Friday, November 14, 2008

Astralagus Study reveals anti-aging effect

I freely admit to great respect for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Not just because it follows the same principles as acid/alkaline in the form of Yin/Yang, but because I've seen for myself many, many people derive great benefit from 'the little Chinese man around the corner' who gave them a mixture of herbs, barks and bits of wood to boil up and drink. And all this after they received no assistance from Allopathic sources.

I am in awe of the great job Fusion Health, a company begun right here in Byron Bay has done in creating TCM support formulae and going the extra mile to source safe and dependable suppliers so that their remedies can meet the stringent requirements of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration.

So it's not surprising when I see this report on the effectiveness of Astralagus as an anti-ageing strategy. Astralagus, a commonly recommended for immunity boosting, is a member of the vetch family, and the study has shown that drug derived from Astralagus has had significant effect at the DNA level to slow up telomere degemneration.

More about the report
More about Astralagus

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