Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dairy Fat Cuts Diabetes risk

A big day for me yesterday related to my low-to-no-carb diet. 

Firstly a wonderful article in the LA Times titled 'A Reversal on Carbs' and then an article on the ability of dairy fats - that's butter to you..and its ability to redcue the risk of Diabetes II. See it here.

So we now begin to see that what we've been taught about saturated fats, and about carbs.. is the real junk science. Helleluja!

I'm also seeing that our alkaline diet is correct, but it seems to be expanding into what I'll tentatively call the "Acid AND Alkaline Diet" simply because it is now coming to light that many so-called 'bad' acidic foods work very nicely thank you with our alkaline diet. So it's not just 'The Alkaline Diet". 
It's the "GOOD Alkaline and GOOD Acid Diet!"

Uh. Oh. I feel a  book coming on. Or perhaps it's just wind.

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