Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dr Susan Lark talks about cancer

Dr Lark ImageI receive almost daily emails from the good Doc. I also have one of her books on my shelves; "The Chemistry of Success", all about acid/alkaline balance - sadly out of print. Here's what she had to say in today's email:

"Believe it or not, a whopping 1/3 of American women get some form of cancer every year. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most prevalent form, affecting about 200,000 women annually. Other common cancers in women include colon, ovarian, and lung. As scary and overwhelming as these numbers are, you aren’t helpless when it comes to cancer prevention and treatment. Cancer has a weak link—one that does not get much publicity or attention, but studies show that it’s a huge factor in the disease’s growth and development. What’s this link? It’s cancer’s reliance on an acidic environment in the body.

That’s right. Cancer thrives in an overly acidic environment. But when you take measures to reduce the acidity in your body, it chokes the life out of cancer cells."

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