Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Computer Back: how to beat it.

As one of the thousand billions who spend far too long sitting gazing at a little screen rather than LIVING, this article is extremely pertinent because it gives us all we need to know about sitting properly while surfing the Net.

Sit up straight and See it here


Anonymous said...

Thanks .. and excellent article

atteach said...

As an Alexander Technique teacher and having given lessons to many doctors (they suffer a lot of back pain), this article again reminds me of how little the medical profession is taught to see the body as a whole. There is not just one reason for back problems but many, caused by lack of balance from head to toes Unfortunately what this article suggests may be a short-term fix but will create other and probably greater problems down the track. May I suggest that if people have postural problems they find themselves an Alexander Teacher. This learning to use your body in a better way opens up heaps of other benefits. Look at www.atstudio.org