Friday, July 30, 2010

Chrissie Evans and her globetrotting AlkaPod

Christine Evans is a girl that gets around. As a performance coach she works worldwide.. and along with her now, wherever she goes, is her AlkaPod Portable water ionizer. She just dropped us an email:

" I was excited to have the Alkapod. Of course I wasn't using it enough at the beginning of this month. I was travelling, on several planes, and switching continents- all times when the alkapod is convenient. I admit is seemed a bit heavy and slow-the alkapod only does about 400ml of water at one time.

Even when I moved into my NYC apartment, I was still racing between training and work, and just using the Alkapod once a day or skipping a day. I was inspired to try it after having a benchtop alkaline system last year and being surprised by some very noticeable health benefits! I am also an athlete, so hydration is important. Many endurance athletes have learned to manipulate their carbs, protein, electrolytes at optimal times and digestion. Why not water?!! I just had too much on my plate!

But I couldn't ignore that the Alkapod's water is incredibly smooth. If you've ever had sinus issues, strep or allergies - when swallowing is not easy - this water slips down, even when you have to use chlorinated tap water. Its silkiness is comforting.

And I kept finding I was drinking more of it. Sometimes after training, it's not easy to keep sipping typical water...but it was easy to drink my Alkapod's water. Studies show that athletes drink far more adequately when their water is sweetened or flavored...I was having the same effect with my Alkapod, and no flavoring needed.

I asked the company about the minerals added, in case this easier hydration was due to minerals, just like bottled mineral water. I still have to find out more. However, the simple answer is that the water undergoes a molecular change from interaction with the minerals in AlkaPod's filter and this gives that clearly different taste and consistency. 

I know, it's only water! But if you're an athlete or someone interested in health or fine food, you will know what I am talking about.
I did feel more hydrated---the water seemed to go further.

I have known for years that a top quality protein which is highly hydrolyzed will have an effect on my body in under 14 days. The digestion aspect is crucial. The typical protein on a store shelf doesn't do it. Likewise, this alkapod water was going down easily and I just felt good with it after training.
Without thinking, I naturally started using the alkapod for my night water and water I take to training- only 1-1.5 liters of my daily drinking water. In my no-spare-time New York lifestyle, I'm motivated to wait the 10minutes for each glass my allkapod makes---therefore it's definitely different. At the moment, I can't report any specific health revelations. There's often much hype about water products so I'm quite happy, at the moment, just to let you know that my alkapod's water tastes fantastic and yes, it seems to be incredibly hydrating."

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