Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meet Gabe!

As many people already know, we have expanded internationally and are now supplying the AlkaStream in the US, Canada and Europe as well as here in Oz and New Zealand.

We recently appointed Gabe Hunninghake as our US ambassador, and I'm copying a post he made on to give you an idea of the guy.

We are very glad to be associated with people like Gabe.

From Gabe:
 " I was very humbled when I received the request and never anticipated being in this position.

"I intend to continue being BS free and transparent. I have a lot of thoughts swirling thru my head right now, but these seem to continue floating to the top.
1. Business should be at the service of people, not at their expense. For too many years the line between the 2 has become blurred within the ionized water industry. Most dealers are well intentioned, but management is questionable at best. How do we create a culture of service and profit?
2. Those with the ability to make a change in how the companies conduct themselves and treat each other have proven they don’t want to. It messes with the status quo. Only some new blood can initiate the improvements and shake things up a bit. [this isn't true of just ionized water mind you] Who wants to help shake?
3. This may shock many, but I don’t think alkaStream needs to hang around in the same places as electric ionizers. Not because of performance comparisons, but because alkaStream is the only company which gives us the chance start over and change the story. To shed the years of deceit, false marketing, underhanded tricks, back stabbing and confusion that have become so common placed with ionized water. How do we articulate our story and who do we need to partner with to help share it?
4. The ability to bridge the gap between filtration and ionization is unique and exciting. Each side should agree on the positives of alkaStream and finally have some common ground. We can work on both sides of the fence.
5. Not having the MLM albatross around our neck makes this a whole lot easier to introduce and market to an entirely different type of client. Those with retail shelf space who love the the price point, large newsletter audiences, affiliate programs in place and most importantly…a mindset of “clean water is best”. We can add the benefits of ionization, pH-balancing, etc, later. Who else has this opportunity?
So…it’s Saturday morning in beautiful Lawrence KS. The sun is out. There is a light breeze. I’m taking the kids to play basketball in a nearby park, we’re having a b-day party for 2 of them later and then watching my Jayhawks play for another Big12 championship.
All is good. And the future of Pure, Primitive and Preventative water is looking bright. I just made that up…it’s not the official tag line."

..and if you want to learn more, here's Gabe's site

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