Thursday, March 15, 2007

ProBiotics Breakthrough...

Probiotics May Help Prevent Cancer
A Belgian study claims that daily intake of probiotics (friendly bacteria) and prebiotics (substances that nourish friendly bacteria in the intestines) could reduce the activity of enzymes in the colon that produce carcinogenic compounds.

It was a small study; only 53 young, (that puts me out of contention) healthy volunteers who took probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics (a combination of probiotics and the foods that foster their growth) It was found that certain probiotics and prebiotics decreased levels of enzymes believed to be involved with the development of colon cancer.
The synbiotic, on the other hand, didn’t appear to help.

Seems to me they have some more work to do. Like.. why were there carcinogenic substances in the colon? Why are enzymes in the colon so compromised as to produce carcinogens? Where does acid/alkaline balance fit in.. or wasn't it considered?

Frankly, I'm already rather confused about probiotics and rely on advice of experts. That's why I'm happy to recommend Recharge, supplied by the same people who supply Vitaklenz. It's a mix of fermented grain superfoods and beneficial lactobacillus cultures. If someone has had to resort to antibiotics, I recommend a course of probiotics to get your gut flora back up and running.

The study was published on February 28, 2007 in the advance online issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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