Friday, July 3, 2009

Aluminium and Alzheimers' The Facts

This link will take you to a summary of a long term study into the effects of aluminium in our drinking water. Not good news.

"The risk of dementia was higher for subjects with a high daily aluminium intake"

The good news is that any good filter will remove it.
However beware of new 'nanotechnology' coming onto the Aussie market that uses ultrafine aluminium shards to give 'ultra filtration'.


Unknown said...

Your comment on aluminium in water was only half correct. You forgot about the thousands of sausepans sold and in use today that are made of aluminum. This stuff does not rust but have a look at the corrosion pits in the bottom of the pans after some considerable use. Please tell me all this was washed down the drain and none stayed in the food we ate.

Unknown said...

The filter possibly gets all the aluminium out of the water but what about the thousands of pots and pans in use through out the world. Aluminium does not rust but it does corrode and where does the corrosion go. Down the sink or stays with the food we eat. So guess how much aluminium is ingested by us each year.

Alkababy said...

good Point, Graham. Looks like from what you say we're screwed every which-a-way!