Monday, December 31, 2007
Heartburn Discussion
No, it doesn't include alkaline water.
Watch Video here
Amazing, just amazing!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Fluoride Warrior hangs up his guns
On two occasions, Stewart has approached the City Council to take action on removing fluoride from the city’s water supply, most recently during its last meeting.
“Is there no one here who will stand up for the citizens of Rolla in this regard?” Stewart asked City Council members. “This fluoride is poisoning our water and our children.”
Stewart, almost single-handedly, has been crusading to have the city remove fluoride from its drinking supply.
Here's his story
'Frigginwater" The new Bottled water Brand

Here's a website of an artist who is creating a new brand of bottled water every month. Take a look at the ingredients and I think you'll get the point.
Check it here
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Chronic kidney disease and Oxygen

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered how low-oxygen conditions can worsen chronic kidney disease (CKD). The key player is a protein called hypoxia-inducible-factor (HIF-1) that, as its name suggests, is active when the kidney does not get enough oxygen, a condition known as hypoxia.
CKD afflicts 20 million Americans who have hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and other conditions. The kidney has less oxygen reserves than other organs to start, and CKD is associated with less capillary blood flow, reducing oxygenation even further. As CKD progresses, kidneys become full of fibrous tissue and cannot filter wastes out of blood or regulate body salt. Eventually kidney dialysis, a form of renal replacement therapy, may be needed to carry out these processes. Ultimately, the clinical goal is to optimize treatment to halt or delay the progression of CKD by better understanding its molecular underpinnings.
Ian: maybe I'm simple.. but if oxygen levels in tissue depend on oxygenated blood, doesn't that mean that their blood is too acidic? After all, acidic blood holds far, far less oxygen that alkaline balanced blood. Just asking.
A GREAT free bit of software for anyone who changes emails!

Ever gone through the hell of email change? Haven't we all! Your beloved mails suddenly lose themnselves in the vastness of cosmic net consciousness never to grace your inbox again.
Here's the answer.
Fluoride Ping Pong: Expert vs. Expert
Here's what Dr Sherry Rogers has to say:
"Flouride is a good example of a toxin that is deliberately added to water. Flouride is a halogen that is a potent enzyme inhibitor that is even used as a preservative and anticoagulant for biological specimens. It is known to cause excessive calcification not only in arteries but joints and ligaments, and contributes to many forms of cancer and osteoporosis.
"For 11 years between1986 and 1997 a national survey of 39,000 United States schoolchildren revealed no statistically significant differences in tooth decay between children drinking flouridated versus non-flouridated water. In addition it was found that instead of building strong health teeth, flouride damaged brain enzymes and lowered IQs (Zhao, Foulkes). And we certainly have an epidemic of learning disabilities to back that up.
"Flouride has also been linked to behavioural disorders, birth defects, flu-like symptoms and arthritis. Flouride acts much like a heavy metal (even though it's a halogen) in damaging enzymes. Also once in the cell membrane, it can cause malfunctions as well as damage hormone receptors and other regulatory sites. It that were not enough, flouride has also caused an increase in bone cancers as well as hip fractures from skeletal fluorosis (accumulation of flouride in the bone). By displacing minerals that belong in the bone, fluoride leads to a weakening of bone and an eventual increase in fractures.
"Death rates are also higher in flouridated communities versus those living on well water (Yiamouyiannis, Hoover, Cohn). In one study by the United States National Cancer Institute, there was a 70% increase in osteosarcoma (bone cancer) among young men in fluoridated areas of Iowa and Seattle versus a 4% lower incidence among young men in non-fluoridated areas in the same states. In regions of New Jersey, the incidence of osteosarcoma was 3-7times higher in fluoridated areas. Remember osteosarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer, so when you see a startling increase, you know it has to be something pretty pervasive in the environment that many people are exposed to.
"Studies also show that fluoride can damage the heart and other organs like the brain, kidneys and hormones. It interferes with the metabolism of testosterone (contributing to the Viagra epidemic, ushered in by physicians writing over 100,000 prescriptions a week). Many researchers are particularly concerned about fluoride in infant formulas, baby foods, juices, tooth treatments, and prescriptions from their pediatricians, in addition to being deliberately added to water. It turns out that children with immature detoxification systems are getting a higher dose than most adults, and they are less able to handle it. And if you want to boost your fluoride intake fast, begin Prozac, the prescription anti-depressant that contains three fluoride molecules per molecule of fluoxetine."
Tasmania; A Dangerous Isle for Water Drinkers
Read the report here
Got Good Water Flow? If not you're likely to get a tummy bug!
Individuals residing in homes affected by low water pressure events caused by planned or unplanned shut down of the water supply, had double the risk of experiencing gastroenteritis during the following week.
The fundings of the study once again raise questions about the role of tap water as a contributor to endemic gastrointestinal disease in developed nations.
Holy Places, Holy Water

"We stopped for a cup or two of water from the well of Zamzam, to which many pilgrims attribute miraculous healing powers. The water flows from taps all over the mosque complex and servers ensure steady supplies of disposable plastic cups. The taste was distinctly alkaline. Many pilgrims came with large plastic containers, even of a gallon or more, and filled them to take home as gifts for their friends. A Nigerian pilgrim told me that a recent scientific study proved its miraculous powers."
Change your life with water next year

I received a copy of this email today. It just shows what can happen with alkaline water and a little business sense.
"This has been an amazing year, especially the last 5 & 1/2 months since joining Ionways.
My life has been profoundly changed, both from the health giving aspects of the water produced by our amazing ionizers, and from a financial perspective! I have never been in a more profitable business in my over 35 years of direct/networking sales!
Here is a quote from a dear friend and Ionways Associate, Lou Paolo, who has been a co-owner of a health food store in Oregon City. "A few months ago, a friend of mine brought a couple of gallons of the best tasting water we (and our customers) had ever tasted, so we bought a machine, put it in the store and started selling machines and water.
This water is amazing! Our customers started telling us about how much better they felt and they were loving the water so much, that to date we've sold 24 machines and made $12,000.00 profit, direct and residual. We also sold 1387 gallons of water @ $3.00 a gallon, $4,161. all profit!
This water put our store on the map from Vancouver Washington to Albany, Oregon not to mention pulling our store out of a hole when we most needed it."
I don't know about you, but I just couldn't BE anymore excited than I am as I hear about this kind of success with this amazing equipment! Thank you, and many others who have made this kind of success possible!! Wherever you are today, I trust that you are having a blessed holiday season and are enjoying the "reason for the season." The model is "giving" and may you be so blessed that you can give THE most important're true and honest self to people that may need an encouraging word or smile or whatever. Also remember that the most important things in life AREN'T things! You are special to me and that is why you are receiving this little message. More later. All the best! Rich
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Older people are more likely....
Well, it seems oldies are more likelty to fo a lot of things, according to google. A quick scan of the first page of results told me that..
- Older people who live alone more likely to be unhappy,
- Older people more likely to respond to Internet marketers,
- Older people are far more likely to successfully quit smoking,
- Climbers over age 60 are three times more likely to die,
- Given a misleading cue, adults over age 64 were 10 times more likely than younger ... To understand why older people are more easily misled,
- Older people are biologically and medically more vulnerable to infection,
especially women. But they are more likely to escape the HIV/AIDS diagnosis, - In older people, decline of cognitive function is more likely than improvement.
"Older people are more likely than others to become dehydrated because their brain underestimates how much water the body needs to remain healthy, Australian researchers say.
Scientists from the Howard Florey Institute, in Melbourne, found that a part of the brain that predicts how much water a person needs switches off in older people before their body has been adequately replenished.
When a person is thirsty the mid-cingulate cortex, which is about one cubic centimetre in size, increases activity, prompting the body's thirst response. This switches off when the body's need for water is satisfied.
Researchers gave salty water to 12 men aged 65 to 74 years, and 10 men aged 21 to 30, to make them thirsty. The men were then allowed to drink as much water as they wanted. Brain response was measured using positron emission tomography.
Both groups had the same level of thirst but the older group drank less than half as much water before activity in the mid-cingulate cortex was switched off, says the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The younger men drank an average of 350 millilitres and the older men drank an average of 150 millilitres before their thirst mechanism was turned off.
Dr Michael Farrell, a senior research officer in the institute's neuroimaging group, said decreased brain activity was part of the ageing process, and older people could no longer trust thirst sensation. "Adults should drink about eight glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration and physically active people may need to drink more," he said."
Ian: I remember years ago we took up a voluntary position of driving elders to medical appontments. I cannot remember one who drank water. Tea, yes, but tea just doesn't hydrate like good old water. I am very grateful for my super water. People ask me my age and are always surprised when I say sixty one.
Horses for Courses

You may not be aware that good old sodium bicarbonate was declared an illegal stimulant in the racing industry because of the excellent job it did ridding horses of post-exercise cramps.
I'll report the results here as they come to hand, but it begs the obvious; if it's good for racehorses, cows and chickens, why hasn't every athlete in Australia got their own water alkalizer, not just our world champ Triathlete Felicity Abrams and Olympian Fiona Taylor?
An Aussie Special

And even then, it tastes like white paper and costs more than petroleum!
Grab a special; the ION LIFE Waterman.
Stick it under the nearest tap for filtered, energized and alkaline mineral water. It'll brew up 600ml in about 3 or 4 minutes. And to make it worthwhile, there's a special on;
The Waterman, 3 spare filters, and a bottle of AlkaBalance drops, all for AU$140. You save $35! (If you have any left to save after Christmas shopping that is!)
More info and Order here
A Christmas Wish

I've instructed our trusty team to be extra empathic to all those poor souls (including myself) feeling the heat of Christmas shopping and Christmas event organisation.
But my heart goes out particularly to those among us who don't have a big shopping list or a party to organize because they are alone.
To you out there, (you know I'm talking to you), my love and wish for Christmas to GET IT OVER WITH so we can get back to normal life!
Nudists in Hot Water
The San Diego County Department of Environmental Health issued a boil-water advisory for the Sun Island Resort, a nudist resort in El Cajon, after tests confirmed the presence of total coliform bacteria in the water.
DEH officials said that the boil-water water alert will remain in effect until the distribution system has been disinfected and additional tests confirm the absence of bacteria in the water supply.
Ian: I sure hope they brought aprons! Boiling water is a dangerous job!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Politics of Cancer Drugs

Sounds reasonable, doesn't it. Good decision making, based on good science.
However, the FDA is not bound to heed the advice of ODAC, and Avastin’s manufacturer, Genentech, will be lobbying hard to persuade FDA to grant approval in spite of the ruling.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Who'd Want to be a Doctor in the US?
A man taking several prescription drugs passes out at the wheel, drives off the road and hits and kills a 10-year-old boy. Can the boy’s mother sue the doctor who prescribed the drugs?
Yes, Massachusetts’s Supreme Judicial Court ruled yesterday, the Boston Globe reports. The mother’s lawyers allege that the doc failed to warn his patient about the side effects of the medications and the potential danger of driving while taking them.
Clean Mouth, Good Teeth; from Joyce
By the way have you ever heard of rinsing your mouth with sunflower oil, and keeping the oil in your mouth for at least 20 minutes in order to remove all the bad micro organisms from your mouth? I have done this rinsing now for 2 years and managed to stay away from the dentist, and kept my health at bay.
Joyce, I have heard of that but I'm guessing that rinsing your mouth with the antibacterial acid water from an Ionizer as we do at home tasted a lot better!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Green Companies Scorecard
7.7/10 Sony Ericsson: Improved reporting of mobile phone recycling levels and a move towards new PVC devices sees Sony Ericsson move into number one spot.
7.7/10 Samsung: A big improver, with more products free of the worst toxic chemicals. Loses points for not further extending programs for taking back redundant products.
7.3/10 Sony: Extending the range of products free of toxic PVC and improved reporting on recycling and takeback, especially in the US.
7.3/10 Dell: Unchanged since 2006, still no products on the market without the worst chemicals.
7.3/10 Lenovo: Unchanged since 2006, still no products on the market without the worst chemicals.
7/10 Toshiba: A much improved performance on toxic chemicals but lobbies in the US for policies limiting the obligation to takeback and recycle redundant products.
7/10 LGE: Unchanged since 2006, needs better takeback for products other than phones.
7/10 Fujitsu-Siemens: Unchanged since 2006, needs to implement toxic elimination timelines, better takeback across its products and reporting of amounts recycled.
6.7/10 Nokia: A steep fall in 2007 from its top spot in 2006. Good on reducing toxic chemicals but points were deducted for poor communication and implementation of its takeback and recycling program in Thailand, Russia and Argentina.
6.7/10 HP: Has moved to provide timelines for eliminating the worst toxic chemicals, but not for all products. Needs to improve takeback coverage.
6/10 Apple: Slightly improved with new iMacs and some iPods reducing the use of toxic chemicals, but its takeback program still needs more work.
5.7/10 Acer: Unchanged since 2006, needs to improve its takeback program and reporting of amounts recycled.
5/10 Panasonic: Unchanged since 2006, need better takeback coverage and reporting of amounts recycled.
5/10 Motorola: Big faller due to poor takeback and recycling practices in Philippines, Thailand and India. Still no timelines for eliminating the most harmful chemicals.
4.7/10 Sharp: Is making some progress on toxic chemicals elimination but has a poor takeback and recycling policy.
2.7/10 Microsoft: Timeline for toxic chemicals elimination by 2011 is too long and poor takeback policy and practice.
2/10 Philips: No timeline for toxic chemical elimination and zero points on e-waste policy and practice.
0/10 Nintendo: The first global brand to score zero across all criteria. No PVC and toxic chemical elimination progress or timeline and no takeback and recycling
Little Old ladies' Revenge
Listen here
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Visible Body: Worth a Signup.
It's all here

The Latest in Treadmills
Monday, December 10, 2007
Al Gore at the Bali Climate Change Conference
I was glad to oblige because I care for the future of this wonderful planet. If you feel the same way, here's the link to submit your own petition.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Lead in your water?

He shook out the particles caught in the aerators' screens and tested them.
Nine out of nine aerator 'trash' samples contained LEAD.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Beware of Greeks Bearing Water
OINOFYTA, GREECE — Ten years ago the Asopos River started turning purple, and this year tests showed that it is contaminated with chromium 6.
Now residents of this small town, about 35 miles north of Athens, are wondering if the drinking water source is to blame for some recent cancer deaths.
Apparently factories have been discarding waste into the river for many years, but there was never an official warning about the water.
According to the town’s priest, the number of cancer deaths has risen 32 percent since 1989.
For years a biochemical engineer and the priest, Father Yannis, campaigned to get authorities to look into the matter.
Engineer Thanasis Panteloglou said in the story, “In the beginning, , no one was listening. Authorities were in denial.”
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
It's Happy Customer Week!
"I started the _________ after reading about alkalizing the blood and how important it is to reverse an acidic blood state. (Everything stems from the blood. Fix the problem at its source and the health benefits will cascade down the entire body system).
I had a few health issues that needed to be addressed so I took the information I had learned and ran with it.
One major health issue I was dealing with was a ten year female condition medically known as Dysmenhorrea (extreme menstrual pain and heavy bleeding with associated diarrhea and vomiting/ & migraine headaches). In my case I had all three symptoms and they left me feeling so ill every month I had to take to my bed 1- 1 1/2 weeks out of every month. It was a misery and doctors had operated on me before but that didn't heal me. A hysterectomy was out of the question at the age of 36, I haven't had children yet and I didn't want drastic surgery anyway.
So I commenced the _____ along with ______ water. I bought 5 litre bottles for ______ water and added __________. I drank 2 litres of water with _____ every day.
That very same month I had a period that was so light and painfree I was stunned with shock. I became so excited, my prayers had been answered. I wanted to ensure that this wasn't going to be a one off occurrence or a temporary effect so Iwaited another month for my next period. I continued drinking the 2-3 litres of _____ water with the ______ every day without fail. The sure enough my period the next month was the same again. Extremely light and NO PAIN whatsoever.
No hot water bottles needed, no essential oils rubbed on my abdomen needed.
No sleepless painfilled nights.
No paracetamol.
No taking to my bed.
No vomiting.
No diarrhea.
No nausea.
No trips to the bathroom in distress.
No misery.
No suffering.
No crying.
No interference with enjoying my life.
I am a differemt woman! So incredibly overjoyed at this wonderful restoration that has occurred in my body.
Something so simple as changing the acid balance of my blood and I received instantaneous healing. And all I had to do was add _____ to every glass of water, and drink it.
Thank you so much and God bless everyone at ION LIFE for all your time and effort in creating _______ and for all your assistance over the phone answering my questions.
A special thank you to Maree;- for all the phone calls and support. it's nice to know someone cares. She is truly a lovely lady."
(Name withheld but on file)
Profile of a Positive Person
"Hi Ian,
"I purchased my water filter from you. I have been fighting colorectal cancer since 2001 it metastasised to my lungs. which I cleared in 2005. It then went to my brain. I had five brain tumours last year the last one was in October. I now have it in the liver and in the lungs again as well as spots in my hips and left shoulder. I have chemo every fortnight. I am going really well. No-one would ever guess what I have been through.
I am very acid although I try to do every thing I can. I eat really well. We have a restaurant so I select quality meals that are based on fighting cancer. I take Usana vitamins. I go to water aerobics twice a week, walk 1/2 hour a day, pracice yoga and mediate daily. I sleep really well and pace myself. Can you assist me with anything I may have missed?
Regards 'Joan'
Ian: Joan, I can't think of a thing more you can do. I think you are an amazing, inspiring, powerful human being!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Valerie's pH Miracle
Now here's a wonderful story by a lady who used both alkalizing and coco oil to affect major changes in her health reality. Here's the story.
Waste Water Wipes Out Town
It was not until after an epidemic of gastrointestinal illness was reported that authorities found an open valve allowing about 400,000 liters (105,668 gallons) of treated wastewater from the Nokia (The town, not the phone!) Sewage Treatment Plant into the public water supply.
Residents first began experiencing stomach ailments on November 28. The open valve — left open by human error, according to Nokia (The town, not the phone!) Mayor Markku Rahikkala — was closed November 30.
According to NewsRoom Finland, the bacteria count in the water “exceeded safe levels several-hundred-fold.”
More than 1,000 people may have been infected, and about 140 were treated at the local hospital. Forty people remained hospitalized, YLE reported.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Cancer Research; A Comment
I LOVE my Readers!
I was glad that you put the link, I went to Wobensym site and copied everything, to read later, and then from there to the suppliers of Wobenzyme. Because I have tinnitus since I was a kid, around 11 or 12 years old. I remember when I want to year 8 high school and feeling uncomfortable from that year, which I now understand came from the damned tinnitus, I mean, it's so embarrassing asking someone to repeat themselves and because I'm deaf and also because of the hidden Tinnitus blaring away, so I had a hard time.
Everyone thought I was slow. Really pisses me off. No one ever believed that I had tinnitus. I damaged the cilia from listening to too much KISS Unmasked tape. I love the band, but I don't love them for stuffing up my hearing.
(It was Midnight Oil for me, Alex!.. Ian)
Classical music just makes it worse. So only silence, and after years of trial and error, complete rest and good sleep helps to dampens the tinnitus. But after an hour after waking, the tinnitus just grows and grows, fueled by accidental sounds. Like a vicious cycle of hell.
Now I am glad of the link to Wobenzym. I'm very happy, I put it on the list. I just bought Vita-Mix Super TNC from Total Nutrition Centre, Australian version of US's VIta-Mix, where they agreed to hold their offer for four weeks so I can save up. This week or next week they'll send it over, and I'm gonna buy a lot of greens to make green smoothies, finally. With Alkaline water, the green revolution that I wanted is starting to happens. Next to get is the OraMD (just one bottle) and after that, the Wobenzyme 800 tablets, just in case I might needs some. After that, the shower Atopia, maybe the hose, and some filters. Yeah, I'll have to save for the Alphion filter as well. After that, Val Archer's stuff; the Excalibur Dehydrator, Sprouter kits and parts, and the hydroponic vegies. Oh well, lots of saving and patience ahead, good discipline. I achieved Alphion, now Vita-Mix, I can achieve everything else. I didn't really need the stoopid "get-rich-quick" scheme on the 'net to get the stuff I needed. Just saving up to 90 percent a fortnight is all I need to do, as fast as I can. No worries. I am looking forward to what Wobenzyme will do for my tinnitus, kick it out of my head for good. It will be fantastic to hear and not have the sound repeat itself like a echo following me around like a fart in a spacesuit! Eh. No worries,
Happy Alkalarian Christmas,
Ian: Alex, my Tinnitus hasn't improved yet, but I am enjoying some Gluten laden treats.
Depression and Bone Loss
Be happy, dammit!
If your dentist treats you like a sex object, this is the reason!

Japan has created a dummy for training dentists. Its lifelike responses are rather er... disturbing to me. Check the video for the sound effects.
Amway Reality Check
The full report is here, but I've added some of the statistics pulled from the court, below.
39,000 agents work for Amway
27,000 (71%) had no income
11,410 (30%) earned 'something'
7,492 (of the 11,410) received an average of £13.53 per year
101 agents received 75 per cent of bonuses
£116K was paid to top earner Trevor Lowe
Mr Lowe was an agent for 26 years!
Ian: Amazing, just amazing!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bottled water for pets???
Try your hand at hip replacement.. now.
.. and when you are finished... try an open heart surgery! Here