Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Changing effect of Alkalizing

Every now and then I receive an email like this:

"I've been on the water and alkalizing for about six months. It's been amazing. Full of energy, great effects. Now all of a sudden I am down on energy. Has the water stopped working, or what?"

The simple fact is that the water doesn't 'heal' anyone. It simply provides the necessary haelth-supporting form of water to help us to heal ourselves. It also doesn't 'stop working, unless the alkalizer really has broken down!

But there's more to this question. After almost seven years of listening to thousands of people talking about their health issues I can make some broad generalisations:

1. We all have 'dis-ease'. Some of us have developed ways to hide it better than others.
2. Many 'dis-eases' are 'doing what comes naturally' even though we don't even know it.
3. Heightened states of health or balance often expose these underlying 'dis-eases'.

In my own case, I never had any inkling that I was gluten intolerant. I would, however, get a bad back every six months to the point where I could hardly walk. The latest whizzkid massage therapist or chiropractor would be rushed for a 'fix' and it would go away for another six months.

Now I am gluten free, my back is better than it's ever been.

So it's a reasonable assumption in my case that the rebalancing of my pH allowed me to more readily 'read' what was happening to my body. My health or body consciousness grew. My body reconnected with my mind.

This has been the experience of everyone on staff here at ION LIFE in various ways and it's interesting to consider the possibility that a 'dis-ease unknown' may be far more damaging than a 'dis-ease' known.

It's a bit like life. If we work through our conflicts as they appear, we maintain a peaceful state of mind. If we bury them, deny them or try to 're-frame' them, then they become part of our accumulated body chemisty/electricity. The simple retention of conflict damages us as long as we choose to hold on to it rather than deal with it.

We see this in many 'unconscious' shoppers at the supermarket. We see the food they eat, look at their bodies and their demeanor and we just know that they are carrying toxic thoughts, attitudes and chemicals. We also know that statistically they will be the ones to fall in a heap when the accumulation of 'dis-ease' overwhelms their defensive unconsciousness.

I do have a test for people who think the water may not be working. Go back to ordinary water for a fortnight. You'll soon find out what your body 'thinks' about water!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ian,
The people that lost their energy after 6 month of drinking lots of water, they most likely have not sufficient salt in their system . The book Many cries for water, talks about the need for salt.
Just recently I found ..Himalayan rock salt on the internet and it gives a very good way how to use salt for your health and hydration.
I have now for the last 2 weeks taken i teaspoon of brine in my fist glass of water in the morning,
and I feel still beter than before
Love your letters,