Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fluoride Ping Pong: Expert vs. Expert

Once again, we see a report coming out saying that there is no ill effect of adding fluoride to water supplies. And again, we see reports after report saying the opposite. Here's the latest report in the ping pong argumant for and against fluoride.

Here's what Dr Sherry Rogers has to say:

"Flouride is a good example of a toxin that is deliberately added to water. Flouride is a halogen that is a potent enzyme inhibitor that is even used as a preservative and anticoagulant for biological specimens. It is known to cause excessive calcification not only in arteries but joints and ligaments, and contributes to many forms of cancer and osteoporosis.

"For 11 years between1986 and 1997 a national survey of 39,000 United States schoolchildren revealed no statistically significant differences in tooth decay between children drinking flouridated versus non-flouridated water. In addition it was found that instead of building strong health teeth, flouride damaged brain enzymes and lowered IQs (Zhao, Foulkes). And we certainly have an epidemic of learning disabilities to back that up.

"Flouride has also been linked to behavioural disorders, birth defects, flu-like symptoms and arthritis. Flouride acts much like a heavy metal (even though it's a halogen) in damaging enzymes. Also once in the cell membrane, it can cause malfunctions as well as damage hormone receptors and other regulatory sites. It that were not enough, flouride has also caused an increase in bone cancers as well as hip fractures from skeletal fluorosis (accumulation of flouride in the bone). By displacing minerals that belong in the bone, fluoride leads to a weakening of bone and an eventual increase in fractures.

"Death rates are also higher in flouridated communities versus those living on well water (Yiamouyiannis, Hoover, Cohn). In one study by the United States National Cancer Institute, there was a 70% increase in osteosarcoma (bone cancer) among young men in fluoridated areas of Iowa and Seattle versus a 4% lower incidence among young men in non-fluoridated areas in the same states. In regions of New Jersey, the incidence of osteosarcoma was 3-7times higher in fluoridated areas. Remember osteosarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer, so when you see a startling increase, you know it has to be something pretty pervasive in the environment that many people are exposed to.

"Studies also show that fluoride can damage the heart and other organs like the brain, kidneys and hormones. It interferes with the metabolism of testosterone (contributing to the Viagra epidemic, ushered in by physicians writing over 100,000 prescriptions a week). Many researchers are particularly concerned about fluoride in infant formulas, baby foods, juices, tooth treatments, and prescriptions from their pediatricians, in addition to being deliberately added to water. It turns out that children with immature detoxification systems are getting a higher dose than most adults, and they are less able to handle it. And if you want to boost your fluoride intake fast, begin Prozac, the prescription anti-depressant that contains three fluoride molecules per molecule of fluoxetine."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some say sodium fluoride is safe, some say NOT. Who to believe?