Friday, August 14, 2009

Say goodbye to dentists.. and hello to stemcell technicians.

Yes, they've done it! A fully formed replacement tooth from stem cells. And here's the pic to prove it.
In fact it's "the first fully functioning 3D organ derived from stem cells, described in PNAS as "a successful fully functioning tooth replacement in an adult mouse achieved through the transplantation of bioengineered tooth germ into the alveolar bone in the lost tooth region."

The Wall St Journal says;
"Researchers used stem cells to grow a replacement tooth for an adult mouse, the first time scientists have developed a fully functioning three-dimensional organ replacement, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers at the Tokyo University of Science created a set of cells that contained genetic instructions to build a tooth, and then implanted this "tooth germ" into the mouse's empty tooth socket. The tooth grew out of the socket and through the gums, as a natural tooth would. Once the engineered tooth matured, after 11 weeks, it had a similar shape, hardness and response to pain or stress as a natural tooth, and worked equally well for chewing. The researchers suggested that using similar techniques in humans could restore function to patients with organ failure."

Now... how can I cancel that appointment with my local fangpuller?

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