Thursday, March 20, 2008

As Without, So Within

..or so say the spiritual masters! Strange that I see two bits of news today, both about depression, one outside, one inside.

Item One:
"US President George W. Bush said on Monday he expects the economy to ride out a financial storm that is roiling markets, with the help of his administration and the Federal Reserve."
Why do I feel uneasy about this one??

Item two:
"Seventy-six percent of Americans polled said the economy is in recession, compared to 22 percent who said it is not, USA Today said. Asked if the US could slip into a depression lasting several years, 59 percent said it was likely and 79 percent said they were worried about it, the paper said."

So.. the Boss says yes, the people say no.

It seems to me that we are coming into a time when we need to begin taking responsibility for our own lives. I often lay in bed pondering the obvious morass of climate change, war and poverty, and ask myself what 'little me' can do.

Surely reducing the water I use to brush my teeth isn't going to save the world, but looking at my values and why I use them to portray the world as a place where I see myself as a victim seems far more useful. And one way I'm getting great help is the following..

In case you haven't heard, Oprah is hosting a series of lessons with author of 'A New Earth', Eckhart Tolle. Whatever spiritual persuasion you claim, this man is great!

You can download them or watch them online if you have broadband, and I can heartily recommend them. Go here

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