Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Profile of a Positive Person

Here's a copy of an email I received today. 'Joan''s spirit is amazing!

"Hi Ian,
"I purchased my water filter from you. I have been fighting colorectal cancer since 2001 it metastasised to my lungs. which I cleared in 2005. It then went to my brain. I had five brain tumours last year the last one was in October. I now have it in the liver and in the lungs again as well as spots in my hips and left shoulder. I have chemo every fortnight. I am going really well. No-one would ever guess what I have been through.

I am very acid although I try to do every thing I can. I eat really well. We have a restaurant so I select quality meals that are based on fighting cancer. I take Usana vitamins. I go to water aerobics twice a week, walk 1/2 hour a day, pracice yoga and mediate daily. I sleep really well and pace myself. Can you assist me with anything I may have missed?

Regards 'Joan'

Ian: Joan, I can't think of a thing more you can do. I think you are an amazing, inspiring, powerful human being!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,
I rather stay anonymous for obvious reasons.This is a reply to Joan's email to you.
I am aware that you might not be able to post this but would you be kind enough to pass it on to her. It might make a difference.
I know people who had good results concerning her illness (not to mention it) with Paw paw leaf concentrate.Between you and me, it is said to be 1000000 (one million) time more effective than any cancer drug. Tumors have been shrunk and some even disappeared.I know for a fact that this is true. All this combined with the fantastic power of the alkaline water,must be of some help to her.What has she got to loose? Worth trying.
Please see link for more info:,M1
page 21.
Wishing her all the best and I hope it can help her,even at this stage of her illness.

Kind regards
One of your avid readers who enjoys your newsletters.

dhod said...

when cancer is that deep in the tissues and bones you need something more than changing the PH - more direct cleaning out of toxins and killing off of the cancer cells. I haven't heard of the paw paw leaf concentrate, it sounds good, but I would go straight onto Natural Cellular Defense which actively takes toxins out of the body and turns off the growth gene in tumour cells

Alkababy said...

I'd be very, very careful making claims such as "turns off the growth gene in cancer cells".

Peopel with cancer need all the help we can offer but they don't need unsubstantiated therapeutic claims.

If you have a website and have made this claim, expect a visit from men in duits.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,
I would like to know what else Joan is doing to keep on top of her cancer.
My wife,Diane was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2004. She had surgery and a course of chemo. In 2006 it had matastasised to her uterus. More surgery and another course of chemo. In March 2007 it had mestastasised to her brain. A course of radiation therapy was tried without success. Surgery was performed in July to successfully remove the tumour. A very slow recovery due to major surgery and radiation therapy. Just last week was diagnosed with another tumour at the site of the other tumour. Not sure whether operable at this stage. Very week on her feet with dizziness and nausea and blurred vision.
Have just purchased an Alphion and would also like to know more about Paw Paw leaf concentrate.