Monday, February 19, 2007

Acid Water, the 'Wonder Waste Water'

Paul Keshan rang us this week, a little perturbed that unlike so many other clents’ dogs, his dog refused the alkaline water from his new Alphion. He was upset because obviously he loved his dog, and the mutt was repeatedly getting ‘hot spots’ on his paws – inflammation, causing him to limp. The Vet advised him to spray methylated spirits on his feet, but you can imagine the dog’s response!

So Paul decided to give our acid water a tryout, dunking Rover’s paws in the acid water.

Lo and behold, no more ‘hot spots’!

Yet another use for Acid byproduct water from a Jupiter Science Alkalizer!

Lalita, one of our alkaline advisors has her own story of amazing healing from a serious burn incident using acid water. Check her story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just reading about the dog that would not touch alkaline water, ha !just like my dog she will not touch it at any cost, but she does have hot spots on her body sometimes she gets itchy skin too.
So I am going to try it, thanks for the tip and because mozzies just love to eat me,acid water is the only thing I have tried that only needs one application to cure the itch.