Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Give up the cancer Sticks... get Diabetes!

Hmm.. This latest report from Johns Hopkins suggests that if a smoker gives up ciggies, their chance of contracting diabetes goes up by 70%!

This is no small study. It enrolled 10,892 middle-aged adults who did not yet have diabetes from 1987 to 1989. The patients were followed for up to 17 years and data about diabetes status, glucose levels, weight and more were collected at regular intervals.
But.. I wonder.. many of the ex-smokers I know have all developed a real sweet tooth to compensate. Could it be that.. no! of course not. That would be far too obvious! Or not. What do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ian, I was only halfway through the article and thinking 'well obviously most smokers that give up tend to use food as one option to ease the withdrawal process so it really would not be rocket science to understand the diabetes connection' ... and then I read your final comment ... do you know what really astounds me with a large percentage of so-called scientists? their lack of commonsense, and I am constantly astounded at the inability to see such an oh-so-obvious connection !!! Just recently on the news here in Melb, there was a 'breakthrough' about the fact that 'they' had found the real cause of stomach ulcers and that it has 'nothing to do with stress or diet ... it is in fact a bacteria etc etc' ... ummmmmm, perhaps I'm missing something here but isnt what you think, what you eat and drink and how well you handle stress in life the 'gateway' as it were to the susceptibility of actually developing this bacteria ... in other words ... WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COMMONSENSE !!! hahaha ... I love your articles Ian ... it is SO NICE to read something that actually makes a whole lot of sense ! Namaste, Doreen :)