Thursday, March 15, 2007

Alkaline Tip of the Week

We are all Unique!

Just because your partner has no problems eating acid foods doesn't mean you'll have no problems. We are all unique, mentally, behaviorally and biologically. We are all therefore, going to react differently to every health regimen we take on.

It follows, therefore, that we have unique ability or inability to digest or metabolize acid foods.

P.V. Marchessau, a famous French nutritionalist, said that
'food has no intrinsic value. The only value it possesses comes from the digestive tract that receives it." Looked at another way, the value of a food such as grass would depend on whether you were a cow or a human being. It's ultimately your ability to process the food that gives it its value.

We can look at foods as acid-forming, alkaline-forming and acid foods. Acid-forming, or alkaline-forming foods do what they say they do; they cause the formation or vailability of acids or alkalis once they have been metabolized. Acid foods, however,vary in 'value' depending on your unique abilty to handle them.

Examples? Fruits, whey, vinegar. They will create an alkalizing effect on bodies that properly metabolise weak acids, but will be acidifying if your body cannot easily metabolise acids.

  • If your body metabolizes acids properly, the quantity of alkalizing foods, water or supplements and acid foods should be higher than the quantity of acidifying foods.
  • If you have a metabolism that has problems with acids, the quantity of alkaline foods, supplements and water shoud be higher than the quantity of acidifying and acid foods.

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