Thursday, May 15, 2008

Four Health telltales

Dr. Anthony Martin wrote a wonderful book called "Medical Crisis: Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share With You".

He claims breast and prostate cancer are nearly 100 percent preventable and that it's more than five years fbefore most cancers grow to the size of the tip of a ball point pen.

Doc Martin says "By the time cancer is found, the patient may have missed precious time."

He isolates four warning signs to catch illness early:

-- If tired for three weeks straight, the body is saying something is wrong. Long-term fatigue is tied to red blood cells and liver, kidney or brain trouble. Ask your doctor for a simple blood test.

-- The body produces free radicals to detoxify itself. When balanced, they are used by the immune system to destroy bacteria and viruses. Ask for a urine test.

-- Fat cells or cells that are too "puffy," can lead to asthma, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Ask for a blood test.

-- Water in the body is either acidic or alkaline. An unbalanced pH is a breeding ground for cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and premature aging. Ask for a saliva test.

Ian: With reference to the last point, some of you may have read an article in 'Informed Choice' by a seller of a volcanic water filters, claiming alkaline water isn't good for health. Perhaps the author might like to call up Doc Martin.

Dr. Martin also has some serious words to say about the devastating new laws all Canadians are facing, where any natural product may arbitrarily be designated a drug. Draconian in the extreme, these new regulations must be fought. Take a look at what the Doc has to say here

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