Monday, May 12, 2008

Benjamin H. Grumbles about rocket fuel in water

Here's an article about perchlorate in the drinking water of 11,000,000 Americans. One would think that there would be eleven million reasons for the government to do something about it especially when it's already known that its adverse health effects are especially pernicious in infants or developing fetuses; even at low levels, the chemical can block the thyroid gland's ability to absorb iodide from the bloodstream -- inhibiting normal brain development.

But, even when the good senator Grumbles grumbled about being harrassed by Senator Barbara Boxer, Grumbles answered that there was a "distinct possibility"
(read: almost guaranteed) that it would not do a damn thing.

Ian: It wasn't long ago that lettuce growers nearby had crops condemned from the rocket fuel on their produce. One enterprising grower just re-labelled his iceberg, calling it 'Rocket'.

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