Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another Piece in the Puzzle

As you know, we've been sharing a journey of knowledge about how to live longer and more vitally by reducing excess acids in our life and in our bodies.

Recently I reviewed the wonderful book 'Building Bone Vitality' which zeroed in on the effect of red meat or protein in tripping our acid switch, causing massive calcium loss from our skeleton.

Today another piece of the puzzle came to light. It appears latest research shows that inflammation in muscles next to the bone actually drags calcium directly from the bone, eating way at the surface of the bone.

When we look at this in relation to obesity, where excess loads on muscles makes an almost ongoing inflammation, we see the double whammy of problems of weight AND problems of decaying the skeleton that is supposed to support that weight. Add in a sugary high protein diet and....

I have heard from many of our clients on ionized water that they have a greater recovery time during gym work if they drink the water. I'd take it further; gym work can also create inflammation, so drinking alkaline water to counter inflammation makes incredibly good sense to me.
Here's a site with more info
And another one

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