Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why People Don't Want You to Buy a Water Alkalizer

There have been two articles recently published in Australia regurgitating old and tired 'health warnings' about alkaline water, both written by a woman who sells a water filter that does not alkalize.

The 'warnings' have one thing in common; as far as I am aware, not one researcher quoted has ever tested a modern water alkalizer.

We have become used to this sort of tactic as one particular competitor has been 'at it' for seven years now, throwing everything he has at us in the hope, I suppose, that some will stick. If anything, it has prompted people to educate themselves and to look behind the headlines. In my view, the campaign has actually increased our success, so I guess I should thank the guy who is behind it all.

The second article was also published in the UK, and I've had emails from both Australia and the UK from people worried about what the articles claim.

Here's a link to the rebuttal I wrote for the first article


Unknown said...

Hi Ian, good article. I sell Ionizers, and I'd love to see what was actually written. Is there any chance that you could forward me the article?

Thanks in advance

Alan Ogilvie

Anonymous said...

HI Ian,
thanks for your article in the current Living Wisdom magazine. I am going to write to them and ask them to insist that all authors disclose their connections to products. I was very unsettled by the previous month's article damming alkaline water, we have had our delightful "Melody" for close to a year now and I was loving the water she gave us. Then I read the anti-alkaline article and panicked - there is plenty of heart disease in my family history and I didn't want to join in, I decided to set Melody to purified water only until I could do more research. A few busy weeks passed and then your article appeared and I read it with interest and some relief. I still kept Melody on purified only, having not had time to follow up the issues. Then I realised that some problems that I had a year ago (and I had even forgotten I had suffered from them) were returning in the time I had stopped drinking Melody's water - gastric reflux and IBS type problems among them - I will still do more research, because that is an important part of making my healthy choices for our family, but today I have switched Melody back to Alkaline and I will be relieved to return to improving health rather than declining.
Thanks for your informative reply.
best wishes

Alkababy said...

Leonie, thank you so much. Yes, this sort of publicity would be fine if all magazines that did it insisted on disclosure. I emailed the editor of Nexus magazine, the other publisher of the same lady's work, and asked if they would give me right of reply.

No answer yet.........

Their email is at:

Unknown said...

Hi Ian,

Can I post your response article on my site, credits to you of course? I'm one of your distributors.


Alkababy said...

Feel free!