get sick.
Michael asked for stories about people's health fund experiences and received 21,000 emails. The movie begins showing a 79-year old who still shows up as a supermarket cleaner because with no health insurance, it's the only way he can pay for his wife's pain killers. It goes on to demonstrate that even if you do have health insurance the companies who are supposed to support you may well kill you.
What really bowled me over was his visits to Canada, England and France where all health care is free. Happy people who believe in helping those of us less fortunate discussed how they felt about these schemes and why they believed in them. These people came from not - as I expected - a radical political background, but from conservative.
Finally, he takes three very sick 9/11 volunteers who have been denied medical help by the US Goevernment to Cuba where they receive better help than they ever received in the US.
This movie deserves to be seen by every adult Australian because it makes us realise that we've been seriously ripped off by the government over health care. And you know what really got to me? We let it happen!
Showering in Thailand

They have informed locals not to collect water from their roofs for an hour after a shower of rain. Why? Because this is the time it takes to get the water up to a pH level that will not cause damage. Rainwater in the first hour of downpour is as acid as tomato juice.
A Very Special deal on the Amazing Alphion

OK. It's your lucky day. We have three 'as new' Jupiter Science Water Alkalizers. The top-of-the-line best of the best. These three are ones we've carted round to shows but not sold and the outer packaging isn't perfect. We're letting them go because it's financial year end at a saving of $250 off the usual price of $1795.
New 2-year warranty, everything as-new.
Interested? Call us on 1800-268469 or email the team here.
Cholesterol Surprise: How I overcame my cholesterol without really trying!

She's not the first. We have now had many people contact us with similar stories about cholesterol and thyroid levels.
We are about to receive our next batch of coco oil; it's in customs now and will arrive Monday or Tuesday. I recommend the 4 litre tub for best value; you've never tasted potato chips until you've had them in coco oil. Some people simply eat 3 tablespoons a day to lose weight. There are so many ways to integrate this wonderful health resource into daily life.
Learn More
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Terrible Drinks to Go

Take a good look at the brand of this popular drink. Last time I was in Japan I had real trouble working out just what it was I was drinking at times. It wasn't just the language; it was often the colour of the drink, or the lumps that floated in it.
This site shows the ten worst concoctions of take-home drinks from Japan
Do You, - like me - have Tinnitus?
Blame it on the Rock'N'Roll. I was one of those crazy kids that used to dance in front of the speakers, so of course, I have Tinnitus. Ringing in the ears is a common 'Old Rocker' ailment and it ain't funny.
If I can just last long enough I may be able to use this new technology to regrow my hair follicles.
More here
What happens to your body if you stop smoking now
See it here.
Having an operation anytime soon?
Goldfinger, Eat Your Heart out!
Dr Robert O. Young writes on alkaline water and ORP

Many of our users still don't understand these important facts about pH and ORP. Dr Young, Jupiter water alkalizer user, has written this excellent article that I'm sure will help you understand the power of your water and the variations that occur.
Click here
All You Ever Needed To Know About Spit.
Click here
Monday, June 18, 2007
...and a word from our amazing clients!
I am now juicing our celery, so juicy home grown, purple king beans, so crisp, parsley ,white turnips ,bulb & tops for skin & hair, beetroot & tops, for blood purifer, also just having raw foods, lettuce ,roma tomatoes, low acid,variety,thats all available for now.
We are doing fine in the garden, we lost our barley crop to juice as it rained, never mind we were blessed with 4 inches of rain, thank you God, it certainly helped everything grew so well, its was magic, everything is so green now.
Lets pray for more rain ,we all could do with it. i will read your email now thanks Ian, your doing a good job.
Ian: Ah!! Lovely!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Laughing Mother Helps Baby's Eczema.

We all knew it was good, now it's official.
Laughter helps breast milk to fight skin allergies.
according to a study by Hajime Kimata at the Moriguchi-Keijinkai Hospital in Osaka, Japan, breastfed babies with eczema experienced less symptoms if their mothers laughed hours before feeding them,
Participating babies and some of the mothers suffered from mild atopic eczema - the most common type. By showing breastfeeding mothers either a feature length Charlie Chaplin movie or bland footage of weather information, and taking samples of breast milk at regular intervals afterwards, hajime was able to correlate the effects of laughter. Two milk feeds later, he measured babies' allergic reactions to dust mites and latex. Infants whose mothers had laughed had quite strongly reduced reactions.
Kimata also found significantly higher levels of melatonin in the mothers' milk. This hormone, known as the relaxation hormone, has reduced levels in people with eczema.
That Laughing meditation man from India is sounding smarter every day.
To see a super-laughing baby, click hereTuesday, June 12, 2007
Toilet Water for Drinking?
For an English assignment, he tested the bacteria content at four water fountains and one toilet to challenge a ban on students' bringing bottled water to class. It seems some were using the bottles to sneak in alcohol.
Guess which water was cleaner? (Hint: It wasn't the water fountains.)
He then asked students where they would prefer to get their water. That wasn't the fountains, either.
Classmates, teachers, administrators and board members said they had no idea.
Katherman attends the Oregon Coast Technology School that operates at North Bend Middle School with a focus on infusing technology into all areas of study.
Katherman, 13, used Q-tips and petri dishes, swabbing the spigots of four fountains and sampling one toilet, dunking the cotton in the bowl's center and then dragging it around the rim for a complete sample.
He took the results to the school lab and put them under a light to speed up the bacteria's growth.
The petri dishes with fountain water were swarming with bacteria. The sample from the toilet was clean, probably because the toilets are doused with cleansing chemicals daily.
"I wanted to see the looks on their faces," Katherman said.
Water and Weight Loss

We are very used to our alkaline water drinking clients ringing in with tales of weight loss after beginning on our water. "And I didn't even change my diet!" they exclaim excitedly.
It isn't surpising to us. As Dr Robert O. Young and Dr Linda Frasetto say, we have come to the point where fat has become our friend and savoiur.
Fat is now sequestered to be used as our very own in-house toxic waste dump. Why? because our 'modern, advanced' society has forced us into an environment so toxic that our kidneys can't keep up with the acid onslaught. Our bodies use fat to stash excess acid waste away from the vital organs; on the bum, the belly, the underarms...
When people begin alkalizing, they very often report weight loss - and it's my own theory that this is because they have no further requirement for the fat they stashed to hold acids. Alkaline water from an ION LIFE water alkalizer is also microclustered, meaning it's much smaller in molecular size than tap water, so it starts getting into those in-house toxic waste dumps, neutralising and clearing out the acids.
So the body, that ever-alert master controller, says it's time to get rid of that excess fat, because its reason for being there is now gone!
When I see all the popular diets I sometimes wonder why no-one has realised the relationship of fat to acid waste. It's a new phenomenon - a product of our toxic life, so perhaps they just haven't caught up yet.
Of course, simply drinking water will assist weight loss. Check this article to learn more about why.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Another good article from Dr Young on Pasteurisation.

Dr. Robert O. Young, ION LIFE water user and alkaline balance pioneer is very busy writing about natural health. This article explains why pasteurisation ruins the electrical energy of the food it is applied to.
Check it here
Employers: Looking for YEAR END tax deductions?

Here at ION LIFE we just don't seem to have anyone off with colds and flu - ever. What's so different about our office? Everyone drinks ION LIFE alkaline water.
You'll benefit two ways by ordering a Jupiter Science Water Alkalizer before the end of June.
1. You'll get a good tax deduction.
2. You can look forward to happier workers, and less 'sickies'.
Click here to learn more!
An Acid Moment
As we all know, stress is most probably the biggest acid producer of all - beyond even phosphoric acid laden Coca Cola. When I saw this pic I wondered whether she'd ask her Mom for a Coke after she got off the ride.
The Whales are back!

We saw our first pod of whales this week as we took our morning constitutional around Cape Byron. They're heading north for a winter of warmer water, frolicking and sex.
Half their luck.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A Picture is worth / The Joy of Kids

The picture at left was sent to us this week from one of our World Vision sponsored kids. Simphiwe Magagulu is in Swaziland, Africa, and has just turned six. I have a guess that there may be a bit of a wish list in mind. Pity you can't send a new shiny bike to 'Vision' kids.
The Parasites Are Coming!

One of the many effects of the drought is reduced water in water reservoirs.
One of the many effects of reduced water levels is a concentration of parasites in the remaining water.
One of the many effects of this parasite increase is the need of water authorities to increase disinfection, using chlorine.
One of the many effects of increased chlorine dosage is acidification of our water supply.
One of the many effects of acidification of our water is the leaching of lead and copper from old house's water pipes.
One of the many effects of leaching of copper and lead is accumulation of heavy metetal toxicity in people who like a drink of water first thing in the morning.
Another effect is the increase of lime (calcium carbonate) in the water by the water authorities to counter the acidifying effect of the chlorine.
One of the many effects of added lime is encrustation of kettles, hot water services and pipes causing extra electricity to be used in heating.
Another effect is the increase in calcium in water alkalizer user's output water, which, while not a bad thing, tends to coat glasses.
Summarizing, it might be a good time to inquire with us about how to reduce parasites in your water supply, how to test yourself for heavy metals, what to do about removing heavy metals from your water, and whether all this is just too much for now when all you really need is a good lie down!
Six Years On Alkaline water

Yet more reports from a happy client - this time after six years on our water!
"When my wife and I were in our early fifty's we were already experiencing ageing symptoms (arthritis, aches and pains). We purchased a Jupiter Alkalizer - that was 6 years ago now. We feel great with very few health issues - very happy."
-Chris Mikus QLD
And another from Pat!
"I have been drinking alkaline water for 3 years now and in that time my skin has toned up to the point people have noticed my wrinkles have disappeared which makes me look younger than I am. It truly is the anti-ageing drink others claim it to be. xxxxx cell xxxxxxxxx has disappeared. I have more energy; my bowel motions are now regular with aching joints now a thing of the past."
Pat Cody, NSW
You'll notice the 'xxxxx' both here and on our website page of testimonials. We now have to adhere to TGA requirements of advertising which says - as we understand it - we must not mention serious disease, even if it is in the form of a story from a user. The result is lots of ''xx's and blackouts - so you need to use your imagination. No, it wasn't Leprosy, Beriberi or Bilharzia!
Want to know more? Email us here
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Chiro Gives it all up for Alkaline water

Dr. Daniel Bettiol is leaving the profession of Chiropractic to pursue his clinically-tested belief that the primary causative factor in Headaches, Neck & Low Back pain is Dehydration of the tissues and the inability to eliminate accumulated Metabolic wastes from the body.
While treating over 3,500 patients and delivering over 120,000 chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Bettiol observed that over 90% of his patients were inadequately hydrated.
"My most consistent finding was that 100% of my chronic Headache and Low Back patients were severely dehydrated. Many of these patients acknowledged an absolute disdain for drinking water," says Dr. Bettiol. "For those patients who adopted my daily water regimen, an immediate decrease in pain symptomology was observed. That result was too consistent to be a coincidence."
Dr. Bettiol is determined to continue the work of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., who wrote the blockbuster 1992 best-seller, Your Body’s many cries for Water. Dr. Batmanghelidj died in 2005, but his signature slogan "You are not Sick, you are Thirsty---Don’t treat thirst with Medications" lives on. "Dr. Batmanghelidj warned the public back in the 1980s that
Bettiol begins his new journey with the firm opinion that ALL water is not optimum for health. His extensive research has shown that Tap, Bottled, Charcoal-filtered, Distilled and Reverse Osmosis Water is NOT the ideal Water for long-term health and healing. "
"I would rather people spend more time with their families, their hobbies and the work they love, than sit in a doctor’s office for four hours waiting for a Doctor visit they really DON’T NEED."
Friday, June 1, 2007
Drug Companies Laugh off Fines
Only in Sweden.
What We Died Of a Hundred Years ago
Pneumonia and influenza
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Premature Birth
A hundred years later, with a revolution in knowledge and healthcare, we now die of;
Heart disease
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (emphysema, chronic bronchitis)
Pneumonia and influenza
Alzheimer's disease
Kidney disease
Septicemia (systemic infection)
Wow, I really feel better now... NOT.
It's Not Just Australia...
In March 2006, Mary Lou Frye had a seizure and drove off the Fraser Highway into a ditch. A CAT scan revealed a golf ball-sized tumour behind her left eye. She had surgery in May 2006, but bleeding cut the operation short, leaving part of the tumour.
She now has two tumours in her brain, but since January Frye has had her surgery postponed six times, the latest last Friday when four other neurosurgery cases were also postponed.
We are not alone in our inadequate hospital response time...