Monday, September 13, 2010

So.. weight loss is bad.. because....

A new study of 100 Americans suggests, probably correctly, that weight loss can be dangerous because it releases the toxins stored in fat. This correlates with our thinking about acids stored in fats as a protective measure by an over acidified body, but the conclusion the study comes to is well.. unusual. It says that because slimming will get rid of the fat, and as the fat reduces the toxins are released, then slimming is bad and keeping the toxins in the body is better. Boy. Reminds me of the people laying on their couches in that wonderful film, Wall-e about the last robot. They were all so fat and had exhausted all of the earth's resources, dumping the used junk in massive and endless heaps, that they had to leave earth in search of another world to consume. 

But add this 'attitude to a second report that finds that 30% of Americans don't even KNOW they are fat.. and I think you might agree that we have a problem of perception.

Am I the only one who thinks a bit of detox is preferable to walking around carrying a hundred pounds of dead weight?

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