Thursday, March 8, 2007

Acupuncture Doesn't work.........Hrmmm.

Prof Says Acupuncture Doesn't Work
Stanford scientists Wallace Sampson, clinical professor emeritus of medicine at Stanford University and editor in chief of the Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, says acupuncture doesn't work. The mistake people make about acupuncture, Sampson says, is that it offers specific cures. "It is nonspecific," Sampson says. "If it has the effect of, say, releasing endorphins through the application of needles, well, many things release endorphins -- a walk in the woods, a 5-mile run, a pinch on the butt."

Hmm... maybe I shoud cancel my bi-monthly tuneup from my Japanese-trained Acupuncture master. Then again.. if I do, I know I'll have a three months wait. He's so in demand that I wouldn't get an appointment. So many silly people.......?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can say the same about orthodox drugs & physio.
a walk in the woods would do us all more good than some of the poisons masquerading as drugs!!!