Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Michael Pollan on Sustainability

I've mentioned Michael Pollan before on this page. He wrote 'The Omnivore's Dilemma' about the source and ethics of our food, which I loved.

Now he has a wonderful interview on "What's wrong with Environmentalism" Yale Environment 360's site and it's worth a read or a listen. (so don't tell me I'm a narrow-minded Tree hugger!)

On the same subject - I watched a doco last night on the rapacious unconscionable behaviour of Haliburton et al in Iraq; the consequence of which has caused TWENTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS of taxpayers' money to become 'unnacounted for'. It wasn't a great way to go to bed at peace with the world, but it did have an effect in an unexpected way.

After my meditation this morning I sat for a moment thinking about the doco and Haliburton and how Mr Bush could have let it happen.. wondering how they could possibly have gotten away with crimes against the stste of such stupendous magnitude. But then the thought came in that they are humans like me and that I too have 'black holes' in my consciousness where I choose not to look.

I import products from a far off country that has far less environmental controls than Australia. I use a car to go to dance lessons in full knowledge that it contributes to the environmental load. I buy food while earth in my small back yard lies fallow, producing nothing but weeds.

I do so many things that one could view as, at best, arguably unsustainable.

So how do we act in this post industrial era (for that is what it must soon become) as we watch the madness flow around over and through our individual lives? I'd love your comments.

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