Friday, March 30, 2007
Alkalarian Extraordinaire
Legs: Let's keep them lookin' GOOOOD!
Download Here
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Towards a Better Pizza?
Researchers from the University of Maryland told attendees at the 233rd national meeting of the American Chemical Society that by optimizing baking and fermentation methods the antioxidant content of pizza could get a healthy boost. But the research has been criticised by a leading dietician for promoting unhealthy eating. Commenting independently on the research, Jacqui Lowdon of the British Dietetic Association said: "I would rather people ate their five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, than ate more pizza.
"They will be getting a high fat intake, and it may make them more likely to choose extra cheese and salami.
"This isn't teaching people about healthy eating."

More here
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Good design? Or tree-wasting madness?

Take a look at this. I wonder if it isn't a good idea at a bad time. When the world is re-examining our relationship to our environment... someone comes up with the 'ultimate tea bag'.
More here
Aromatic or Toxic?

Hardly a week goes by at ION LIFE without someone calling us about extreme chemical sensitivity. I wonder... have we advanced to the sort of consciousness about the effect of perfumes on those around us - to the same degree as we have with cigarette smoke?
It's quite amazing. When we walk around Cape Byron in the early morning, we often pass female walkers, sometimes with their morning splash of expensive fragrance. We can smell it a good thirty metres away! The power of chemicals!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Dr Weil in Denial?

Of course, as far as we can ascertain, he never did use one, test one, and he certainly never bothered answering any of my emails.
Now it appears he is the one to cop criticism, from no less than Dr Larry Trivieri, backed by his advisory board of eminent physicians, five in all.
Here's a transcript of what Dr Trivieri had to say about Dr. Weil's judgement on drugs.
It's Happening: The World is Waking Up...
Another book on pH balancing, this time from long term Alkalarian

“Be the woman with glowing skin, hair that gleams, and eyes that shine...and make everyone wonder what your secret is.”
..and now a movie coming from a happy Jupiter user here
Grab This Deal and save $200

Hey, I'm sorry! Our Microlite Alkalizer has sold out.. again!
At $1085 we know it's a great deal but we've sold too many and won't have any for about 4 weeks, so I've decided to help all you desperado would-be Alkalarians. The magnificent Melody is normally $1595, but until we run out of them, I'm reducing it to $1395 so you get a deluxe unit at rockbottom price. No, I can't say how longI can do this deal for you. The phones are running hot! Of course, we're happy to back-order a Microlite if that's still a bit tough for the pocket book.
Please note; you'll need to ring for this deal: 1800-ANTIOX)
Have You Had Your Greens Today?

A new report shows Americans are actually getting worse at eating their vegetables.
This is hardly the first study to document dismal diet habits. Last week, the CDC gave U.S. adults poor marks for fruit and vegetable consumption.
Now, researchers from Johns Hopkins University confirm that Americans aren't getting better at eating fruits and vegetables -- even though public health officials urge them to do so.
The Johns Hopkins study shows that, among U.S. adults, fruit consumption is holding steady, but vegetable consumption is headed down -- even if you count french fries.
The study appears in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Ian's comment; Hey, I feel for the Yanks! I am no Popeye and I'm very glad of the support of alkaline water and green foods, especially Dr. Young's Supergreens. With one dose in water I've done all my green quota for the day plus all sorts of excellent detox herbs.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Toilet Seat Technology: 'Odorology ' Wins the Day
Find out here.
A Great Article by Dr Young

Dr Robert O. Young, alkaline specialist, and happy Jupiter water drinker just sent me this great article on how we could be looking at our health and balance.
More here
Wonderful pics of Monks washing Buddha

Some web pages just itch to be shared. What did you do today? See what the monks of Tôdai-ji Temple, in Japan have to do... all in a day's work!
Check it here
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Blowin' In The Wind

Ever wonder where all those particulates we emit every day with all of our industrial processes go?
A Western Australian Town has seen where; into their water tanks!
It threatens the continuity of the town - and the industry of the town because lead levels in their tank water have tripled.
Plus... my special report on tank water. There's things you NEED to KNOW about your spankin' new plastic rainwater tank.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Ray Kurzweil, Inventor and Visionary talks about Alkaline Water

A great interview of a man committed to pushing the limits of research into longevity. Ray Kurzweil LOVES alkaline water and reveals a deep understanding of why it is so much more than simply water.
More here
Friday, March 16, 2007
GM Corn Proves Itself
What was that M'sieur Monsanto?
More Here
A Fag without a Fag

Click here to see the non-smoker's smoke.
You Gotta love 'Em...
What Do YOU know about the Future of our Supplements?
Click here
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Would You pay $1 for a glass of water in a restaurant?

Hitherto, tap water had always been free. Well think again...on March 22, a glass of tap water will cost $1 in some of New York’s finest restaurants including Le Bernardin and Asia de Cuba as well as in small eateries, such as the little Vesuvio bakery in SoHo. Ridiculous? Who would ever charge for tap water?
Before you take offense to this extra charge, know that this is all for a good cause. This is a UNICEF project aimed at saving lives by providing safe drinking water to children around the world. UNICEF say that with $1, they can provide 40 litres of safe drinking water, which is enough to give one child safe drinking water for 40 days, or forty children safe drinking water for one day. With $1, they can provide 100 water purification tablets to provide clean water for children in crisis situations.
Dying Politically Correct

A little extract to tempt you;
"It is estimated that the more than 22,500 cemeteries across the Unites States bury 827,060 gallons of embalming fluid every year. Embalming fluids can include chemicals and additives like formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, phenol, methanol, antibiotics, dyes, anti-edemic chemicals, and disinfectant chemicals."
More Here
ProBiotics Breakthrough...

Probiotics May Help Prevent Cancer
A Belgian study claims that daily intake of probiotics (friendly bacteria) and prebiotics (substances that nourish friendly bacteria in the intestines) could reduce the activity of enzymes in the colon that produce carcinogenic compounds.
It was a small study; only 53 young, (that puts me out of contention) healthy volunteers who took probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics (a combination of probiotics and the foods that foster their growth) It was found that certain probiotics and prebiotics decreased levels of enzymes believed to be involved with the development of colon cancer.
The synbiotic, on the other hand, didn’t appear to help.
Seems to me they have some more work to do. Like.. why were there carcinogenic substances in the colon? Why are enzymes in the colon so compromised as to produce carcinogens? Where does acid/alkaline balance fit in.. or wasn't it considered?
Frankly, I'm already rather confused about probiotics and rely on advice of experts. That's why I'm happy to recommend Recharge, supplied by the same people who supply Vitaklenz. It's a mix of fermented grain superfoods and beneficial lactobacillus cultures. If someone has had to resort to antibiotics, I recommend a course of probiotics to get your gut flora back up and running.
The study was published on February 28, 2007 in the advance online issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Alkaline Tip of the Week

We are all Unique!
Just because your partner has no problems eating acid foods doesn't mean you'll have no problems. We are all unique, mentally, behaviorally and biologically. We are all therefore, going to react differently to every health regimen we take on.
It follows, therefore, that we have unique ability or inability to digest or metabolize acid foods.
P.V. Marchessau, a famous French nutritionalist, said that 'food has no intrinsic value. The only value it possesses comes from the digestive tract that receives it." Looked at another way, the value of a food such as grass would depend on whether you were a cow or a human being. It's ultimately your ability to process the food that gives it its value.
We can look at foods as acid-forming, alkaline-forming and acid foods. Acid-forming, or alkaline-forming foods do what they say they do; they cause the formation or vailability of acids or alkalis once they have been metabolized. Acid foods, however,vary in 'value' depending on your unique abilty to handle them.
Examples? Fruits, whey, vinegar. They will create an alkalizing effect on bodies that properly metabolise weak acids, but will be acidifying if your body cannot easily metabolise acids.
- If your body metabolizes acids properly, the quantity of alkalizing foods, water or supplements and acid foods should be higher than the quantity of acidifying foods.
- If you have a metabolism that has problems with acids, the quantity of alkaline foods, supplements and water shoud be higher than the quantity of acidifying and acid foods.
Coca Cola Successfully Sued... for $120!
The woman was awarded a compensation measuring 3,133 rubles (approximately $120), a meager amount as compared to damages awarded to plaintiffs pursuing similar complaints in western courts.
Natalia Koshuba was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, which, the doctors concluded, had been caused by consumption of soft drinks. The plaintiff had demanded a compensation of 5,133 Roubles, which included her medical expenses and a compensation of moral damages.
Koshuba said she began to buy more soft drinks after the company launched a campaign urging customers to collect lids from soft drink bottles so as to exchange them later on for prizes. As a result, the woman consumed 2 to 3 liters of soft drinks daily in the course of five years.
The defense lawyer for Coca Cola suggested that the lids presented by the girl in the courtroom had been collected at dumps. But Koshuba’s defense brought in witnesses who confirmed that Natalia has never eaten any hot or fatty foods, practically never drank alcoholic beverages and worked out regularly. Hence, her addiction to Coca Cola drinks was the only cause of her disease.
Even though she won the claim, Natalia says she is not satisfied with the awarded amount and is set to sue the company again, demanding 3 million Roubles in moral damages.
Ian's comment: Isn't it funny; some of our competitors say alkaline water might be bad for the digestion, but we see advertising every day for something this court agreed caused gastroesophageal reflux. Doh-Oh! Double Duh-Oh, given the reports we get from people saying alkaline water has ended years of gastric upset!
Friday, March 9, 2007
A Big Week for Alkaline Water
Weight Loss
"I purchased the Jupiter Alkalizer almost three months ago and the results have blown me away. In the last six weeks I have shed 8kg of body fat and apart from some niggles due to sporting injuries, have never felt better in my life.
M. Walker, VIC 6.3.07
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Ear and Throat
"A serious throat and ear ache problem began forming so I gargled the acid water every 30 minutes during the day - amazingly the pain cleared up that evening!"
M.Walker, VIC 6.3.07
Overweight- Low Energy
"I feel lighter, brighter, have more energy - I find the water really easy to drink and my weight is dropping off. I'm taking some vitamins and minerals but I feel the crux of my improvement is the alkaline water."
J. Host NSW 5.3.07
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Occult Oedema, Joint flexibility, Dress size
Occult oedema vanished, regained joint flexibility. Pain increased at first, now almost gone. Energy increasing gradually. Dropped one dress size. Easy to swallow, I am drinking 4 times as much as before. Chronic conditions improving slowly.
Acid water great for hair, cleaning my soy milk maker, repairing damage from harsh soaps at work to hands. Very, very happy. Increase one (pH) level each week
J. Y. Vic 5.3.07
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Colds, Flu and that 'Run Down' feeling.
I'm 23 and used to get sick every 3 months or so (colds flu and run down). Since drinking alkaline water over the last 12 months I haven't been sick at all!
Naomi E. QLD 5.3.07
Wow! That's what makes my job a joy!
Eat Less and Live
Thursday, March 8, 2007
How Drug Advertising SHOULD Read
"Havidol".. say it a few times and you'll get the joke behind the website.
Check it out here and yes, all the links work!
Virgin Coco Oil Supply Difficulties

We are OUT of one litre Virgin Organic Coco oil for about a month. We have Expeller Pressed Virgin Organic, which is slightly cheaper. 'Expeller Pressed' means it doesn't have the aroma of the VOCO. We also have a good supply of four litre pails, and I'd suggest you stock up. Also plenty of the totally scrumptious Coconut Creme Concentrate.
Be Quick: Order here
Viagra boosts cancer resistance

"Impotence drugs won’t cure cancer," [a researcher] cautioned, "but could be used in addition to standard chemotherapy or immunotherapy treatments."
Acupuncture Doesn't work.........Hrmmm.

Stanford scientists Wallace Sampson, clinical professor emeritus of medicine at Stanford University and editor in chief of the Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, says acupuncture doesn't work. The mistake people make about acupuncture, Sampson says, is that it offers specific cures. "It is nonspecific," Sampson says. "If it has the effect of, say, releasing endorphins through the application of needles, well, many things release endorphins -- a walk in the woods, a 5-mile run, a pinch on the butt."
Hmm... maybe I shoud cancel my bi-monthly tuneup from my Japanese-trained Acupuncture master. Then again.. if I do, I know I'll have a three months wait. He's so in demand that I wouldn't get an appointment. So many silly people.......?
EMF Protection

Our way of life is becoming so entangled in the luxury of WiFi and EMF radiation that there seems no real way out. Reports keep on coming about the dangers of this form of silent health risk and almost as fast, someone counters it, usually sponsored by a major mobile phone company!
I know the TalkSafe made a difference immediately to me when I went wireless on my laptop. The headaches that mysteriously appeared mysteriously disappeared when I added a TalkSafe crystal dot to my monitor. And even today i don't know why or how it works! But for $29.95 it's a gift. Speaking of gifts, we have many people purchasing a TalkSafe for the whole family.
Here's an article on the whole debate. You can read it - or you can just order one now here.
Do YOU have Syllogomania?

After a super meal, Steve joined me on the patio. 'Mate,' he said, "I just love your Alkaline Defence e-Course! I'be backed up every one of them! They're just so interesting!"
"Have you read them yet?" I asked.
"Ah.." Steve hesitated. "Well, not yet, no. You know how it is."
Yes Steve, I do. The Internet is a Syllogomaniac's playground. Here's an article all about this new manifestation of an old problem!
Click here